How accurate is this portrayal of Muslims?

Go out and talk to and spend time with every muslim in the world and then comeback and let us know the portrayal is true or not.

unless this was incorrectly translated...
Its That Dude wrote:
th1nk wrote:
Its That Dude wrote:
abovelegit1 wrote:
You live in Western society, and obviously have a very narrow world view. Most of Western society could care less about religion. Most do not faithfully practice their religions, be it Judaism, Christianity, whatever. But if you go to a Muslim, a religion that requires more stricter practice (i.e pray five times a day), and proceed to insult what they hold sacred by associating it with pornography or what have you, of course you're going to prompt a strong reaction.

And this doesn't strictly apply to Muslims. It's called the mob mentality. Not sure why you're associating an outburst of justified anger with all Muslims being violent animals, but it's probably a personal problem you have with the religion (Its That Bigot). And yes, of course there is aggressive language in the Quran, but that is no different from EVERY monotheistic text.
Of course, you will then say "Ah ha! Islam [or any other religion, because all monotheistic religions have aggressive language] does support violence!" But you would once again be wrong.

There is an acute distinction between jihad — legal warfare with the proper rules of engagement — and irhab, or terrorism. The Quran states that those who commit irjaf are going to hell. This is all noted by scholar Phillip Jenkins of PSU. Mind you, there is violent language in the Old and New testament as well.

So why do you hear about a bunch of crazy Muslims blowing themselves and others up everyday? I'll paraphrase the scholar:

It's is because in the past 30 years, there's been a perfect storm that has created a violent offshoot of Islam. The first is obviously political, the frustration at Western intervention in the Muslim world (read Israel, unjustified war in Iraq, etc.). The second is intellectual, aka the rise of Wahhabi Islam, a more fundamentalist interpretation of Islam subscribed to by Osama bin Laden. Basically those who have their own agenda have distorted Islam for political purposes. It should be noted how small and insignificant a percentage of the billions of Muslims this is. Sadly, their actions are not so insignificant.

Basically what they do is they take verses out of context (jihad) and then use that to justify these horrific actions. (irhab)

Cliffnotes: Religions is what it has always been. Don't let the actions of a few distort your perspective of many.

It's just not just justified anger (not justified imo),  the crowd was making death threats and retaliating with violence.  It might seem like I'm targeting Islam as the only violent religion, but that's just because I specifically made this post about Muslims and Islam.  I could've made it about abortion doctor killers.  I agree with you that many religions are violent

I'm not even taking it to extremist levels terrorism.  This is a seemingly moderate group of Muslims reacting to this video with violence and death threats.  It doesn't seem like it's only a few extremists...

SMH @ ur reading comprehension. 

did I misunderstand something?  Did he mean something else by "aggressive?"

If there is religious text advocating violence or "aggressive" actions, is that religion not violent?
Its That Dude wrote:
th1nk wrote:
Its That Dude wrote:
abovelegit1 wrote:
You live in Western society, and obviously have a very narrow world view. Most of Western society could care less about religion. Most do not faithfully practice their religions, be it Judaism, Christianity, whatever. But if you go to a Muslim, a religion that requires more stricter practice (i.e pray five times a day), and proceed to insult what they hold sacred by associating it with pornography or what have you, of course you're going to prompt a strong reaction.

And this doesn't strictly apply to Muslims. It's called the mob mentality. Not sure why you're associating an outburst of justified anger with all Muslims being violent animals, but it's probably a personal problem you have with the religion (Its That Bigot). And yes, of course there is aggressive language in the Quran, but that is no different from EVERY monotheistic text.
Of course, you will then say "Ah ha! Islam [or any other religion, because all monotheistic religions have aggressive language] does support violence!" But you would once again be wrong.

There is an acute distinction between jihad — legal warfare with the proper rules of engagement — and irhab, or terrorism. The Quran states that those who commit irjaf are going to hell. This is all noted by scholar Phillip Jenkins of PSU. Mind you, there is violent language in the Old and New testament as well.

So why do you hear about a bunch of crazy Muslims blowing themselves and others up everyday? I'll paraphrase the scholar:

It's is because in the past 30 years, there's been a perfect storm that has created a violent offshoot of Islam. The first is obviously political, the frustration at Western intervention in the Muslim world (read Israel, unjustified war in Iraq, etc.). The second is intellectual, aka the rise of Wahhabi Islam, a more fundamentalist interpretation of Islam subscribed to by Osama bin Laden. Basically those who have their own agenda have distorted Islam for political purposes. It should be noted how small and insignificant a percentage of the billions of Muslims this is. Sadly, their actions are not so insignificant.

Basically what they do is they take verses out of context (jihad) and then use that to justify these horrific actions. (irhab)

Cliffnotes: Religions is what it has always been. Don't let the actions of a few distort your perspective of many.

It's just not just justified anger (not justified imo),  the crowd was making death threats and retaliating with violence.  It might seem like I'm targeting Islam as the only violent religion, but that's just because I specifically made this post about Muslims and Islam.  I could've made it about abortion doctor killers.  I agree with you that many religions are violent

I'm not even taking it to extremist levels terrorism.  This is a seemingly moderate group of Muslims reacting to this video with violence and death threats.  It doesn't seem like it's only a few extremists...

SMH @ ur reading comprehension. 

did I misunderstand something?  Did he mean something else by "aggressive?"

If there is religious text advocating violence or "aggressive" actions, is that religion not violent?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by th1nk

Originally Posted by bijald0331

One has to look at how religion exists in reality, not how it is scripted on paper.
you go to NorthWestern, right?
Go talk attend an MSA (Muslim Student Association) meeting or talk to a Muslim person who is knowledgeable about their religion, then figure out how the religion exists in reality.

What you'll find out is that Muslims are not all that different from other people.
I haven't said anything about Muslims, fyi. Just religion in general.

Muslims are what make up the religion.


And FTR, what do you know about my religion?

What you see on TV?
Have you read a single chapter in the Quran?

Do you know a single story about Muhammad?

Do you know what values we hold dear to our heart?

Objectively research, then say something.

I think the best way to find out about Islam is to attend an MSA meeting to see what Muslims do and how they practice Islam.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by th1nk

Originally Posted by bijald0331

One has to look at how religion exists in reality, not how it is scripted on paper.
you go to NorthWestern, right?
Go talk attend an MSA (Muslim Student Association) meeting or talk to a Muslim person who is knowledgeable about their religion, then figure out how the religion exists in reality.

What you'll find out is that Muslims are not all that different from other people.
I haven't said anything about Muslims, fyi. Just religion in general.

Muslims are what make up the religion.


And FTR, what do you know about my religion?

What you see on TV?
Have you read a single chapter in the Quran?

Do you know a single story about Muhammad?

Do you know what values we hold dear to our heart?

Objectively research, then say something.

I think the best way to find out about Islam is to attend an MSA meeting to see what Muslims do and how they practice Islam.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing
Did he want to take the cop out on a date?

How did he mean it then since I don't know a lick of swedish?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing
Did he want to take the cop out on a date?

How did he mean it then since I don't know a lick of swedish?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing

Ohhh comon; surely you're not that naive...

He aint offering to take ol' Lars out for dinner--that I can surely guarantee...

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing

Ohhh comon; surely you're not that naive...

He aint offering to take ol' Lars out for dinner--that I can surely guarantee...

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing
Did he want to take the cop out on a date?

How did he mean it then since I don't know a lick of swedish?


its an expression that was translated literally, he wants to get him fired because hes acting outside what his job allows him to do, like when the old man was talking about how it was illegal for the cops to pull their guns
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing
Did he want to take the cop out on a date?

How did he mean it then since I don't know a lick of swedish?


its an expression that was translated literally, he wants to get him fired because hes acting outside what his job allows him to do, like when the old man was talking about how it was illegal for the cops to pull their guns
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

It's just not just justified anger (not justified imo),  the crowd was making death threats and retaliating with violence.  It might seem like I'm targeting Islam as the only violent religion, but that's just because I specifically made this post about Muslims and Islam.  I could've made it about abortion doctor killers.  I agree with you that many religions are violent

I'm not even taking it to extremist levels terrorism.  This is a seemingly moderate group of Muslims reacting to this video with violence and death threats.  It doesn't seem like it's only a few extremists...
It is justified because the director took something that is sacred and to them (their religion), and associated it with homosexuality and pornography (both widely considered evil by all manner of religion). Combine that offense with the mob mentality, and of course there is going to be an outraged reaction.
What if that director went to Harlem, and showed a film in support of the KKK. What do you think will happen? Or what if you went to some real, practicing Christians, and showed them a similar film as the one in the video, except in association with Christianity? I could go on and on.
@ you not targeting Islam, when it's clear that you are. It's okay though, bigotry is not an incurable condition....

Oh, and "aggressive language" in every scripture must be taken in context...stop generalizing.
If Christians reacted the same way, I'd condemn reactions as well.  It's no different to me.  The KKK has committed horrible crimes against minorities.  I would not support anyone that supports the KKK in any way.  Would I support his (the director's) death? No.

What have homosexuals done to Muslims to elicit this kind of response though?
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

It's just not just justified anger (not justified imo),  the crowd was making death threats and retaliating with violence.  It might seem like I'm targeting Islam as the only violent religion, but that's just because I specifically made this post about Muslims and Islam.  I could've made it about abortion doctor killers.  I agree with you that many religions are violent

I'm not even taking it to extremist levels terrorism.  This is a seemingly moderate group of Muslims reacting to this video with violence and death threats.  It doesn't seem like it's only a few extremists...
It is justified because the director took something that is sacred and to them (their religion), and associated it with homosexuality and pornography (both widely considered evil by all manner of religion). Combine that offense with the mob mentality, and of course there is going to be an outraged reaction.
What if that director went to Harlem, and showed a film in support of the KKK. What do you think will happen? Or what if you went to some real, practicing Christians, and showed them a similar film as the one in the video, except in association with Christianity? I could go on and on.
@ you not targeting Islam, when it's clear that you are. It's okay though, bigotry is not an incurable condition....

Oh, and "aggressive language" in every scripture must be taken in context...stop generalizing.
If Christians reacted the same way, I'd condemn reactions as well.  It's no different to me.  The KKK has committed horrible crimes against minorities.  I would not support anyone that supports the KKK in any way.  Would I support his (the director's) death? No.

What have homosexuals done to Muslims to elicit this kind of response though?
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing

Ohhh comon; surely you're not that naive...

He aint offering to take ol' Lars out for dinner--that I can surely guarantee...


Did you read the thread at all? I just posted that I know swedish, but surely I cant understand the swedish these men are speaking, right?
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Its That Dude


unless this was incorrectly translated...

He doesnt mean it as in killing

Ohhh comon; surely you're not that naive...

He aint offering to take ol' Lars out for dinner--that I can surely guarantee...


Did you read the thread at all? I just posted that I know swedish, but surely I cant understand the swedish these men are speaking, right?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

It's just not just justified anger (not justified imo),  the crowd was making death threats and retaliating with violence.  It might seem like I'm targeting Islam as the only violent religion, but that's just because I specifically made this post about Muslims and Islam.  I could've made it about abortion doctor killers.  I agree with you that many religions are violent

I'm not even taking it to extremist levels terrorism.  This is a seemingly moderate group of Muslims reacting to this video with violence and death threats.  It doesn't seem like it's only a few extremists...
It is justified because the director took something that is sacred and to them (their religion), and associated it with homosexuality and pornography (both widely considered evil by all manner of religion). Combine that offense with the mob mentality, and of course there is going to be an outraged reaction.
What if that director went to Harlem, and showed a film in support of the KKK. What do you think will happen? Or what if you went to some real, practicing Christians, and showed them a similar film as the one in the video, except in association with Christianity? I could go on and on.
@ you not targeting Islam, when it's clear that you are. It's okay though, bigotry is not an incurable condition....

Oh, and "aggressive language" in every scripture must be taken in context...stop generalizing.
If Christians reacted the same way, I'd condemn reactions as well.  It's no different to me.  The KKK has committed horrible crimes against minorities.  I would not support anyone that supports the KKK in any way.  Would I support his (the director's) death? No.

What have homosexuals done to Muslims to elicit this kind of response though?

Then, like I said earlier, youre attributing their actions only to them and not their Christian beliefs. You must follow the same principle here. You cant attribute the violent reaction of some muslims to their religion. Especially when there were some muslims there who were defending the police, saying they were only doing their jobs.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

It's just not just justified anger (not justified imo),  the crowd was making death threats and retaliating with violence.  It might seem like I'm targeting Islam as the only violent religion, but that's just because I specifically made this post about Muslims and Islam.  I could've made it about abortion doctor killers.  I agree with you that many religions are violent

I'm not even taking it to extremist levels terrorism.  This is a seemingly moderate group of Muslims reacting to this video with violence and death threats.  It doesn't seem like it's only a few extremists...
It is justified because the director took something that is sacred and to them (their religion), and associated it with homosexuality and pornography (both widely considered evil by all manner of religion). Combine that offense with the mob mentality, and of course there is going to be an outraged reaction.
What if that director went to Harlem, and showed a film in support of the KKK. What do you think will happen? Or what if you went to some real, practicing Christians, and showed them a similar film as the one in the video, except in association with Christianity? I could go on and on.
@ you not targeting Islam, when it's clear that you are. It's okay though, bigotry is not an incurable condition....

Oh, and "aggressive language" in every scripture must be taken in context...stop generalizing.
If Christians reacted the same way, I'd condemn reactions as well.  It's no different to me.  The KKK has committed horrible crimes against minorities.  I would not support anyone that supports the KKK in any way.  Would I support his (the director's) death? No.

What have homosexuals done to Muslims to elicit this kind of response though?

Then, like I said earlier, youre attributing their actions only to them and not their Christian beliefs. You must follow the same principle here. You cant attribute the violent reaction of some muslims to their religion. Especially when there were some muslims there who were defending the police, saying they were only doing their jobs.
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