Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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“But his appointment never happened. Because of the pandemic, California hospitals were prohibited from performing elective procedures...”

Prelim for double lung transplant shouldn’t have been postponed.
Yeah makes no sense why they cancelled life-saving "elective" procedures. Sure, we can put off liposuction, but this makes no sense. I could see it as being a stop-gap measure in a hospital system at risk of being overwhelmed, or if there's concern about a covid-19 infection for an immunocompromised patient, but that should be weighed into the treatment decision, not used to stop all elective procedures.
Man just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you're intelligent, have access to research or know how to disseminate information. Look how many racist doctors there are.
I'm just tired of seeing this (especially in the cesspool known as facebook) where someone finds an article or video by a self-proclaimed "expert" to confirm whatever story or narrative they want to believe.

Being at a university doesn't make you "a world-renowned expert" on statistics or epidemiology, being a doctor doesn't make you an expert on immunology, etc. Even among the real experts there's often back-and-forth and a lack of consensus. People trying to ignore the words of a true expert on this pandemic, someone like Dr. Fauci, because some TV personality with a psych doctorate like Dr. Phil says otherwise.

It's why we got a reality TV show president who is making **** up as he goes.
to you, what makes a person intelligent?
I know the question wasn't directed at me but it takes a lot of time and work to even be at a position to judge intelligence properly. So it's fair that most Americans can't really tell apart a fraud from an expert when they're sitting on their couch getting news from CNN or Fox or Huffpost or some right-wing outlet or some bloggers or some tweeters who they think sound smart.
I know the question wasn't directed at me but it takes a lot of time and work to even be at a position to judge intelligence properly. So it's fair that most Americans can't really tell apart a fraud from an expert when they're sitting on their couch getting news from CNN or Fox or Huffpost or some right-wing outlet or some bloggers or some tweeters who they think sound smart.

exact reason why i always ask people when i hear someone judge another person's intelligence.
There has been some speculation there will be meat shortages in the coming weeks due to meat packing plant closures so my guess is people are going out and purchasing a **** load of meat. I haven't been able to buy chicken in like 3 weeks

Man I went to like 4 different stores searching for wings and jerk marinade after putting together my new grill... couldn't find either. :frown:
New Zealand pretty much eradicated covid19. Just to show discipline works.

Extremely strict policies though
- police monitoring everywhere
- only allowed to be out around your property for a short time per day for exercise
- limited time to be out to gather essentials per day

but Sweden!!! (the new version of "but her emails")

exact reason why i always ask people when i hear someone judge another person's intelligence.
The wisdom to know you don't know everything and not present something without being thorough, and to delegate. I also don't count you intelligent if you suffer from hive mind thinking like racism, your logic is limited.
I think we're talking about intelligence at a few different levels here. One is specific knowledge (or narrowly focused), which most doctors do possess. Another would be more general and involves the ability to think about data and models, which is what I was referring to. A third level that is about being able to think in terms of systems and also independently (and in some ways relates to emotional intelligence, but in a broad sense; "wisdom" is a good way to put it, or humility and perspective), a failure of which is exemplified by racism.
The wisdom to know you don't know everything and not present something without being thorough, and to delegate. I also don't count you intelligent if you suffer from hive mind thinking like racism, your logic is limited.

what do you think the differences are between a person who's wise and a person's who's intelligent? i'm asking because i think you are talking about a person who is wise.
but Sweden!!! (the new version of "but her emails")

I think we're talking about intelligence at a few different levels here. One is specific knowledge (or narrowly focused), which most doctors do possess. Another would be more general and involves the ability to think about data and models, which is what I was referring to. A third level that is about being able to think in terms of systems and also independently (and in some ways relates to emotional intelligence, but in a broad sense), a failure of which is exemplified by racism.
I agree, but it's a deeper conversation than I want to have here or that people want to accept. I'm not even sure why cable news was worked in there, seems like personal agendas to prop up their own intelligence instead of an objective conversation. I'll pass.
Sheesh 402 deaths in New Jersey 335 in New York still about 950 people in New York going to the hospital every day
There are different kinds of intelligence. Being a doctor only semi-guarantees you're intelligent in one thing (whatever specialty the doctor is practicing in). I say semi-guarantees cuz I've witnessed doctors who are bad at their job.

But let's say the doctor is good at his or her job. It just means they're good at their job. Doesn't necessarily mean their intelligence in the field they're practicing in will translate to all aspects of their life or even medicine outside of their speciality lol.
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