High Schoolers going to College Appreciation- Vol. Where Jonathan Bender at?

. I think there should be some sort of a 3 year college basketball agreement. This way the players who are ready to go pro, will have proved themselves worthy of all the money coming at the. And I believe a 3 years in a college system works best for their game.
ok but what if they do so well like Durant and Beasley that they are projected as one of the top 2 picks, but have to go back to school, end upgetting hurt and blowing it all? Look waht happend to Matt Leinart.....lost milllllliooonss by going back to school....dumb idea
Originally Posted by commodity05

. I think there should be some sort of a 3 year college basketball agreement. This way the players who are ready to go pro, will have proved themselves worthy of all the money coming at the. And I believe a 3 years in a college system works best for their game.
ok but what if they do so well like Durant and Beasley that they are projected as one of the top 2 picks, but have to go back to school, end up ge3tting hurt and blowing it all? Look waht happend to Matt Leinart.....lost milllllliooonss by going back to school....dumb idea

They won't be projected as top 2 picks if the rule is in place. Writers would look elsewhere for players to crown as for sure top 2 picks. I'm withFanatic15 on this one, though I think it should be 2 years at the minimum.
You have one side of the argumentthat says these kids need to go jump at the opportunity if the opportunity presents itself. Honestly, it's tough. These kids are kind of put in a toughsituation. Some players come from really bad situations like Monta Ellis. He's from a really bad neighborhood in Mississippi and he had to get out beforehe got consumed by the violence that consumed his older brother. And there were talks of his older brother being even better than Monta... just sad of thinkingwhat could have been.

Then you have the other side of the argument that says they need some maturing to do in college. Guys like Darius Miles and think of what if they went tocollege... how would it benefit them now? Darius isn't doing much these days other than jumping over obstacles in bars.
Originally Posted by hugebird

The NBA has the best teachers and best facilities to improve in the world. If the HS players that failed couldn't improve under the tutelage of professionals, why is it expected that they would have improved by going to school?

Practice doesn't equal in-game. Yes, you can practice all the situational stuff all you want, but if that'll translate to in-game, we'll justhave to wait and see.
Originally Posted by commodity05

. I think there should be some sort of a 3 year college basketball agreement. This way the players who are ready to go pro, will have proved themselves worthy of all the money coming at the. And I believe a 3 years in a college system works best for their game.
ok but what if they do so well like Durant and Beasley that they are projected as one of the top 2 picks, but have to go back to school, end up getting hurt and blowing it all? Look waht happend to Matt Leinart.....lost milllllliooonss by going back to school....dumb idea

Thats just something that happens. You can't compromise the integrity of the game just cause your trying to protect some poor kid who wants to enterthe league just to make millions. I just don't think you deserved to get paid if you got hurt. Thats just something that has happened. No oen shoudl draftjust by potential alone, its too much of a risk, and most often than not the player turns out to be a bust.

Now you'll have you exceptions like Kobe and KG, but those are just a hand full of players who are seen. With every T-mac and Kobe you have 20 playerswho failed, and now have no future.

You need to protect not only the NBA, but the kids as well. Preparing them for the game of basketball, and hopefully getting some sort of education. Mindyou they are all "student athletes".

I think the NFL has the best system right now, even if you didn't come out of school after 3 years you still need to be 3 years removed from HS todevelop yourself as an athlete.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by commodity05

. I think there should be some sort of a 3 year college basketball agreement. This way the players who are ready to go pro, will have proved themselves worthy of all the money coming at the. And I believe a 3 years in a college system works best for their game.
ok but what if they do so well like Durant and Beasley that they are projected as one of the top 2 picks, but have to go back to school, end up getting hurt and blowing it all? Look waht happend to Matt Leinart.....lost milllllliooonss by going back to school....dumb idea

With every T-mac and Kobe you have 20 players who failed

No you don't....where are you getting your numbers from. Someone already put up EVERY HS player that entered the draft and there were more that arestill playing than those who aren't
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^^theres also many who never got drafted.

/\ not really

There is a handful who actually didn't get drafted...and most of them were dudes who didn't have the grades or just didn't wanna go to schoolperiod (i.e. - Lenny Cooke, DeAngelo Collins).
^^ that still holds up. They were promised to get drafted as a lottery pick, and never made it. You just proved my point.
??? What are you talking about? What point did you make that I proved? Neither Lenny Cooke or DeAngelo Collins were promised lottery anything...anyone whofollows the draft will tell you that. What are you talking about...seriously.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

why not? he said if he had went to college he might be a star.
But also might have shown weaknesses, lost out on a sneaker deal and draft position.

I say don't include him because he still is only in his 4th year...and is playing the most difficult position....and he has shown signs of putting it together.

care about their PERSONAL advancement in general and not just on the court...I'm not for it.
That's fair...but what about the kids not as gifted as Durant, Oden, Beasley or the ones who skipped college (KG, Kobe)

the Korleone Youngs, Ebi's of the world....if they went to college, got a better grasp on where they stand with the NBA....they have the option of school....which for them, would have been personal advancement.

On one side, yeah a kid who's family needs money..I side with you....but 1 year it's not gona kill anyone, and it allows them to mature and see things from different perspective, and get better advice.

For some of these kids, the NBA attracts them because they can move their families out of poor neighborhoods where they may be at danger... In one yearmany things can happen...
Originally Posted by rickybadman

If Kobe went to college he would have gone to Duke. Then that means I would hate his guts right now instead of him being my favorite player. So going to college is not always the right move.

Just because he would've went to Duke you would've hated him
(source? I've never heard he was gunna go to Duke)

You hate Elton Brand and Grant Hill?
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Kwame was the #1 pick. No excuse for not going to the NBA. He's lasted in the league and made his millions. A year of college would have dropped him from that top spot.

So you're saying if he went to college, developed his game and was the #5 pick it wouldn't benefit him? He would be such a better player making him even more millions in the future. Also, his goal probably isn't to make millions not caring how good he does.
If Kwame went to college he probably wouldn't even get drafted in the first round. The guy just can't play period, college basketball is notthe magical place where you get good hands and skills. Felipe Lopez went to college for 4 years and all we found out was that he just wasn't that great.
Originally Posted by JPZx

You have a better grasp on what they are capable of doing at the next level so its also helping NBA scouts.
The most crucial part of this is that it benefits the players the most. There have been countless examples of why you shouldn't go the NBA straight from high school.

Who knows? All these players (^) might be stars in this league if they decided to go to college and develop their game rather than make the jump straight to the NBA.
College Basketball as we know today
I really despise this side of the argument becauseit's so misinformed and it's not true. Kwame, Telfair, Bender, Korleone Young, Lenny Cooke vs Kobe, Lebron, Garnett, McGrady, Dwight Howard, AmareStoudemire. I just named off maybe 6 of the 10 best players in the league. So how is coming out of high school bad for players development? There's beengarbage European players drafted, there's garbage college players drafted every year. Does that mean we should stop Euros and college players fromentering the draft? It's almost laughable to me that high schoolers are singled out.
^^but it took some of those guys years to develop...

you can say that about Kobe, Garnett, McGrady...Amare and Dwight are in a different class.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by rickybadman

If Kobe went to college he would have gone to Duke. Then that means I would hate his guts right now instead of him being my favorite player. So going to college is not always the right move.

Just because he would've went to Duke you would've hated him
(source? I've never heard he was gunna go to Duke)

You hate Elton Brand and Grant Hill?

i remember hearing kobe was gonna go to duke in a documentary about him...that's one reason why the lakers wanted to hire coach k a few years back.
Shawn Kemp
Kobe Bryant
Dwight Howard
Monta Ellis
Amare Stoudamire
Kevin Garnett
Jermaine O'neal
Tracy Mcgrady
Stephen Jackson
Rashard Lewis
Al Harrington
Lebron James
Andrew Bynum
Josh Smith
Al Jefferson

I hope you see where I'm going with this.. Why do people AUTOMATICALLY think when you go into college that you come out a much better player... Nothing isguaranteed.. There are plenty of college studs who are not going to step foot into the NBA realm.. But, I bet they made the better choice b/c now they have amajor to fall back on.. I don't really know about that, but it's all personal preference.. IF those High schoolers go into the draft thinking they areit and fall off the face..That's Cool.. It's a choice that they have to live with.. But, I don't see why people are so keen on high schoolers goingto college.. And I'm an avid college basketball fan.. Probably even more so than the NBA..

Dang and look at all the 1 and done players...
There's certain players that had no chance to go straight from high school...and we learned how special they were in college. Example, Scottie Pippen,dude went to the University of Central Arkansas, wasn't highly recruited at all and now he's considered one of the greats to ever play.
I really despise this side of the argument because it's so misinformed and it's not true. Kwame, Telfair, Bender, Korleone Young, Lenny Cooke vs Kobe, Lebron, Garnett, McGrady, Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire. I just named off maybe 6 of the 10 best players in the league. So how is coming out of high school bad for players development? There's been garbage European players drafted, there's garbage college players drafted every year. Does that mean we should stop Euros and college players from entering the draft? It's almost laughable to me that high schoolers are singled out.
How are you gunna put Korleone Young and Lebron James in the same sentence? Sure, some can make the jump, but most failed miserably because thesimply weren't ready for it. This one-year rule could've helped them mature and it could've helped them get better by actually getting a lot ofminutes, whereas in the NBA they could be getting better in practice, but they would be takin a seat on the bench during the game.
I think some of you think that there are more HS players that have entered the draft than it actually is...I need to find that graphic that was posted on herelike 2 years ago. Its not THAT many and all of them had jobs in the NBA except for a SMALL portion of that list.
Now you'll have you exceptions like Kobe and KG, but those are just a hand full of players who are seen. With every T-mac and Kobe you have 20 players who failed, and now have no future.
How exactly do these players who make it to the league and fall out not have a future. when in Fact they have a better future than most collegestudents. People act as if these kids simply can't enroll in college once they get kicked out the NBA. take a guy like Ndudi Ebi, he's currently out ofthe league but should have atleast a million in his name. He can now go to college and focus solely on school and whatever career path he chooses. Had he wentto college he would've payed no attention to school work played basketball for 4 years and potentially lose out on millions of dollars how in the hell doesthat help him.
Like someone stated above, I don't like seeing players getting a top 5 pick by luck because they weren't scouted good enough. The guys that deserve tobe there should be there.

Sure, it was good for them that they got the CHANCE to be there, but did they deserve it? That's a different story.
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