How big of an L will Cleveland take if Lebron leaves?

Originally Posted by mykickgame

Its a HUGE loss if they lose Lebron. He's all they have. I think the hour long press conference is to say farewell to cleveland & hello to NY (hopefully). So it will/might be LA: Kobe & Gasol, MIA: Wade & Bosh, CHI: Boozer??? & Allen???, NY: STAT & Lebron???

 At first read I thought u were naming where the free agents were going until I realized u put Kobe n Gasol up.  But honestly, neither one out of Ray or Boozer has more "star power" than D. Rose, unless Bron ends up there it will still be Rose's team...

In response to the topic though, if he leaves it's a wrap for them. I don't know about the team moving or anything like that, but he's given so much to that city in terms of publicity, money (ticket sales, etc.) and a huge boost in morale.  Being his hometown (close enough), I don't think he has the heart to put them in that position, but all the same you can't blame him after all he's given with no championships in return.
Huge blow to the will be lost. Yes, Lebron means THAT much to the city. However, he doesn't owe them $$%%. He's loyal to Akron...not Cleveland. He's still handling his business like a !+@@% tho
Huge blow to the will be lost. Yes, Lebron means THAT much to the city. However, he doesn't owe them $$%%. He's loyal to Akron...not Cleveland. He's still handling his business like a !+@@% tho
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Damn, I really wish we had a sports forum.

The thread's more about Cleavland than it is LeBron. Quit searching for lulz.

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