Honest discussion: If your chick is gaining weight, how would it impact your relationship?

Nov 30, 2002
Just asking.

I've been in the situation before, and I let my ex know that she was not the same lady I once fell in love with.And of course she felt unappreciated, and our relationship fell apart not too long after....I was much younger then, but I'm not sure how I would deal withthe situation now.

...Anyone else going through this now? Does it not bother you?
ill love you when your hair turns grey (yeahh!)
and ill still love you if you gained a little weight (yeahh)
the way i feel for you will always be the same
just as long as our love dont chaaannge (yeaah yeahh)
Originally Posted by King Beef

Get my Tiger on.

i seen that one comin
if i'm losing my sexual appeal as well, it's fine.

if i'm hitting the gym, maintaining my weight through a diet, and she's a lazy slob who keeps eating and doesn't work out, i'd tell her to GETTHE #*+! OUT.
Originally Posted by airkeung88

tell her to hit the Gym.....that's what i told my ex.
Ofcourse, I went with her too.
QFT my girl put some on some lbs and i took her to the gym with me 4days a week and made her work on the areas i wanted to shape up WITHOUTTELLING HER SHE WAS FAT she just thinks i want to spend time with her
but anyways now shes back to the old her
Of course, we're talking a significant amount of weight, I'd have to ask her if she care about the way she looked. If yes, I'd join her in herefforts. If not, I don't know, but I imagine the relationship being on thin ice thereafter.
When my girl was gaining weight, I told her. She got upset, but after she calmed down and realized she was getting chuncky. She agreed.

We then completed p90x together.

I say you should tell her. It's not fair to the both of you.
Just be sensitive to the issue. A lot of times in healthy relationships, each spouse will start to become like the other. You slowly dress more alike, startliking the same things and such. This usually serves to for working out. If you have a consistent exercise routine you could try to involve your girl. Inviteher to the gym and make it an activity you can do together even if she just walks around a track, it's a start.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by airkeung88

tell her to hit the Gym.....that's what i told my ex.
Ofcourse, I went with her too.
QFT my girl put some on some lbs and i took her to the gym with me 4days a week and made her work on the areas i wanted to shape up WITHOUT TELLING HER SHE WAS FAT she just thinks i want to spend time with her
but anyways now shes back to the old her

i rescind my previous statement.

this is how it should be handled
it's fine if you're older, but if you're young and you got that sex drive, aint no one trying to smash a fat +$+
In part it could come across as selfish, if you just tell her, "hey you're getting fat"

But if there's a concern about health and future problems, then it's fair to say something and make an effort together to work on it. Join her in thegym, cook healthier meals, etc.

I would hope it would go both ways, if I was putting on significant weight, that my wife/girlfriend would try to help me out as well.
I could see how it would bother you though...obesity is never really attractive
Maybe you both can go to the gym together a few times a week, that way you don't actually have to tell her
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

ill love you when your hair turns grey (yeahh!)
and ill still love you if you gained a little weight (yeahh)
the way i feel for you will always be the same
just as long as our love dont chaaannge (yeaah yeahh)
First time I'm actually agreein w/ ya negative #%+
. The cameo on the Kevin and Rock show got u turnin ya life around Dilla?
If i work out and exercise often to keep my body in shape, i expect the same from my partner. Otherwise its not fair to me. Lead by example
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

ill love you when your hair turns grey (yeahh!)
and ill still love you if you gained a little weight (yeahh)
the way i feel for you will always be the same
just as long as our love dont chaaannge (yeaah yeahh)
Cosign. If health issues can arise from the weight gain, then you could make a suggestion to have her lose weight for her health's sake.
It was the end of my relationship , I held back for her to get it right , she refused to get it right , I think out of spike . She figured I didn't loveher because I was holding back . I'm steady with hitting the gym so she was just being lazy about it . I put up waiting over 2 years so I gave more thanenough time . I guess I could of gone with her more , but when I did she felt I was embarassing her . Accoring to her I don't know what love is , we do notspeak anymore
If it's just a few pounds that's nothing big, but if she's letting herself go to !$$* then I'm going to ask her what's going on. Sometimesthese things can be something deeper than just laziness. I understand that if we're in a relationship and she's going some emotional or mentalproblems she should bring it up with me instead of letting her body and health fall apart, but we are all human and generally make a mess of everything. Ifshe won't come clean with me and let me know what's going on I'll give her time to get her !$$* straight, and if she won't I'll cut herloose. If she's just being lazy I'll probably just cut her loose right away. I will not abide laziness. If she's just busy with life, work,school, or whatever that's no problem, !$$* I'm trying to get back in shape myself.
As dudes and this thread, it basically puts an emphasis on physical traits which even I am biased towards.

But hey, if your getting steady cooch and she's staying loyal, complain to an extent.

Generally, just find a way to make it seem that its an overall positive lifestyle change.

"How my girl going to be good, if her heart ain't healthy?" Or something along the lines I read here before on NT.
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