How accurate is this portrayal of Muslims?

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by th1nk

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

 What did the fool think would happen? That they would take such an association in stride? C'mon now, you don't even know what you're arguing anymore, just let it go.

Noam Chomsky is spinning in his grave right now.

Is this a joke?!
he's still alive.

Yes it's a joke.

Chomsky took a lot of heat for defending a Holocaust denier's freedom of speech. AboveLegit disgraces his legacy by suggesting the expectation of a violent reprisal for unpopular opinions is acceptable in a civilized country. He's suggesting the gentleman in question should not have done what he did for fear of retaliation. That's a TRAVESTY.

Settle down. At no point did I suggest that violence is acceptable in response to unpopular opinions. I simply implied that IF he didn't think the group would have an outraged reaction, he is a fool. Besides, he didn't have an opinion at all, he simply was there to incite and offend. Professor Chomsky criticized a very similar incident, where Danish newspapers thought it would be a good idea to draw distasteful cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and thereupon received an incensed reaction.

@ this guy coming at me with righteous anger. Sit down.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by th1nk

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

 What did the fool think would happen? That they would take such an association in stride? C'mon now, you don't even know what you're arguing anymore, just let it go.

Noam Chomsky is spinning in his grave right now.

Is this a joke?!
he's still alive.

Yes it's a joke.

Chomsky took a lot of heat for defending a Holocaust denier's freedom of speech. AboveLegit disgraces his legacy by suggesting the expectation of a violent reprisal for unpopular opinions is acceptable in a civilized country. He's suggesting the gentleman in question should not have done what he did for fear of retaliation. That's a TRAVESTY.

Settle down. At no point did I suggest that violence is acceptable in response to unpopular opinions. I simply implied that IF he didn't think the group would have an outraged reaction, he is a fool. Besides, he didn't have an opinion at all, he simply was there to incite and offend. Professor Chomsky criticized a very similar incident, where Danish newspapers thought it would be a good idea to draw distasteful cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and thereupon received an incensed reaction.

@ this guy coming at me with righteous anger. Sit down.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nothing, but as I already stated, homosexuality is considered by all the main monotheistic faiths as evil. And to associate an act of evil with one of the religions that expressly forbids and decries it, would obviously lead to outrage. What did the fool think would happen? That they would take such an association in stride? C'mon now, you don't even know what you're arguing anymore, just let it go.
Why is homosexuality evil?  Shouldn't we challenge that kind of teaching?

Yes it would lead to outrage.  It is to be expected.  No argument here.

What I'm saying that there is no place for this kind of thinking and mindset anywhere in the world.  They're actions are wrong, but expectedly so.  There shouldn't be any of this in the world, not just from Muslims/Islam, but from all religions.

Just gotta resond to this before peacing out.

There is no space for hating homosexuals sure, but Lars is provoking the unacceptable reaction by engaging in something else there is no space for, discrimination and openly insulting other religions. These Muslims didnt show up to kill gays, just as many devout Catholics dont walk around looking for gays to hurt. If they want to oppose homosexuality, that is their freedom of choice. As long as they are not preventing people from denouncing Islam to be gay then I cant even really argue against it, although I dont agree with it.

Yes, gays are killed in Saudi Arabia, but gays are still killed in the US just for being gay like minorities are killed in the US just because of their skin color to this day.

What discrimination are you talking about?  How did he discriminate against Muslims?  Why can we not insult religions?  <--- think about that one.
These Muslims showed up to protest.  They fully knew what Lars Vilks was going to show.  This was fully planned out.  

Do yo even know who this man is? Hes a racist, thick and through. He published drawings in 2007 showing the prophet Muhammed as a dog, hes made plenty of smilar "works of art" insulting Jews over the years. His mission is to provoke others by attacking their religion. Hes not just insulting their religion, hes being outwardly discriminatory. I dont wanna say racist cuz thats not exactly what it is, but hes made these same drawings with blacks as the subject and now hes drawing Muslims from the middle east too. 
The man is a racist. He showed up to attack them with his work. "I wanna take you to a gaybar, a gaybar, a gaybar." This was fully planned out. Anyone in modern society that claims to be civilized should be disgusted by this man and his actions. 

He attacks blacks.

He attacks Jews.

He attacks Muslims.

Hes built structures that are supposedy art in natural reservations despite the government denying his appeals to be allowed to do so.

What a great man he is
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Nothing, but as I already stated, homosexuality is considered by all the main monotheistic faiths as evil. And to associate an act of evil with one of the religions that expressly forbids and decries it, would obviously lead to outrage. What did the fool think would happen? That they would take such an association in stride? C'mon now, you don't even know what you're arguing anymore, just let it go.
Why is homosexuality evil?  Shouldn't we challenge that kind of teaching?

Yes it would lead to outrage.  It is to be expected.  No argument here.

What I'm saying that there is no place for this kind of thinking and mindset anywhere in the world.  They're actions are wrong, but expectedly so.  There shouldn't be any of this in the world, not just from Muslims/Islam, but from all religions.

Just gotta resond to this before peacing out.

There is no space for hating homosexuals sure, but Lars is provoking the unacceptable reaction by engaging in something else there is no space for, discrimination and openly insulting other religions. These Muslims didnt show up to kill gays, just as many devout Catholics dont walk around looking for gays to hurt. If they want to oppose homosexuality, that is their freedom of choice. As long as they are not preventing people from denouncing Islam to be gay then I cant even really argue against it, although I dont agree with it.

Yes, gays are killed in Saudi Arabia, but gays are still killed in the US just for being gay like minorities are killed in the US just because of their skin color to this day.

What discrimination are you talking about?  How did he discriminate against Muslims?  Why can we not insult religions?  <--- think about that one.
These Muslims showed up to protest.  They fully knew what Lars Vilks was going to show.  This was fully planned out.  

Do yo even know who this man is? Hes a racist, thick and through. He published drawings in 2007 showing the prophet Muhammed as a dog, hes made plenty of smilar "works of art" insulting Jews over the years. His mission is to provoke others by attacking their religion. Hes not just insulting their religion, hes being outwardly discriminatory. I dont wanna say racist cuz thats not exactly what it is, but hes made these same drawings with blacks as the subject and now hes drawing Muslims from the middle east too. 
The man is a racist. He showed up to attack them with his work. "I wanna take you to a gaybar, a gaybar, a gaybar." This was fully planned out. Anyone in modern society that claims to be civilized should be disgusted by this man and his actions. 

He attacks blacks.

He attacks Jews.

He attacks Muslims.

Hes built structures that are supposedy art in natural reservations despite the government denying his appeals to be allowed to do so.

What a great man he is
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by th1nk

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

 What did the fool think would happen? That they would take such an association in stride? C'mon now, you don't even know what you're arguing anymore, just let it go.

Noam Chomsky is spinning in his grave right now.

Is this a joke?!
he's still alive.

Yes it's a joke.

Chomsky took a lot of heat for defending a Holocaust denier's freedom of speech. AboveLegit disgraces his legacy by suggesting the expectation of a violent reprisal for unpopular opinions is acceptable in a civilized country. He's suggesting the gentleman in question should not have done what he did for fear of retaliation. That's a TRAVESTY.

Settle down. At no point did I suggest that violence is acceptable in response to unpopular opinions. I simply implied that IF he didn't think the group would have an outraged reaction, he is a fool. Besides, he didn't have an opinion at all, he simply was there to incite and offend. Professor Chomsky criticized a very similar incident, where Danish newspapers thought it would be a good idea to draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and thereupon received an incensed reaction.

@ this guy coming at me with righteous anger. Sit down.
Exactly. Ive been saying this. I compared the two real early in this thread. I was saying the man worked to incite anger and can only expect retaliation, in both cases. They wanna twist those words as if we're endorsing violence, when its simply to be expected.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by th1nk

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

 What did the fool think would happen? That they would take such an association in stride? C'mon now, you don't even know what you're arguing anymore, just let it go.

Noam Chomsky is spinning in his grave right now.

Is this a joke?!
he's still alive.

Yes it's a joke.

Chomsky took a lot of heat for defending a Holocaust denier's freedom of speech. AboveLegit disgraces his legacy by suggesting the expectation of a violent reprisal for unpopular opinions is acceptable in a civilized country. He's suggesting the gentleman in question should not have done what he did for fear of retaliation. That's a TRAVESTY.

Settle down. At no point did I suggest that violence is acceptable in response to unpopular opinions. I simply implied that IF he didn't think the group would have an outraged reaction, he is a fool. Besides, he didn't have an opinion at all, he simply was there to incite and offend. Professor Chomsky criticized a very similar incident, where Danish newspapers thought it would be a good idea to draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and thereupon received an incensed reaction.

@ this guy coming at me with righteous anger. Sit down.
Exactly. Ive been saying this. I compared the two real early in this thread. I was saying the man worked to incite anger and can only expect retaliation, in both cases. They wanna twist those words as if we're endorsing violence, when its simply to be expected. lets ignore the fact that there are 1.8 BILLION people in the world who practice Islam and that the vast majority of them are peaceful...

let's take a look at that video.
I see maybe 1-2 people, at most, being violent and clashing with the police.

The rest, yes, are disturbing the presentation, but they are by no means being violent.

Loud? yes
Violent? no

What makes them any different than protestors in the US who do the exact same thing? lets ignore the fact that there are 1.8 BILLION people in the world who practice Islam and that the vast majority of them are peaceful...

let's take a look at that video.
I see maybe 1-2 people, at most, being violent and clashing with the police.

The rest, yes, are disturbing the presentation, but they are by no means being violent.

Loud? yes
Violent? no

What makes them any different than protestors in the US who do the exact same thing?
It's really hard to understand a situation if you don't understand the context it's taking place in. 
The film that Vilks was presenting was clearly offensive to Muslims as it depicted the Prophet, and not only that, it depicted the Prophet seemingly in bed with another man. I understand that this was a presentation on free speech and was done to make a point, however he has taken offensive actions in the past with the cartoons he has drawn which also depict the Prophet. This, as some of you know, is unacceptable for the majority of people who practice Islam. While some may not react as strongly, you will always have a few that will. Also, this kind of reaction was clearly expected by Vilks because of the police presence that was there, and it should have been expected. Anywhere a person who has been involved in controversy like this goes to give a talk will be widely known, and will be protested by those who disagree with his actions in the past. That is also exercising freedom of speech. 

There is rampant Islamophobia all over Europe. This stems from Europeans simply not experiencing massive amounts of immigration before contemporary times. This has already been described in a post on the first page which was probably overlooked because most people on this board have the attention span of a gnat, and I can say this because I'm pretty sure 90% of you have stopped reading by now, but I digress. For those of you still reading, right wing parties use "fear of the other" to incite anger and backlash against those who aren't (insert home country here) enough. It happens all across Europe, and is a tool of populist right wing parties. 

What this leads to is the marginalization of "the other" in these societies. They are discriminated against openly, not hired for jobs, and live primarily among one another in what are basically ghettos. What Vilks is doing is trying to marginalize them further by inciting them so others within the country can see how "crazy" all the Muslims are and what a "problem" they are. It's upsetting that its working so well because of the widespread ignorance among the majority of people. 
It's really hard to understand a situation if you don't understand the context it's taking place in. 
The film that Vilks was presenting was clearly offensive to Muslims as it depicted the Prophet, and not only that, it depicted the Prophet seemingly in bed with another man. I understand that this was a presentation on free speech and was done to make a point, however he has taken offensive actions in the past with the cartoons he has drawn which also depict the Prophet. This, as some of you know, is unacceptable for the majority of people who practice Islam. While some may not react as strongly, you will always have a few that will. Also, this kind of reaction was clearly expected by Vilks because of the police presence that was there, and it should have been expected. Anywhere a person who has been involved in controversy like this goes to give a talk will be widely known, and will be protested by those who disagree with his actions in the past. That is also exercising freedom of speech. 

There is rampant Islamophobia all over Europe. This stems from Europeans simply not experiencing massive amounts of immigration before contemporary times. This has already been described in a post on the first page which was probably overlooked because most people on this board have the attention span of a gnat, and I can say this because I'm pretty sure 90% of you have stopped reading by now, but I digress. For those of you still reading, right wing parties use "fear of the other" to incite anger and backlash against those who aren't (insert home country here) enough. It happens all across Europe, and is a tool of populist right wing parties. 

What this leads to is the marginalization of "the other" in these societies. They are discriminated against openly, not hired for jobs, and live primarily among one another in what are basically ghettos. What Vilks is doing is trying to marginalize them further by inciting them so others within the country can see how "crazy" all the Muslims are and what a "problem" they are. It's upsetting that its working so well because of the widespread ignorance among the majority of people. 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious lets ignore the fact that there are 1.8 BILLION people in the world who practice Islam and that the vast majority of them are peaceful...

let's take a look at that video.
I see maybe 1-2 people, at most, being violent and clashing with the police.

The rest, yes, are disturbing the presentation, but they are by no means being violent.

Loud? yes
Violent? no

What makes them any different than protestors in the US who do the exact same thing?
There would've been more violence, if not worse, if the police were not there.

Even if the rest of the people were not violent, the supported the actions of those who were.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious lets ignore the fact that there are 1.8 BILLION people in the world who practice Islam and that the vast majority of them are peaceful...

let's take a look at that video.
I see maybe 1-2 people, at most, being violent and clashing with the police.

The rest, yes, are disturbing the presentation, but they are by no means being violent.

Loud? yes
Violent? no

What makes them any different than protestors in the US who do the exact same thing?
There would've been more violence, if not worse, if the police were not there.

Even if the rest of the people were not violent, the supported the actions of those who were.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Do yo even know who this man is? Hes a racist, thick and through. He published drawings in 2007 showing the prophet Muhammed as a dog, hes made plenty of smilar "works of art" insulting Jews over the years. His mission is to provoke others by attacking their religion. Hes not just insulting their religion, hes being outwardly discriminatory. I dont wanna say racist cuz thats not exactly what it is, but hes made these same drawings with blacks as the subject and now hes drawing Muslims from the middle east too. 
The man is a racist. He showed up to attack them with his work. "I wanna take you to a gaybar, a gaybar, a gaybar." This was fully planned out. Anyone in modern society that claims to be civilized should be disgusted by this man and his actions. 

He attacks blacks.

He attacks Jews.

He attacks Muslims.

Hes built structures that are supposedy art in natural reservations despite the government denying his appeals to be allowed to do so.

What a great man he is

He attacks religions.  What is wrong with that?  Why can't we attack religions?  These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Do yo even know who this man is? Hes a racist, thick and through. He published drawings in 2007 showing the prophet Muhammed as a dog, hes made plenty of smilar "works of art" insulting Jews over the years. His mission is to provoke others by attacking their religion. Hes not just insulting their religion, hes being outwardly discriminatory. I dont wanna say racist cuz thats not exactly what it is, but hes made these same drawings with blacks as the subject and now hes drawing Muslims from the middle east too. 
The man is a racist. He showed up to attack them with his work. "I wanna take you to a gaybar, a gaybar, a gaybar." This was fully planned out. Anyone in modern society that claims to be civilized should be disgusted by this man and his actions. 

He attacks blacks.

He attacks Jews.

He attacks Muslims.

Hes built structures that are supposedy art in natural reservations despite the government denying his appeals to be allowed to do so.

What a great man he is

He attacks religions.  What is wrong with that?  Why can't we attack religions?  These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Do yo even know who this man is? Hes a racist, thick and through. He published drawings in 2007 showing the prophet Muhammed as a dog, hes made plenty of smilar "works of art" insulting Jews over the years. His mission is to provoke others by attacking their religion. Hes not just insulting their religion, hes being outwardly discriminatory. I dont wanna say racist cuz thats not exactly what it is, but hes made these same drawings with blacks as the subject and now hes drawing Muslims from the middle east too. 
The man is a racist. He showed up to attack them with his work. "I wanna take you to a gaybar, a gaybar, a gaybar." This was fully planned out. Anyone in modern society that claims to be civilized should be disgusted by this man and his actions. 

He attacks blacks.

He attacks Jews.

He attacks Muslims.

Hes built structures that are supposedy art in natural reservations despite the government denying his appeals to be allowed to do so.

What a great man he is

He attacks religions.  What is wrong with that?  Why can't we attack religions?  These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.
In attacking their religion he is also attacking their culture. They showed up to protest, which they have every right to do as well. 
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Do yo even know who this man is? Hes a racist, thick and through. He published drawings in 2007 showing the prophet Muhammed as a dog, hes made plenty of smilar "works of art" insulting Jews over the years. His mission is to provoke others by attacking their religion. Hes not just insulting their religion, hes being outwardly discriminatory. I dont wanna say racist cuz thats not exactly what it is, but hes made these same drawings with blacks as the subject and now hes drawing Muslims from the middle east too. 
The man is a racist. He showed up to attack them with his work. "I wanna take you to a gaybar, a gaybar, a gaybar." This was fully planned out. Anyone in modern society that claims to be civilized should be disgusted by this man and his actions. 

He attacks blacks.

He attacks Jews.

He attacks Muslims.

Hes built structures that are supposedy art in natural reservations despite the government denying his appeals to be allowed to do so.

What a great man he is

He attacks religions.  What is wrong with that?  Why can't we attack religions?  These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.
In attacking their religion he is also attacking their culture. They showed up to protest, which they have every right to do as well. 
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Let me say this, Scandinavia is one of the least racially sensitive places. Its been almost all locals until like 20 years ago when real immigration started, as a result people havent adjusted at all. Racist jokes are still socially acceptable. CEOs of companies will crack black jokes with their board of directors, my grandma will talk about "those dark people" and how mean-spirited they are right in front of them at a gas station etc.

In Scandinavia people dont try to be politically correct at all, in fact they'll go out of their way to make racist comments and the like just to provoke minorities. Id say a good 95% of the population finds it perfectly acceptable to be outwardly racist. Im Danish and I know this first hand.

Most likely, this Lars guy who made the movie was trying to be as offensive as he possibly could for the +%$% of it. Its just like when the Danish cartoonist drew the prophet mohammed wearing a bomb on his head instead of a turban. Honestly, it wouldnt surprise me for Lars to get killed or at least someone to attempt to kill him like they did the Dansih cartoonist, and when its all said and done Ill maintain that he earned it.
Wait...what?  You support the death of another human being over something like this?

It's ok for Muslims to murder people they disagree with?  Are you listening to what you're saying? 

The quesion is are you listening to what Im saying? I said he will have earned his death. Take something millions of people prize as the greatest thing in the world, %@%+ on it, +*!% it up, and then burn it and you must expect a few people out of those millions will try to kill you, and I wont agree with killing him, but I cant blame them.
Son are you serious? Making a video to @$+$ with ppl by attacking their beliefs earns them their death? The amount of ppl who belief in it do not matter. Expecting violence for an action is not equal to earning death for an action.

What the @$+$ do you mean you can't blame them?!!! You can't blame a group of ppl so enraged over a video even after there's been a gap of time from seeing it that a person can methodically plan out that person's death or a group committing a mob killing? You can't blame them for that?
Im saying theres gonna be one or two dudes in a milli that want him dead.

If videotape yourself raping 100 peoples moms, then defecating on them afterwards and send the video to each of their houses with your return address on there, you oughta expect a few of them will want to kill you, and I cant even be mad at them for that.
Making a video isn't the same as rape or consensual sex. Expecting someone to harm you physically or kill you because of your action is not the same as earning death because of an action. Nor is the former a situation where you can't blame them for their excessive overreaction.
no but sending that video to someone taunting them wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting some receivers of that video to try to hurt you

in the same way that sending the message in this video taunting the muslims wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting at least a few of the muslims seeing it try to hurt you
In NO WAY is making a video and expecting a violent reaction earning death for making a video. You are no longer even supporting what you originally said.

You sound like one of those guys that say "She was asking for it" when a girl gets raped.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Let me say this, Scandinavia is one of the least racially sensitive places. Its been almost all locals until like 20 years ago when real immigration started, as a result people havent adjusted at all. Racist jokes are still socially acceptable. CEOs of companies will crack black jokes with their board of directors, my grandma will talk about "those dark people" and how mean-spirited they are right in front of them at a gas station etc.

In Scandinavia people dont try to be politically correct at all, in fact they'll go out of their way to make racist comments and the like just to provoke minorities. Id say a good 95% of the population finds it perfectly acceptable to be outwardly racist. Im Danish and I know this first hand.

Most likely, this Lars guy who made the movie was trying to be as offensive as he possibly could for the +%$% of it. Its just like when the Danish cartoonist drew the prophet mohammed wearing a bomb on his head instead of a turban. Honestly, it wouldnt surprise me for Lars to get killed or at least someone to attempt to kill him like they did the Dansih cartoonist, and when its all said and done Ill maintain that he earned it.
Wait...what?  You support the death of another human being over something like this?

It's ok for Muslims to murder people they disagree with?  Are you listening to what you're saying? 

The quesion is are you listening to what Im saying? I said he will have earned his death. Take something millions of people prize as the greatest thing in the world, %@%+ on it, +*!% it up, and then burn it and you must expect a few people out of those millions will try to kill you, and I wont agree with killing him, but I cant blame them.
Son are you serious? Making a video to @$+$ with ppl by attacking their beliefs earns them their death? The amount of ppl who belief in it do not matter. Expecting violence for an action is not equal to earning death for an action.

What the @$+$ do you mean you can't blame them?!!! You can't blame a group of ppl so enraged over a video even after there's been a gap of time from seeing it that a person can methodically plan out that person's death or a group committing a mob killing? You can't blame them for that?
Im saying theres gonna be one or two dudes in a milli that want him dead.

If videotape yourself raping 100 peoples moms, then defecating on them afterwards and send the video to each of their houses with your return address on there, you oughta expect a few of them will want to kill you, and I cant even be mad at them for that.
Making a video isn't the same as rape or consensual sex. Expecting someone to harm you physically or kill you because of your action is not the same as earning death because of an action. Nor is the former a situation where you can't blame them for their excessive overreaction.
no but sending that video to someone taunting them wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting some receivers of that video to try to hurt you

in the same way that sending the message in this video taunting the muslims wouldnt be an action you would carry out without expecting at least a few of the muslims seeing it try to hurt you
In NO WAY is making a video and expecting a violent reaction earning death for making a video. You are no longer even supporting what you originally said.

You sound like one of those guys that say "She was asking for it" when a girl gets raped.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.

C'mon bro, now you just sound idiotic and ignorant. Muslims purposely showed up to react this way? If that was the case, than they would've clearly attacked the man before the video was shown. There were people eagerly requesting to have the video stopped, yet the professor continued to allow the video to play. I literally heard about 5 requests to stop the video. Had the video of been stopped, there probably wouldn't of been any type of compulsion. 

It's offensive. Just because something is considered "free spech" doesn't make it right. Like another member stated here, you cannot walk through Harlem with a KKK clan shouting out racist and offensive slurs NOT expecting violence to occur. You're asking for it. I honestly don't blame the people in the video for reacting the way they did. They stood up for what they believe in.

Now. That's that.

You OP. You are literally defining bigotry. Ignorant views on a practical belief and being intolerant of those rightfully practicing the religion. On more than one occasion I've noticed you attempting to exploit the Islam religion. You're wrong for generalizing an entire 1.5 billion group of followers based on 5-6 people in this video. For that alone, you don't deserve a response from a person who acknowledges and respect all religions and faiths. Because those should not argue with fools.  
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.

C'mon bro, now you just sound idiotic and ignorant. Muslims purposely showed up to react this way? If that was the case, than they would've clearly attacked the man before the video was shown. There were people eagerly requesting to have the video stopped, yet the professor continued to allow the video to play. I literally heard about 5 requests to stop the video. Had the video of been stopped, there probably wouldn't of been any type of compulsion. 

It's offensive. Just because something is considered "free spech" doesn't make it right. Like another member stated here, you cannot walk through Harlem with a KKK clan shouting out racist and offensive slurs NOT expecting violence to occur. You're asking for it. I honestly don't blame the people in the video for reacting the way they did. They stood up for what they believe in.

Now. That's that.

You OP. You are literally defining bigotry. Ignorant views on a practical belief and being intolerant of those rightfully practicing the religion. On more than one occasion I've noticed you attempting to exploit the Islam religion. You're wrong for generalizing an entire 1.5 billion group of followers based on 5-6 people in this video. For that alone, you don't deserve a response from a person who acknowledges and respect all religions and faiths. Because those should not argue with fools.  
Its that dude seems to really not want to respect any religion

Its that dude you have to stop being so insecure my man. Your what I like to call a perpetual pessimist. I think they're has to be something deeper to why you don't feel/want to respect any religion and why you think it's okay to attack something that from as far as I can tell hasn't harmed you.

Please flesh this out so we can understand why you don't like the idea of religion so much. If you don't then of course we'll know your trolling.
Its that dude seems to really not want to respect any religion

Its that dude you have to stop being so insecure my man. Your what I like to call a perpetual pessimist. I think they're has to be something deeper to why you don't feel/want to respect any religion and why you think it's okay to attack something that from as far as I can tell hasn't harmed you.

Please flesh this out so we can understand why you don't like the idea of religion so much. If you don't then of course we'll know your trolling.
Stop feeding this idiot, just delete the thread or ban him....absolutely a lost cause.

Good to see some NT'ers with a head on their shoulders.
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