History has to be the most useless major ever (SRS)


Dec 17, 2012
Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.

Without knowing about the past we wouldn't be able to tell where we or other things came from and any events or specific people would be irrelevant, its all quite interesting taking into account how long Earth has been here and how long humans have been here. Just imagine how much we don't know about the human race or the world or even the universe. 



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Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.

The career opportunities depend on where you're planning to work. If you go to Georgetown, you're either going to be a History/Polisci. major, or study law. Same if you go to school near a state capital or major city where you want to get into politics or government planning.



Arts and Crafts


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Peace and Conflict resolution

+ Anything non-STEM

add religion to the list. but i do think that majoring in psych or english is not a bad way to go
You can't possibly hope to know where you're going until you've learned of where you've been.

Besides history helps us to refrain from making the same mistakes twice. 'Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it'
Arts and Crafts
Basket weaving
Peace and Conflict resolution

+ Anything non-STEM

-Economics is Non STEM and very useful to get work.

The problem is that it is hit or miss depending on the school. It has to be quantitative heavy and you got have great grades

-I thought Psychology was a STEM field? And Psychology isn't completely useless. If you get a Masters and have research experience, you job prospects are pretty good. And a lot of Google's "People Analyst" are Psych grads, but have quantitative experience and can code.
Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.

Ignorant comment, however you're using a hashtag so I can't expect much from you...

Take it from a journalism graduate, it's a horrible waste of time & money. Discovered I should've went finance instead with like 20 hrs left. Oh if I could turn back the clock...
Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.

That has got to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen posted here.
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OP showed his age with those comments. No grown man would say history's useless, only a kid would say that :lol:
Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.


Wow that is a stupid statement

The past is very important thing because its our history can tales of the past can help with the future.

Historian is abit of a bad major because journalist and writers can do that job as well. Hell if your a historian you should be a fact checker or a text book writer.
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