Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Reopening the economy 😂😂😂 we got 800 people dying in New York once the weather gets nice that social distancing **** in New York ain’t gonna work
I feel like once everything starts to open it's not going to be the same
There will definitely be fewer people going to certain events
Places like movie theaters and concerts will suffer the most
I feel like once everything starts to open it's not going to be the same
There will definitely be fewer people going to certain events
Places like movie theaters and concerts will suffer the most

Yeah, I've been going to the movies a lot the past couple of years. This year, prior to the Quarantine, I went four times. But if the virus is in decline in the coming months, I still won't be comfortable going to the movies or taking mass transit.
Lol, relax bro. I didn't say anything about Bernie. Just reported he dropped out and our chances with Biden aren't good. Calm down.
Our chances with Biden are better than our chances with a dude who's supporters don't go out and...support.

My point obviously went above your head.
NY is most likely doing this to give the general public a REALISTIC PERSPECTIVE on the numbers, that NY's "curve" hasn't flatten yet as much like most of the media reports are starting to say

Yup I dont believe it has flatten at all. And what I do think is going to happen is that they are gonna tell us sometime in May to go back to work and good luck.
I definitely knew something was going on late last year. The government would have more info about this **** than the regular citizen. I remember thinking that the Flushing and Chinatown Lunar New Year parades should have been cancelled on account of this thing spreading, and that was late January. The US should have acted sooner. Trump especially with his numbers obsession and his narcissistic rallies wasn't going to get the ball rolling.

exacto. THEY SHUT DOWN CHINA...like ¨Made In China¨ China. shut it down. totally. MONTHS AGO. shut it.

if 1/7th of humanity being under epidemic lockdown doesn´t sound the alarm in your head, it´s broken.

**** that, if I, Joe Jerkoff, knew it was going to be bad by end of January, so did the GOT DAMN PRESIDENT.

cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 doing great work. Thank you and please keep us updated on the latest :smokin

My people should’ve kicked these geezers off but I guess they don’t want to push money away.
ain´t **** else to do. :lol:

...and I think you´ll enjoy this quick update on Puerto Vallarta´s two favorite visitors:

In a video that reporter Doraliz Terrón published through Twitter, images were shown of several tourists at Los Muertos Beach in Puerto Vallarta.

However, the journalist was assaulted by [humanoids later identified by locals as Terry Redue and Guy Carey (my addition)].

“You can’t film us, get out of here,” the man yelled at the woman as he slapped away the phone she was recording with. The foreigner went on to verbally assault the reporter and screamed at her to ‘**** off’ and calling her a ‘stupid *****’ while insisting they wanted money from her for using them in her video, asking ‘how much are you going to pay us for this?’

I do not believe they are welcome in town any longer.
Our chances with Biden are better than our chances with a dude who's supporters don't go out and...support.

My point obviously went above your head.
It didn't go over my head my dude. Your sarcasm implied I thought our chances with Bernie were better. I never said they were.
Yeah because Bernie has such a dependable voter base that come out in droves to vote for him.
Our chances with Biden are better than our chances with a dude who's supporters don't go out and...support.

My point obviously went above your head.

Biden's supporters got out? He was running third heading in to Super Tuesday before Buttegeig, Steyer and Klobuchar dropped out to make sure he got most of their supporters.

Dude didn't even have money.

That extra $600 kicker isn't going to give much incentive for the unemployed to jump back into the workforce right away. With CA's $450 max unemployment benefit, plus the $600 fed, that's $1,050 or $26.25 an hour for a 40 hour work week. Pretty decent when you have the option of staying home/safe and making over a grand v.s. risking your health even if you can make slightly more.
It was widely available in November?

Maybe in March.

Trump has known about it since last November and downplayed it until he couldn't anymore.
I'm not denying that, but mny of the eleted officials on both sides of the spectrum were aware and did not act soon enough, China had Patient 0 November 17th, so give or take the rest of the world found out mid-November to Early December. Most of the world did not take this very seriously. As it began to spread, is when the U.S sent supplies to China along with an offer to send in Doctors and Scientists. China took the supplies and rejected the outside help. It is only when it got worse is when they then started accepting the outside help. As the situation became worse and this information reached state level, many still did not take it seriously and only made decisions to make "people happy". Now that the horse has gone through the gate is when they all want to act.

I'm not denying that, but mny of the eleted officials on both sides of the spectrum were aware and did not act soon enough, China had Patient 0 November 17th, so give or take the rest of the world found out mid-November to Early December. Most of the world did not take this very seriously. As it began to spread, is when the U.S sent supplies to China along with an offer to send in Doctors and Scientists. China took the supplies and rejected the outside help. It is only when it got worse is when they then started accepting the outside help. As the situation became worse and this information reached state level, many still did not take it seriously and only made decisions to make "people happy". Now that the horse has gone through the gate is when they all want to act.

For most of January and February, most Americans did not consider it a threat, no different than SARS or MERS. It wasn't until the cruise ship cases with Americans onboard started being a problem and making headlines did people begin to wake up. It did not help having Trump downplay the situation being "under control" but there were also many medical professionals saying it was "just a flu" and that the media was hyping it too much. I was trying to warn my family and friends in February and they all thought I was overreacting. My wife was trying to make spring break and summer vacation plans back in January and I told her no because I saw what was coming. She wasn't too happy with me at the time...
That extra $600 kicker isn't going to give much incentive for the unemployed to jump back into the workforce right away. With CA's $450 max unemployment benefit, plus the $600 fed, that's $1,050 or $26.25 an hour for a 40 hour work week. Pretty decent when you have the option of staying home/safe and making over a grand v.s. risking your health even if you can make slightly more.

MATH :pimp:
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