Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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i mentioned this a while ago in this thread but I tried giving myself a fade while on a trip in Italy last year...that was a disaster and I had to wear a hat for the remainder of the trip lol. So definitely not doing that again.

instead I give myself a low taper/ Brooklyn blowout, it’s much easier to do. Only thing that’s tricky for me is cutting on the neck
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damn bros, im hella curious to see how America transitions to the new "normal" lol

1. although all the efforts of the some of the smartest people in the world are on creating a vaccine, the best case will be sometime early NEXT summer (typically takes 5-10 years to create a vaccine). what if that doesn't happen lol?
2. the economy is hurting
3. there's no way in hell people can/will be in their house for that much longer
4. early reports states that anti-body tests has showed only roughly ~5% of the population might have gotten this
5. there isn't definite proof whether one can get reinfected (although other coronaviruses, reinfection is not an issue iirc)
6. elections are coming up

just sucks that dumbass Donald Trump is our President during such as important time (who tf voted this guy in :lol: :frown:)
trump is def going to do that. u know nothing about my president-elect
stock market going up by the minute
red states already doing it
Trump isn't going to do that.

It would hurt the stock market by not showing confidence.

And these red states aren't going to do it.
I need to find a flowbee on the low so I don’t screw up my self haircut...

so do you think it's going be a federal law requiring to do so?

Maybe not Federal law though it is possible
I believe local state governments might make that into law if states open up and the case number balloon again.
As with more and more testing the numbers will go up.

I hate wearing a mask but I'm willing to do so when I go out.

But when the weather gets really hot its going to be hell wearing a mask

Don't forget this disease isn't going anywhere anytime soon
Maybe not federal but maybe by each state
Like i'm sure all stores are still gonna require masks
Like what are the schools gonna do when they reopen?
They can't really social distance in schools
I'm thinking they are gonna require all students to wear masks when they reopen

You bring up good points about schools
I would think the school days from students 1-12 would be extended for allowing less kids in classes at a time whenever the school's will reopen in different parts of the country.
my wife dug everything out of two of our closets and we were laughing at how much toilet paper we actually got. whenever i went shopping, i’d grab some if they had it. now we got a pile of all different brands. despite that, we got the co.jp toilet seat and i finally installed it today. don’t really need a heated seat in hawaii but oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️
Another thing I don't think anybody brought up what's going to happen with mosquitoes
I could see the mosquitoes transferring the coronavirus from person to person with the summer coming up.

Also from what I understand California has been very warm in the past 2 days.
I said "she will be used as a prop," which is what Trump tends to do as part of his gotcha games with the media and Democrats.

This is from your article:

The Trump administration is trying to find any voice of authority that would give credence to their claims about hydroxychloroquine despite the fact that multiple studies testing the efficacy of the drug have failed to prove that it works on COVID-19. I don't know why the Democratic party should support the propagation of misinformation, regardless of where it's coming from. I don't see how the actions of the governor are inappropriate.

Glad you at least clicked the link and read the beginning paragraph. Hopefully you continued and saw her quotes and the final section. You’re quick to question the actions of one Authority but not another. That was the interesting part for me. That’s all. I’m just not feeling the over the top reactions for her conduct.
Danish story about empty streets in NYC.

You guys ask me, what I think about masks? LOOKIT HIS FINGERS!!!

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