How accurate is this portrayal of Muslims?

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.

C'mon bro, now you just sound idiotic and ignorant. Muslims purposely showed up to react this way? If that was the case, than they would've clearly attacked the man before the video was shown. There were people eagerly requesting to have the video stopped, yet the professor continued to allow the video to play. I literally heard about 5 requests to stop the video. Had the video of been stopped, there probably wouldn't of been any type of compulsion. 

It's offensive. Just because something is considered "free spech" doesn't make it right. Like another member stated here, you cannot walk through Harlem with a KKK clan shouting out racist and offensive slurs NOT expecting violence to occur. You're asking for it. I honestly don't blame the people in the video for reacting the way they did. They stood up for what they believe in.

Now. That's that.

You OP. You are literally defining bigotry. Ignorant views on a practical belief and being intolerant of those rightfully practicing the religion. On more than one occasion I've noticed you attempting to exploit the Islam religion. You're wrong for generalizing an entire 1.5 billion group of followers based on 5-6 people in this video. For that alone, you don't deserve a response from a person who acknowledges and respect all religions and faiths. Because those should not argue with fools. 
I don't think you understand.  This was a presentation.  The director of the film is not a professor.  He was showing his video as a presentation.  Everyone in the audience knew well what was in the movie.  The Muslims showed up, waited for the video to play, then used it as an excuse for their behavior.  You say they stood up for what the believe in (homosexuality is evil), Lars Vilks stood up for what he believed in (free speech).  Which is more right to you?  Isn't it the Muslims who are the bigots here?

Should this video not have an effect on what I think of Muslims?  I think that the answer is it should.  Don't you?  It's not just a few Muslims who think like this.  There are a lot of Muslims who think like this.  Should I not include them in my perceptions of Muslims?

Clearly you have no understanding of who Lars Vilks even is. You state he is not a professor right here, and he is. All my explanations of context have been ignored almost entirely, except for people who are actually in agreement with me. I dont plan on posting in this thread anymore, although I might read through the repsonses just to see what kind of stupid %$+# argument you come up with next.

You should have been on the debate team in high school. Not because youd be any good, but because youd realize how you are constantly employing fallacies of logic and basically suck at debating. If it gets me banned, so be it, but you are truly ignorant and the perfect example of bigotry. Im going to go out on a limb and guess that youre probably a very prejudiced individual too, wonder what my chances are of being right on that one?
arrrgh,.  you're right.  I was thinking of professor in the sense that he was teaching a class and that these students were made to watch it.  I was trying to say that it wasn't the case here.
nooo. don't ban him mods.  but yes, this thread should really die off now.  I've been saying the same things for like 3 pages.

To reiterate my thoughts once again:

Lars Vilks has the right to make a video like this and not be attacked for it.

I do not think most Muslims would react in this way, but a large number of Muslims would.

This behavior cannot be excused, justified, or reasoned out in any way, even though it is to be expected.

This video does shape my views of Muslims as it cannot be ignored.

Religious beliefs should not command undeserved respect.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

These Muslims purposely showed up to react in this way.  They knew what was going to be shown.

C'mon bro, now you just sound idiotic and ignorant. Muslims purposely showed up to react this way? If that was the case, than they would've clearly attacked the man before the video was shown. There were people eagerly requesting to have the video stopped, yet the professor continued to allow the video to play. I literally heard about 5 requests to stop the video. Had the video of been stopped, there probably wouldn't of been any type of compulsion. 

It's offensive. Just because something is considered "free spech" doesn't make it right. Like another member stated here, you cannot walk through Harlem with a KKK clan shouting out racist and offensive slurs NOT expecting violence to occur. You're asking for it. I honestly don't blame the people in the video for reacting the way they did. They stood up for what they believe in.

Now. That's that.

You OP. You are literally defining bigotry. Ignorant views on a practical belief and being intolerant of those rightfully practicing the religion. On more than one occasion I've noticed you attempting to exploit the Islam religion. You're wrong for generalizing an entire 1.5 billion group of followers based on 5-6 people in this video. For that alone, you don't deserve a response from a person who acknowledges and respect all religions and faiths. Because those should not argue with fools. 
I don't think you understand.  This was a presentation.  The director of the film is not a professor.  He was showing his video as a presentation.  Everyone in the audience knew well what was in the movie.  The Muslims showed up, waited for the video to play, then used it as an excuse for their behavior.  You say they stood up for what the believe in (homosexuality is evil), Lars Vilks stood up for what he believed in (free speech).  Which is more right to you?  Isn't it the Muslims who are the bigots here?

Should this video not have an effect on what I think of Muslims?  I think that the answer is it should.  Don't you?  It's not just a few Muslims who think like this.  There are a lot of Muslims who think like this.  Should I not include them in my perceptions of Muslims?

Clearly you have no understanding of who Lars Vilks even is. You state he is not a professor right here, and he is. All my explanations of context have been ignored almost entirely, except for people who are actually in agreement with me. I dont plan on posting in this thread anymore, although I might read through the repsonses just to see what kind of stupid %$+# argument you come up with next.

You should have been on the debate team in high school. Not because youd be any good, but because youd realize how you are constantly employing fallacies of logic and basically suck at debating. If it gets me banned, so be it, but you are truly ignorant and the perfect example of bigotry. Im going to go out on a limb and guess that youre probably a very prejudiced individual too, wonder what my chances are of being right on that one?
arrrgh,.  you're right.  I was thinking of professor in the sense that he was teaching a class and that these students were made to watch it.  I was trying to say that it wasn't the case here.
nooo. don't ban him mods.  but yes, this thread should really die off now.  I've been saying the same things for like 3 pages.

To reiterate my thoughts once again:

Lars Vilks has the right to make a video like this and not be attacked for it.

I do not think most Muslims would react in this way, but a large number of Muslims would.

This behavior cannot be excused, justified, or reasoned out in any way, even though it is to be expected.

This video does shape my views of Muslims as it cannot be ignored.

Religious beliefs should not command undeserved respect.
Its That Dude wrote:

I do not think most Muslims would react in this way, but a large number of Muslims would.

Not sure if I fully understand this buuuuuut, out of 1.5 billion people, how much is "a large number"? And how did you come to the conclusion that "a large number" of "most" would have violent reactions? I'm legitimately curious
Its That Dude wrote:

I do not think most Muslims would react in this way, but a large number of Muslims would.

Not sure if I fully understand this buuuuuut, out of 1.5 billion people, how much is "a large number"? And how did you come to the conclusion that "a large number" of "most" would have violent reactions? I'm legitimately curious
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Its That Dude wrote:

I do not think most Muslims would react in this way, but a large number of Muslims would.

Not sure if I fully understand this buuuuuut, out of 1.5 billion people, how much is "a large number"? And how did you come to the conclusion that "a large number" of "most" would have violent reactions? I'm legitimately curious

Not a large number of most...Most Muslims would no react violently.  A large number of Muslims will still react violently though.
but a large number from the number of demonstration and protests that I have seen in the news.  large number? tens of thousands.  while relatively small compared to 1.X billion, still a significant number.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Its That Dude wrote:

I do not think most Muslims would react in this way, but a large number of Muslims would.

Not sure if I fully understand this buuuuuut, out of 1.5 billion people, how much is "a large number"? And how did you come to the conclusion that "a large number" of "most" would have violent reactions? I'm legitimately curious

Not a large number of most...Most Muslims would no react violently.  A large number of Muslims will still react violently though.
but a large number from the number of demonstration and protests that I have seen in the news.  large number? tens of thousands.  while relatively small compared to 1.X billion, still a significant number.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Once again, you can't expect everyone in the world to have the same morals and ideals.

I don't.  But hopefully, we can change that as I see the world's population of people who identify as atheists/secularists/non-religious increase.
I don't understand how you can support things like genocide if it were to be a part of some society's beliefs.

You can see where it is wrong even if we do not have same morals.  Surely you must feel an urge to stop it I hope.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Once again, you can't expect everyone in the world to have the same morals and ideals.

I don't.  But hopefully, we can change that as I see the world's population of people who identify as atheists/secularists/non-religious increase.
I don't understand how you can support things like genocide if it were to be a part of some society's beliefs.

You can see where it is wrong even if we do not have same morals.  Surely you must feel an urge to stop it I hope.
Hey me and katy perry are going to go beat up lady gaga later for being religously offensive. who's in?
Hey me and katy perry are going to go beat up lady gaga later for being religously offensive. who's in?
Movies and the media have been far too kind to the Muslims. This portrayal is WAAAAY too generous:

Any piece of footage of a Muslim that doesn't decapitate someone or blows himself up isn't accurate.
Movies and the media have been far too kind to the Muslims. This portrayal is WAAAAY too generous:

Any piece of footage of a Muslim that doesn't decapitate someone or blows himself up isn't accurate.
Okay so Its that Dude i can see you don't want to respect the muslim religion for the condemnation they put on answer me this do you respect religions that say it's okay for men to beat their wives?

Also because the muslim religion isn't kind to homosexuals do you find that you can generalize these feelings and not respect the religion as a whole even though it contains good teachings as well?
Okay so Its that Dude i can see you don't want to respect the muslim religion for the condemnation they put on answer me this do you respect religions that say it's okay for men to beat their wives?

Also because the muslim religion isn't kind to homosexuals do you find that you can generalize these feelings and not respect the religion as a whole even though it contains good teachings as well?
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Any person or group of people who are offended by something that doesn't actually harm them or threaten to harm them needs to !!%# and simply be offended. Nothing happens when you're offended. People have the right to say things that will offend you. You have the right to be offended. Act like a %%@!%## adult and be offended like a normal %%@!%## person. Anyone who is offended by something that doesn't harm them to the point where they want to cause harm to whoever offended them is very uneducated, irrational, and should not be excused because they have some sort of belief.
I agree with this. But, I can understand the reaction without having to justify it.

Let me explain myself.

I am Agnostic, but come from a Muslim family. When I was younger, I was more religious, then became more non-practicing and did not believe in it anymore.

However, ItsThatDude, here is something you need to understand, this is completely a cultural misunderstanding coming from you. I am not saying you have to agree with it, but you have to understand WHY this incites such passionate anger of violence for these people. 

The funny thing is that I bet you a lot of people in that video are not even religious or practicing Muslims, but it does not matter, they believe in the faith and it will incite that reaction. When it comes to Islam and its culture, it is seen as a way of life. The religion and belief are so sacred, that literally, they will put the love for God before anyone else they know. If you insult their God or religion in this manner, it will incite this reaction because it is as if you insult them or a loved them. That is how much appreciation, love, \REVERANCE, and attachment they have to the religion and that it stands for. It does not matter if they are non-practicing, or not as religious, it is just a cultural acceptance.

I know Middle Eastern Arab Christians (ie. Christian Lebanese Philangist Maronites) that would react this exact way if their faith was insulted like this. It is because in eastern culture, religion is your identity. Literally. Why do you think in those parts of the world they are still wars based out of religious faiths and denominations. It does not matter if you are not as religious or non-practicing, Muslim, Christian, etc. They will react this way because that is how much they identify with their religion and their love for their God. The identification with religion in the Eastern parts of the world is more orthodox and there is not as much separation between the Church and the State. It is blasphemy to insult their religion like this, that's it. You just do not go there. It is a part of their cultural sensitivity that is misunderstood in the West, and you can never understand it because you see it differently, so you will never understand why they react that way.

It is definitely a cultural factor to know that they believe this is normal for them to react this way. 

Edit: I just wanted to add a commentary. When it comes to religions, yes, some will misinterpret and use religious texts by twisting them and using them for their own agendas and for their own interests. However, when it comes to everyday people, who will react violently or out of anger for insulting their religion, that is more because of passion rather than them believing the actual religion preaches it. You just cannot mess with people like this when you insult their passion they will literally go off their rocker.

Like I said, I know TONS of Middle Eastern Muslims, Christians that are non-practicing and not one bit religious, but you insult St. Charbel, or Prophet Mohammed, they will threaten you, get offended, or if you go as far as doing something like this guy did, yes, it will incite them to want to harm you.  

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Any person or group of people who are offended by something that doesn't actually harm them or threaten to harm them needs to !!%# and simply be offended. Nothing happens when you're offended. People have the right to say things that will offend you. You have the right to be offended. Act like a %%@!%## adult and be offended like a normal %%@!%## person. Anyone who is offended by something that doesn't harm them to the point where they want to cause harm to whoever offended them is very uneducated, irrational, and should not be excused because they have some sort of belief.
I agree with this. But, I can understand the reaction without having to justify it.

Let me explain myself.

I am Agnostic, but come from a Muslim family. When I was younger, I was more religious, then became more non-practicing and did not believe in it anymore.

However, ItsThatDude, here is something you need to understand, this is completely a cultural misunderstanding coming from you. I am not saying you have to agree with it, but you have to understand WHY this incites such passionate anger of violence for these people. 

The funny thing is that I bet you a lot of people in that video are not even religious or practicing Muslims, but it does not matter, they believe in the faith and it will incite that reaction. When it comes to Islam and its culture, it is seen as a way of life. The religion and belief are so sacred, that literally, they will put the love for God before anyone else they know. If you insult their God or religion in this manner, it will incite this reaction because it is as if you insult them or a loved them. That is how much appreciation, love, \REVERANCE, and attachment they have to the religion and that it stands for. It does not matter if they are non-practicing, or not as religious, it is just a cultural acceptance.

I know Middle Eastern Arab Christians (ie. Christian Lebanese Philangist Maronites) that would react this exact way if their faith was insulted like this. It is because in eastern culture, religion is your identity. Literally. Why do you think in those parts of the world they are still wars based out of religious faiths and denominations. It does not matter if you are not as religious or non-practicing, Muslim, Christian, etc. They will react this way because that is how much they identify with their religion and their love for their God. The identification with religion in the Eastern parts of the world is more orthodox and there is not as much separation between the Church and the State. It is blasphemy to insult their religion like this, that's it. You just do not go there. It is a part of their cultural sensitivity that is misunderstood in the West, and you can never understand it because you see it differently, so you will never understand why they react that way.

It is definitely a cultural factor to know that they believe this is normal for them to react this way. 

Edit: I just wanted to add a commentary. When it comes to religions, yes, some will misinterpret and use religious texts by twisting them and using them for their own agendas and for their own interests. However, when it comes to everyday people, who will react violently or out of anger for insulting their religion, that is more because of passion rather than them believing the actual religion preaches it. You just cannot mess with people like this when you insult their passion they will literally go off their rocker.

Like I said, I know TONS of Middle Eastern Muslims, Christians that are non-practicing and not one bit religious, but you insult St. Charbel, or Prophet Mohammed, they will threaten you, get offended, or if you go as far as doing something like this guy did, yes, it will incite them to want to harm you.  

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