Hilary Goldstein, IGN 360 Editor, Bashes Xbox 360

Jan 30, 2007
Via xbox360.ign.com

In a recent "3 Red Lights" podcast, Hilary Goldstein, editor in chief of IGN X360, completely attacks the Xbox 360 and argues that the PS3 will ultimately win out. He begins his rant at 1 hour 4 minutes into the podcast. Quite insightful and informative for all listeners.

You can listen to the podcast here. Here is a summary of the podcast, for thosewho don't care to sit through it:
* Xbox can't compete and PS3 will win.
* "From a hardware standpoint, MS is in trouble."
* HD-DVD is dead and MS will have to add a BR player or add-on , but that it will always make it a more expensive console b/c even if they do an add-on for $200, why would anyone buy it?
* They even bash the XBL movie download service.
* Sony's 10 year plan is going to make it dominant. People don't want to buy a new console every 4 years.
* The PS3 is going to sell b/c of of BR just by default.
* XBox makes you pay for online and PSN is free.
* PS3 is only going to get more and more attractive with better games long-term.
* PS3 is better value and you can replace the HD with any bigger Hard drive.
* MS is reluctant to offer user-generated content while Sony is embracing it.
* "No way that MS can offer you what Sony gives you" for the money.
* MS needs a redesign of the XBox.
* MS is getting too arrogant.
*360 peripherals more expensive for less functionality (HDD, wireless etc)

Before anybody says anything, he has bash the PS3 in the past in favor of the 360, so that's why this doesn't make any since that he would completelyflipflop, especially since he is the editor over at xbox360.ign.com, what a #@*%** idiot, my dude has lost his mind, he'll be reviewing games now from thepsych ward,
Woah dude sounds pissed, especially since it's his job to "love" the xbox. Yeah he must have just gotten the 3 red lights...
What I admired about Goldstein was that he looked @ both sides of the fence,

Able to compare/contrast pros and cons of both parties without approaching the discussion in a fanboy sense.

Keyword(s): admired / was

In regards to this rant, everything he's saying is true about the 360... but it's outta his nature to act like this.
the only reason i got a ps3 was because the fear of getting the 3ROD on a 360. they need to fix the ASAP before people starting converting permanently.
I think everyone knew from a specs standpoint that the ps3 is a better system. But since its debut the 360 has been better than ps3. I'm happy that i got a360 cuz i'm enjoying it RIGHT NOW. And i know that i wouldn't have had as much fun playing ps3. Eventually (and who knows when eventually will come)the ps3 will surpass it. And when it does I'll cop it. It'll have dropped in price by then too.

Ps3 is more powerful than the 360. Improving psn will be the first step. The other things will fall into place eventually. Like i said before, it's just amatter of when "eventually" comes.
Interesting. Most people who are into Xbox really don't care about this stuff or like Xbox so much that they're willing to deal regardless. I can'tknock them but for my money, it's PS3 ftw.
* Xbox can't compete and PS3 will win.
I don't see how they can't compete... They both make games don't they?
* "From a hardware standpoint, MS is in trouble."
What kind of trouble?
* HD-DVD is dead and MS will have to add a BR player or add-on , but that it will always make it a more expensive console b/c even if they do an add-on for $200, why would anyone buy it?
MS will NEVER release a Blu-ray add-on... They do not support Java, BD supports Java... End of story...
* They even bash the XBL movie download service.
The movie service is better than PSN's movie service...

* Sony's 10 year plan is going to make it dominant. People don't want to buy a new console every 4 years.
No console has been supported for 10 years, so we'll see...
* The PS3 is going to sell b/c of of BR just by default.
The PS3 is a great BD player... When BD players come down in price and are actually as good as the PS3, it will not win with BD by default...
* XBox makes you pay for online and PSN is free.
Duh, OG Xbox and PS2 were no different...
* PS3 is only going to get more and more attractive with better games long-term.
This has been the moto for over a year already...
* PS3 is better value and you can replace the HD with any bigger Hard drive.
This is a nice feature, but anything over 20gb might be overkill, unless you absolutely have to have all of your media available on one machine...Hell you can stream to them now, thus negating a need for a larger HDD... Yes downloading games will take space, but you can always re-download them throughDRM...
* MS is reluctant to offer user-generated content while Sony is embracing it.
Not going to change the way I view games... The PC offers user-generated content, and I don't see people rushing out to buy a PC for thatfeature...
* "No way that MS can offer you what Sony gives you" for the money.
Wifi and BD are good, but you don't need them...
* MS needs a redesign of the XBox.
Why? Because it doesn't resemble a grill?
* MS is getting too arrogant.
I remember a certain Sony saying the next gen doesn't start until PS2 is released...
*360 peripherals more expensive for less functionality (HDD, wireless etc)
ALL peripherals are more expensive... Controllers for each are $50... The hard drives could come down in prices, but the ones packed in with thesystem you chose are more than enough... I do wish the 360 Wifi adapter would come down to about $50 though... Forget the Arcade, no one buys that

Just hand me the check and job now for 360 IGN

I would do way better than this shmuck.
People need to just choose the machine they want and move on. I understand that the COMPANIES are going to compete but, I'm always confused by theattitudes some people have about the opposite consoles. I have both, and I tend to favor one more than the other for specific reasons, but that doesn'tmean I think the other is inferior... Now pardon me while I go perform the towel trick on my 360...
From my experience Sony's hardware is more worse than that of MS.

I know the 360 has the 3RRR or whatever, but you all act like Sony's hardware is that much better...disc read error anyone.

I have a PSP and it can't even read discs properly anymore for some reason and me and my girl combined played it less than 20 times.

I prefer FPS and would get a 360, but it is buggy.

I haven't heard anyone with any complaints as yet for the PS3, but it's still relatively new.

No way am I laying down half a grand for a PS3 to conk out on me after a while.

I'll see what happens though because I need something to keep me occupied when I'm bored.
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