Hillary Clinton on the Attack: Goes at Obama about MLK......vol. shes getting SALTY

May 25, 2003
Hillary getting salty cuz shes taking L's!!

Looks like another L for her tomorrow in New Hampshire, that'll be 0 for 2 for good 'ol Hillary.
Granted, Obama is CLEARLY no MLK..... but you get the idea....

Clinton's point is that Obama is no Martin Luther King Jr. beacause all Obama does is give good speeches but he has nothing to back it up& MLK actually did something. She's saying that Obama really isn't worthy of any type of praise because he hasn't accomplished anything.
That is what I take from this.
She's just going to be attacking Obama all the time now because she's about to be 0 for 2 and Obama has ALL the momentum at this point. Of courseClinton still definitely has a chance.



ABC News Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper
January 07, 2008 9:45 PM

Perhaps hoping to pivot away from her unusual comments criticizing Sen. Barack Obama by comparing him to MartinLuther King Jr., who delivered great speeches, and herself to President Lyndon Johnson, who actually passed civil rights laws. Clintonsaid the following this evening in Salem, N.H.:

"Today Senator Obama used President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to criticize me,"she said, according to ABC News' Eloise Harper. "Basically he compared himself to two of our greatest heroes saying, 'Well, they gave greatspeeches.' President Kennedy was in the Congress for 14 years. He was a war hero. He was a man of great accomplishments and readiness to be president. DrMartin Luther King Jr. led a movement. He was gassed, he was beaten, he was jailed. And he gave a speech that was one of the most beautifully, profoundlyimportant ever delivered in America.

"And then he worked with President Johnson to get the civil rights laws passed because the dreamcouldn't be realize until finally it was legally permissible for people from all colors and backgrounds and races and ethnicities to be accepted ascitizens."
yeah i thought she just came up with that out of the blue but he said it first and she didnt even really say it like that
horrible article title.

hillary will lead like bill so why not get her in office? he was the best president of my time
Originally Posted by NYelectric

What a misleadingly written article.
co-sign, politics are very nasty, and can easily be taken out of context, a good majority of people on here probably aren't even going to readthe article.
Are you guys not seeing that the whole thing she was saying is that Obama is no Martin Luther King Jr. beacause all Obama does is give goodspeeches but he has nothing to back it up & MLK actually did something. She's saying that Obama really isn't worthy of any type of praise becausehe hasn't accomplished anything.

That is what I take from this.

She's just going to be attacking all the time now because she's about to be 0 for 2.
Perhaps hoping to pivot away from her unusual comments criticizing Sen. Barack Obama by comparing him to Martin Luther King Jr., who delivered great speeches, and herself to President Lyndon Johnson, who actually passed civil rights laws.
This writer should be fired.
This is the sad part about politics for me, well one of them. Someone who has never read the article is going to automatically jump to a negative conclusion.people don't even read articles anymore, they just quote the headlines. I don't think her comments make her seem salty at all though.
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