Houston Teen Takes Selfie With Gun, Dies

I guess our current gun laws are just as effective as australias right?

look at the drop between 89-99

and the chart levels off after 97 just like theirs too
guns dont kill people
gun control will solve nothing. 

The Australian gun reforms seem to have had unintended negative consequences. By 2008, there had been an increase of over 40% in assaults and 20% in sexual assaults. Violent crime as a whole has soared in Australia since the 1996 gun ban. AIC data shows that Australia has more violent crime per 100,000 people than the U.S. or Canada. Australia’s violent crime rate is only outpaced by the UK, whose violent crime rate has skyrocketed since their late-90′s gun ban. Professor Mason of George Washington University states: “What to conclude? Strict gun laws in [Great Britain and] Australia haven’t made their people noticeably safer.”


http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current series/cfi/101-120/cfi115.html

The thing is why do you need a gun to protect your stuff? If someone comes up on me with a gun they can have my ****, it's only materials. Most people, unless they're psychopaths aren't out here just killing for fun. I'm not about to give up my belongings to an unarmed person, but I'm also not carrying a gun to protect myself from a robbery. That's that American gotta defend mine mentality. I'm all about defending my life and my loved ones, but my materials against a firearm nah. Most people aren't out here taking lives all randomly and most people who get murdered are murdered by someone they know, therefore there's no real need to protect yourself with a gun against strangers. Do bad things happen to innocent people? Yes. But mase, a knife, the hands, can carry you very far, especially if no one else has guns.
Same reason your president,celebs, and other high ranking members walk around with armed body guards. I work too hard for anybody to come take my stuff material/life it doesn't matter foreal. My gun is like what a cellphone was desgined for....emergencies. I don't go advertising I have guns in the public eye nor do I go out looking for trouble, but if someone comes on me strapped atleast I'll even the playing field. I'm from the south so my opinion is a little biased seeing how everyone has them here. There should be tougher laws on getting guns because everytime I went in they checked to see if I was a felon and gave me my piece, but telling me I can't have a gun is foolish to me.
The thing is why do you need a gun to protect your stuff? If someone comes up on me with a gun they can have my ****, it's only materials. Most people, unless they're psychopaths aren't out here just killing for fun. I'm not about to give up my belongings to an unarmed person, but I'm also not carrying a gun to protect myself from a robbery. That's that American gotta defend mine mentality. I'm all about defending my life and my loved ones, but my materials against a firearm nah. Most people aren't out here taking lives all randomly and most people who get murdered are murdered by someone they know, therefore there's no real need to protect yourself with a gun against strangers. Do bad things happen to innocent people? Yes. But mase, a knife, the hands, can carry you very far, especially if no one else has guns.
Same reason your president,celebs, and other high ranking members walk around with armed body guards. I work too hard for anybody to come take my stuff material/life it doesn't matter foreal. My gun is like what a cellphone was desgined for....emergencies. I don't go advertising I have guns in the public eye nor do I go out looking for trouble, but if someone comes on me strapped atleast I'll even the playing field. I'm from the south so my opinion is a little biased seeing how everyone has them here. There should be tougher laws on getting guns because everytime I went in they checked to see if I was a felon and gave me my piece, but telling me I can't have a gun is foolish to me.


I've said this many times and I'll say it again, guns aren't the problem nor is gun control. The problem is with the people.
If you were to put hypothetically put the same amount of gun owners and gun laws in Canada the gun crime wouldn't be nearly as high as the US.
Switzerland has a very high gun amount of gun owners as well but the gun crime rate is low, especially considering how many people own guns. Mass shootings also rarely ever happen there.
America needs better gun education and a better mental health system.
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no disrespect to the dead but this kid gets no sympathy from me. 
What a moron. So horrible to think about the moment though. Probably readjusting his phone and finger pressed that trigger and ...damn sad.
Shot himself in the throat while taking a selfie? In what position was he holding the ******* gun to do that? Death is always sad, but thankfully this dumbass didn't kill other people.
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There are too many guns in the US to be advocating for gun control. We are at the point that there's no turning back.

The solution is easing gun restrictions so law abiding citizens can get guns. Criminals prey on those who they know can't defend themselves. Best believe they would think twice if they knew the person they were attacking could be armed
If u ain't got one u better get one. Where I'm from dudes carjacking people, they hope out and give everything up and they still shooting em. Its sad and I'm not for them games. That 45 on my lap and loaded at every red light, in every drive thru whenever wherever.
If u ain't got one u better get one. Where I'm from dudes carjacking people, they hope out and give everything up and they still shooting em. Its sad and I'm not for them games. That 45 on my lap and loaded at every red light, in every drive thru whenever wherever.
The only use for a GUN is to KILL
MURDERERS have guns
Put the guns down
Before there were guns there were fair ones
Cats these days are quick to untuck the blickee but scared to out their hands up and fight like a man.
Everyone needs to turn their guns in
How do you figure? I've shot plenty of guns and have never killed anyone or anything.
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