How bad has your life been since 2000? Vol: Blame Bush?

Nov 22, 2007
With this whole election based on change, what kind of changes do you want? I understand this board is PRO-Bama, but realistically what do you expect fromgovernment? The last 8 years of my life have been pretty decent. Yes there was 9/11, Katrina, and the war in the Middle East, which some of the blame falls onBush and some wrongful blame fell on Bush as well. All were horrible incidents, but do you really rely on government? It's proven in the past that itrarely can do things right and in a timely matter, so why put all this hope in to one man. I'm a registered independent, and will probably vote for McCain.Why? No I don't make over $100k a year, but the real reason I'm voting for him is because I don't really want more government involvement in mylife. I like to make my choices and deal with them. So how were the last 8 years of your life?
I was broken then..

And I..

Still am
I'm with you.

@ people on here thinking anything is going to change if Obama becomespresident.
my life has been solid ... as ive argued many a times on NT, aside from a small 9/11 tax, i havent experienced one damn thing that was different lol ...
Besides the Cowboys not winning a playoff game since '96, my life's been aight...stil the same dude I was in 2000...

Anyway, I totally feel what you sayin. Folk seem 2 think Obama is some kind of savior, here 2 bring sweeping change and reform 2 American government from day1. Fact is, its prolly gonna be business as usual, and I don't see what's so special bout him, other than added melanin.
The way people blame bush for everything is a joke. So many crybabies I wonder why nobody ever made a shirt that said "George Bush Did It"
I'm pretty sure either candidate will bring a bunch of government intervention that you're not going to like....

I'm also a registered independent..

Can't side on how McCain feels he's going to "change" things....more of the same, IMO.

Bush does get a lot of unfair blame...where people look at the end result and blame him not knowing the context in which said matters transpired in, buttalking like that will make me blue in the face.
Obama has voted democrat 97%+ ... its not like hes gonna save us ... its just gonna be a different form of losing with higher taxes ...
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