Hit and Run Gone Bad

Nov 29, 2006
This had us rolling at work today. This went down last week a couple of streets away from where I live in Chicago. Action picks up at 1:45. Apparently it was a stolen car which was why the dude didin't want to get out after originally hitting the cab. Cab driver wasn't having it :rofl:

Dude smacked like 4 cars, including a police car. Makes me want to lower my deductible lol.
Looks like the last car that was hit was on a test drive. (year sticker is on the windshield)
They total vehicles these days for what seems like minor accidents. That kid probably has 80k in total damages. Hope they throw the book at him/her
I would've blocked that fool in just like gta. Lol, he would've had to plow my car down to get through. Turn my car side ways and laugh at his *** while I snap a pic or video of him to get his liscense plate. People don't think in situations like these
:lol: :wow:

Cab driver lucky he didn't hit or dude didn't crash into the cab
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Had to be some little 14 and half year old wanna be hitta behind the wheel that just stole a car for a joyride. Son only could drive straight. A decent driver could of easily gotten out of that. Sadly everyone there took the L except him. By now he's smoking a blunt listening to cheif keef.
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If they didn't catch him minutes after that video, chances are they never will
I definitely would go after him, it's not like he was going to get far with that kind of driving skills LOL 
:rofl: holy hell, did not expect the ending. Dood gave no *****, and took him way too long to get away
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