How badly do you think pre marital sex has damaged our country?

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Is it pre-marital sex if you have no intentions of getting married?


And RKO you know damn well this is a religion thread because religion is the organization that is against premarital sex.. And where this view comes from.. So nice try passing off another my religion is great thread in disguise.

Absolutely!  Also, it's the same people that are against pre-marital sex that are against gay marriage. So, no sex for gays either since in the eyes of so many religious zealots marriage is only between man and woman.
with everything thats going on this dude gonna talk about pre martial sex?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Where are your facts and stats? You are aware that teen pregnancy has been on the decline since the 80's? You gotta come with more than opinions with things like this.
Oh it has? Post the "stats" but honestly, I can see what you're saying.

BUT, has abortion been on the rise,decline or is it steady? Teen pregnancy being on the decline is good but also bad. All it means is they are screwing with no worries or cares.

Is it pre-marital sex if you have no intentions of getting married?
Sure is. Lets just say outside of marriage sex.

I think what he isn't being honest about is currently 50% of all couples get divorced.. Throw in the hat that pre-marital sex shouldn't happen more couples would get married for the sex and divorce rate would be even higher....
Well that's why we learn about the meaning of life. Don't blame marriage because people quit on each other, get married for the wrong reasons, or step out on their spouse.

Like I said before, Marriage is perfect. Its us who are broken.

The problem is not pre-marital sex.. The problem is people who pass their judgment, so kids don't go to get information in fear of being judge or just because they are not given the available info due to failed abstinence only education and then we have a $%+% load of out of wedlock births, and teen births.
Kids should feel comfortable asking about sex. You're right.

Condom and Birth control ads and info is EVERYWHERE now. Even in schools there is more info about both. The teen and young adult births are still around.

Religion racks up more losses than the Nets

And RKO you know damn well this is a religion thread because religion is the organization that is against premarital sex.. And where this view comes from.. So nice try passing off another my religion is great thread in disguise.
No this is about premarital/outside of marriage sex discussion thread. Not a do you believe in God thread and why.

How does religion rack up Ls though. Because people don't always follow it? Isn't that on the person?

I think abortion and the desensitization of Americans to violence have far more contributed to damage to this country than pre-marital sex.
Good points.

with everything thats going on this dude gonna talk about pre martial sex?

One at a time.

Absolutely!  Also, it's the same people that are against pre-marital sex that are against gay marriage. So, no sex for gays either since in the eyes of so many religious zealots marriage is only between man and woman.
Lobo actually. This is debate for me. Debate with people I don't know to see the many opinions out there.

You can go have sex with a woman, man, or both at the same time if you want. I can't stop you.

I just enjoy seeing/hearing everyones reasoning and beliefs behind stuff. I can't control nor can I change you. I share my beliefs, and you share yours peacefully.
As mentioned before, the real blame is on the poor excuse of sex education we have in this country and the lack of health care coverage for birth control. All the government funding for sexual education goes to abstinence based programs all thanks to Mr. Bush. OP are you aware that America has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and abortion rates in all of the developed world? The countries that have the lowest rate, France if I remember correctly, offered real sex education and birth control is readily available. Times haven't changed that much. Teenagers were "Hulk smash"-ing since the dawn of time. It's natural. The only real difference now is the desensitizing of a lot of things that were once taboo. Educate the youth and they will make the right choices. Marriage is just an institutionalized form of slavery created by religion. Being married isn't going to fix everything.   
I honestly have no problems with teenagers having sex as long as its with protection and consensual.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I honestly have no problems with teenagers having sex as long as its with protection and consensual.

What ages are you talking about?
I don't think the problem is pre-marital sex but that people do it so casually...

hell i think the bigger problem is some folks have no problem kissing randoms in the club...
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I dont think pre-marital sex is the issue... but rather unprotected/no birth control sex.

If people want to have sex before they are married, I don't look at it as an issue as long as they are taking the proper precautions.
But what about the effect it has on children and teens? Its basically a green light for them to go and screw at will as long as they use a condom and or birth control.

Isn't that in the end, what we're telling them? I mean you can tell your children , if they go out and have sex to protect themselves. But shouldn't there also be more said to curb that as well besides "Find someone special" or "Find someone you care about"?

You can still tell your kid wait to "find someone special" and "find someone you care about"

I have a 4 year old daughter, and as much as it pains me to think about her having sex when she gets older, if she finds someone special or finds someone she cares about, I will encourage her to have sex with him BEFORE she gets married. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and i don't want her to be unhappily married because her and her partner aren't sexually compatible.


Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I don't think the problem is pre-marital sex but that people do it so casually...

hell i think the bigger problem is some folks have no problem kissing randoms in the club...


Forgot about this. No telling what the other person has or what they were just doing. The possibilities are endless. Dude could have JUST kissed a girl then 5 minutes later, swappin spit with a new chick who just got done coming from her JO house

My NT'ers, please, PLEASE, don't do this.
The point RKO is making is you can blame it on poor sex ed, but without having sex before getting married you wouldnt need it anyways.............the question he's asking is "what if" not that it will ever happen, and he's right cant deny that, people would benifit from it in many ways, but is it going to happen? no......kinda like would the world benifit from not having illigal weapons on the street, Yes but it's not gonna happen
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

The point RKO is making is you can blame it on poor sex ed, but without having sex before getting married you wouldnt need it anyways.............the question he's asking is "what if" not that it will ever happen, and he's right cant deny that, people would benifit from it in many ways, but is it going to happen? no......kinda like would the world benifit from not having illigal weapons on the street, Yes but it's not gonna happen

Thank you. People skipped right around that to TRY and prove my opinion wrong.

I know 1st hand that my life could have been different in terms of my younger teen years had an all around proper structure been in play with society.
But now that things aren't perfect. What do you think should be done? You can't make pre-marital sex illegal.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

a lot of stupid responses in this thread.

Yes, I agree with you OP. It is clear to see what the result of a premarital sex is, pregnancy, the spread of diseases, promiscuity, the psychological effect, so on and so forth.
rko is a fool blinded by his beliefs.

you're oging ot sit here and say adults aren't responsible enough to have sex with contraceptives? Alright bro.

as far as impressionable on children it's part of life. You're not going to hide sex from the kids there are way too many resources. So even if you preaching abstitence you better be handing out condoms if you have some kind of care for the future of the kids.
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

But now that things aren't perfect. What do you think should be done? You can't make pre-marital sex illegal.

Well honestly, the best we can do is educate out kids on the right way to have sex. That's pretty much it at this point.

The longer we go, the more and more we are removed from out roots, the worse and worse things will get. IT has to end, before it gets to bad
The problem is not premarital sex. The problem is uneducated, low-income (all around stupid) people having children. The stupidest people in this country have the most children. Then these stupid people mentally and physically abuse their children. These people are alcoholics, drug abusers, criminals, etc. raising children. Their children become what their parents were, and the cycle repeats. It never stops.

And who supports all these people? The taxpayer. That's who pays for the jails, the clinics, the courts, etc.

But the funny thing is, people feel like everyone has the right to raise a child. You need a license to drive and go fishing, but any idiot is allowed to raise a child. So we can never tell these people "Hey, you're not fit to raise 3 children with your income."

Sometimes people get mad at this, but don't be. Of course there's an exception to every rule and there are people who come from terrible upbringings to become great people. But that's the exception. For every one of them, there's a million idiots.
It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

The problem is not premarital sex. The problem is uneducated, low-income (all around stupid) people having children. The stupidest people in this country have the most children. Then these stupid people mentally and physically abuse their children. These people are alcoholics, drug abusers, criminals, etc. raising children. Their children become what their parents were, and the cycle repeats. It never stops.

And who supports all these people? The taxpayer. That's who pays for the jails, the clinics, the courts, etc.

But the funny thing is, people feel like everyone has the right to raise a child. You need a license to drive and go fishing, but any idiot is allowed to raise a child. So we can never tell these people "Hey, you're not fit to raise 3 children with your income."

Sometimes people get mad at this, but don't be. Of course there's an exception to every rule and there are people who come from terrible upbringings to become great people. But that's the exception. For every one of them, there's a million idiots.
This is pretty much it.

I think the world without premarital sex would be worse.  People would be marrying just to have sex when their married friends are bragging about how awesome it is.  This would lead to higher divorce rates and perhaps more fatherless/motherless children because people would be marrying for all the wrong reasons.

Yes not everyone would do this in fact only idiots would do that.  But idiots are the ones we are complaining about now ruining the world with all thier premarital sex.  So solution? Kill all the idiots? not possible aka nothing is going to change.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Man people had sex before all this, but a lot more people get sex happy when they got some condoms.

Put it this way. Anybody can drive a car without a license. But if you got your license, you're going to want to drive more, and more.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by bittersweet

It's more so contraception than anything ... being able to use contraception has damaged our country.

How do you figure? Because before there was legitimate contraception, people were still having sex. Contraception doesn't make people want to have more sex.
You're nuts if you think contraception doesn't make people have more sex.

Before there was contraception people knew that it was an possibility of producing offspring, so either they married that person, took the risk, or just didn't do it at all.

People are just reckless nowadays, and it's the results of condoms, day after pills, and birth control.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

In my opinion, I think it has damaged us more than majority of us will admit to. We can see the affects of it all around us and even here on NT.

What do you think NT?

Do you have any support for any of those above claims?
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