Homeless people

Mar 14, 2013
Am I an ahole for giving just pennies to the homeless people instead of giving them all my silver change? My dad gave a homeless person a beer once. What's your thoughts?
I have given homeless ppl alot of things besides money to see how they react.

A cig usually gets a smile
A j gets a grin

I feel for them....
Depends on how in feeling.

A dolla, some change ain't a big deal.

Neither is some food.

I had this one homeless person asking for change and they had on the penny 2s after they just retroed :smh: they got nothing :lol:
I won't give them anything. Sometimes they tell me **** but I don't give no *****. They need to get some damn jobs.
usually give em all my change, bout 5 bucks or so...had this homeless dude one time, I gave him money and he just looked at it and didnt even say thank you, he just proceeded to count it, and i just left 
A lot of them suffer from mental disorders, in particular schizophrenia.  It's tough when they don't take their meds.  I feel for them but at the same time I have kids to take care of.  Some well off homeless guy asked me for a dollar the other day and I told him I'm sorry bro but I got kids to take care of, I'm broke I don't have much money to spare.  I was being honest.
A lot of them suffer from mental disorders, in particular schizophrenia.  It's tough when they don't take their meds.  I feel for them but at the same time I have kids to take care of.  Some well off homeless guy asked me for a dollar the other day and I told him I'm sorry bro but I got kids to take care of, I'm broke I don't have much money to spare.  I was being honest.
I saw a homeless family today, damn
Elderly & mentally/physically disabled, I will spare change.
Young and healthy, they can ******g work for money just like I do.

But, I am not obligated to give money to anyone if I don't want to, and that's hard for some of them to understand. Though, for the most part, I find them to be to be the most humble yet grieve stricken individuals I come across so I give change away on a regular basis. I can't stand people who treat them like vermin.
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I always told myself if I get hard on my luck I'm going to panhandle.  It's tax free money if the IRS don't come after you.  You'd be amazed how many people do spare a dollar here, .25 there.  It all adds up.
When I can I do give up some change/bills. after seeing some guy in some messed up shoes I decided to give away a bunch of my shoes.
Sometimes I'll buy them food if I see the same person regularly on some street corner and/or freeway exit. But mainly if they're old and/or disabled.

If they're young, sorry buddy but you should be utilizing your youth for money.
Last summer I stopped giving all my loose singles to homeless ppl...I felt guilty if I didn't at first...now its if I have a decent amount of cash on me ill give a few dollars away

My bro has a severe mental illness...just watching him go through his struggles placed a soft spot in my heart for those less fortunate than me
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Depends. Anyone who has lived in a city kinda gets desensitized to the homeless. In college in philly id be asked for change about 2 times a day from a homeless person. So i just got used to saying "sorry man dont' have any" or just ignoring them and still walking. Between the homeless and the kids who "need money for their football/basketball team" i just gave nothing to anybody no matter what

bring back the wait period
jk op you cool
but the wait period should come back
no jk.....
^ yes to a certain point but at the end of the day if you can help you should
My  mom always told me to give a homeless person money whenever I had it. That money that I would spend on nonsense could be used to better someones life. I always given them money when they ask even if I only have larger bills. I pay no mind to the "Theyre using it on drugs and etc etc etc" talk, I cant let that affect me.
I've had bad experiences with giving food/drinks to the less fortunate....once coming out of a football game we had a suite, and had a whole extra pizza that was untouched and dude came up to us and asked if he could have a slice...then we just gave him the whole box and then he was like "Oh nah y'all couldn't get pepperoni?" and just threw it on the ground...had me like :stoneface: . Also in the subway station at home, a dude came up to me in McDonalds bugging me for some food, then took my damn fry box and started emptying it into a bag...Then once in Toronto I gave a dude 2 bucks and he complained that I didn't "give him enough". Some of them come off wrong to me, like rudely ordering you to give them stuff...but even still usually if they're polite and have manners I have no problem giving them a buck or two if I have it on me...thing is I really only use cards so its rare I don't have to say "sorry man, I dont have any bills or change"
vegas had the best homeless ppl i ever came across

personality and funny signs......

prob just lazy or liars
I aint one for giving away cash if you really look like you need it ill throw a couple bucks

but dudes are in nyc making 6 figures panhandling
I gave a "homeless" money instead of my food bcuz I didn't want to wait again in line.. he lied n instead walked to the liquor store after he thought I left ever since then I only give the older sometimes.. anither homeless guy I saw tried to buy cigarettes so ever since then I said no.. n some panhandler was smoking while asking for money... n another time I always see this same dude with a white rat...
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