Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Gnarly snowball effect - I think is the best way to describe what I’m watching here.

A lot of people are easily influenced. Yes I do believe the virus is real and may be a threat -and is real. And, yes precautions should be taken.

I just don’t understand the hysteria. It been written and shown to us time and time again that coming future will be something along this vein.

Even though “they” want you to hyper focus on this one thing. While some of us are dwelling in fear, doubt, and panic all have ginormous side effects on Us mentally and physical, we should all know, this all will work out.
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If you had to pick between a 0.1% chance of dying or a 3.5% chance of dying which would you rather choose?
To be fair that 3.5 % is supposed to come down if more people with mild symptoms are tested positive with the virus. The percentage is probably skewed because only people with moderate to severe symptoms are coming in to get tested.

That 3.5% is high, I believe that's Spanish flu territory and would end up killing tens of millions if it becomes prevalent like the flu
Honestly at this point in time if it's gonna happen to me just let it happen already. The symptoms are mild for the vast majority of cases, and maybe then my body will create antibodies to fight it.

Still not scared, and you shouldn't be scared for yourself either if you're a healthy individual.
To be fair that 3.5 % is supposed to come down if more people with mild symptoms are tested positive with the virus. The percentage is probably skewed because only people with moderate to severe symptoms are coming in to get tested.

That 3.5% is high, I believe that's Spanish flu territory and would end up killing tens of millions if it becomes prevalent like the flu

I do agree that figure is high due to untested with mild symptoms, but Italy has a reasonably advanced medical system and their death rate is even much higher than that, partly due to their aging population, but also due to the fact that their hospitals are already overwhelmed with critical patients and they are unable to provide the critical care that many (who would otherwise survive) need. If the US continues to follow Italy’s model of pretending it’s just a flu then we will be in the same situation.
Gnarly snowball effect - I think is the best way to describe what I’m watching here.

A lot of people are easily influenced. Yes I do believe the virus is real and may be a threat -and is real. And, yes precautions should be taken.

I just don’t understand the hysteria. It been written and shown to us time and time again that coming future will be something along this vein.

Even though “they” want you to hyper focus on this one thing. While some of us are dwelling in fear, doubt, and panic all have ginormous side effects on Us mentally and physical, we all know, this all will work out.

If you're young (under 50), and in good to moderate health...you're good.

But, if you're ELDERLY in any health condition...COVID-19 is target locked like a sniper. Every data point in ALL countries & Cruise Ships verify this....this is the scary part.

*still can't find any Deaths of someone in moderate to good health under age 50 dying from this....thought there was a guy in Germany or UK who died but can't find that data.
I do agree that figure is high due to untested with mild symptoms, but Italy has a reasonably advanced medical system and their death rate is even much higher than that, partly due to their aging population, but also due to the fact that their hospitals are already overwhelmed with critical patients and they are unable to provide the critical care that many (who would otherwise survive) need. If the US continues to follow Italy’s model of pretending it’s just a flu then we will be in the same situation.
It sounds like it's even less severe than the flu for the majority of people that have it.

The media has done an awesome job at making a lot of people unnecessarily lose their collective **** though. My best friend's older brother decided to go to the ER the other day because he was congested/had a runny nose. They (rightfully) told him to **** off and go home. :lol:
Yea I don't like the 'it's just the flu' spiel either. At least the flu has a vaccine and antivirals available that can target it

I also don't like that the coronavirus is apparently a lower respiratory disease (as opposed to the flu which is an upper respiratory disease)... Probably makes it worse for those who already have respiratory issues
In all fairness, Tamiflu isn't the greatest medication either. It helps with the symptoms to an extent, but comes with a host of nasty side effects to the point where people stop taking it because they'd rather have the flu symptoms than diet flu symptoms with crazy GI symptoms.

Also, if you have the flu you KNOW you have the flu because you're down for the count. You can walk around with the coronavirus and not think much of it in most instances. If we're comparing typical disease courses, I'd rather have coronavirus.
Just wait til we hit peak curve here and everyone is affected by this either directly or through someone they know. When hospitals reach capacity.
Even though young healthy people aren't dying from this who the hell wants to be laid up for days or weeks with fever and needle peircing pain in their lungs?

Some people are the living incarnation of that dog in the burning house meme.
Some accounts I'm reading from those who recovered from the coronavirus : 'I felt like something is sitting on my chest' 'I felt like there were spikes in my chest (and this was after he was recovered and discharged) ' I don't think people are walking around with coronavirus if they got it bad lol

I think I can survive the coronavirus, but I don't think it'd be pleasant. Probably would rather deal with the flu' s muscle aches then the respiratory symptoms of the coronavirus (given that it's a lower respiratory disease). I'm already predisposed to shortness of breath due to history of asthma
The point here is even though younger people aren't at risk for corona, it is still affecting the elderly big time. We shouldn't write off this virus because it doesn't affect you as much as the flu. You can still be a asymptomatic carrier and still have a major impact on spreading a virus that can potentially wipe out your parents and grand parents
Honestly at this point in time if it's gonna happen to me just let it happen already. The symptoms are mild for the vast majority of cases, and maybe then my body will create antibodies to fight it.

Still not scared, and you shouldn't be scared for yourself either if you're a healthy individual.

A lot of people have elderly family members that are more susceptible to falling ill and/or potentially die from this. Sure if you have young and healthy you shouldn't be that worried however what if you pass it on to family members or friends / loved ones? Covid-19 is extremely contagious and there's no known vaccine or remedy to cure yourself. We done fully know what "recovered" means. I'm not trying to convince you to feel any type of way. I just don't see the reasoning behind the individual scale when this is of global concern.
The point here is even though younger people aren't at risk for corona, it is still affecting the elderly big time. We shouldn't write off this virus because it doesn't affect you as much as the flu. You can still be a asymptomatic carrier and still have a major impact on spreading a virus that can potentially wipe out your parents and grand parents
This is the absolute MAIN reason why I don't want to contract the virus. Not because I think I'll die, but I don't want to be responsible for putting my parents in the icu, or killing them.
Image result for i volunteer as tribute gif

just keep stay away from my gma, mom and nephews

inject me like they did them doctors/nurses in china as sign of my dedication
A lot of people have elderly family members that are more susceptible to falling ill and/or potentially die from this. Sure if you have young and healthy you shouldn't be that worried however what if you pass it on to family members or friends / loved ones? Covid-19 is extremely contagious and there's no known vaccine or remedy to cure yourself. We done fully know what "recovered" means. I'm not trying to convince you to feel any type of way. I just don't see the reasoning behind the individual scale when this is of global concern.
Plain and simple answer Selfishness. People only think about themselves. Individualistic society we live in especially here in the states.
Agree with you we are past the point of "this won't affect me too much, I'll survive". It's now about containing this thing but people don't get that concept. It's not about you catching it it's about you spreading it.
In all fairness, Tamiflu isn't the greatest medication either. It helps with the symptoms to an extent, but comes with a host of nasty side effects to the point where people stop taking it because they'd rather have the flu symptoms than diet flu symptoms with crazy GI symptoms.

Also, if you have the flu you KNOW you have the flu because you're down for the count. You can walk around with the coronavirus and not think much of it in most instances. If we're comparing typical disease courses, I'd rather have coronavirus.
You must not have any older family members you care about...
Plain and simple answer Selfishness. People only think about themselves. Individualistic society we live in especially here in the states.
Agree with you we are past the point of "this won't affect me too much, I'll survive". It's now about containing this thing but people don't get that concept. It's not about you catching it it's about you spreading it.
Dawg spare me with this "selfishness" talk. I work in direct patient care at a hospital. I expose myself to MRSA, C. Diff, flu, RSV, and a host of other drug-resistant bacteria on a routine basis because I HAVE to. However, I practice proper precautions and hygiene at all times.

I'm doing what I can to prevent the spread of disease the same way I always have. I'm just not putting a stop on my everyday life because of this.
You must not have any older family members you care about...
Very smart assumption.

If I'm feeling sick, I stay away from people and ask them to stay away from me. I had the flu last month and left work as soon as started feeling ill, wore a mask to the doctor, stayed out of work, and kept away from people until I started feeling better. It's common ******* sense.
Very smart assumption.

If I'm feeling sick, I stay away from people and ask them to stay away from me. I had the flu last month and left work as soon as started feeling ill, wore a mask to the doctor, stayed out of work, and kept away from people until I started feeling better. It's common ****ing sense.

Yeah, your approach makes total “common sense” because you can’t be asymptotic and spread it...
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