How can English Speakers/Readers live in Seoul? VOL: I don't want to be teacher.

OP is full of fail

I was in a Seoul for a week once. My friend and I got lost and everyone we tried to ask for directions only spoke Korean. Took us like 2 hours to get back to the hotel
forreal man..OP how old are you? cant be 21+ thinking like this :smh:
my wife is fake chinese. shes like 4th generation (i think?). talking to her grandmother is like talking to a white grandmother... was either born here or grew up here from a very early age. same for her grandfather. i mean, he was in the US Navy for WWII as a teenager. Bout as white-washed as they come.

my ex before my wife was korean, and she was bat-stink crazy. fool me once... shame on me. fool me twice...
LOL. +1 Why did you say that about your wife? How long were you guys together.
Modjomonkey, how about your Chinese wife? Inter-racial marriage is interesting. Please share.
I don't think people understand the whole going to school to learn Korean thing. I don't have the time. I'm working on my CFA, which hand in hand is a 3-4 1/2 year thing along w/ my career growth studies.
I just told you what happened to me at an instance. My home girl is americanized and has both worlds., and despite the efforts, they were al failures. Like you've said, they are stuck up and materialistic. Maybe I should stop watching soaps and stop going for them. lolz The good ones don't exist!! It's pretty much, unless you're korean, you're shut out.
The challenge for me is getting into the circle and finding those eventful situations.
When I hit up Ktown in wilshire w/ my friend, I could see them conjugated everywhere. They wouldn't associate w/ anyone outside their race. lolz
I saw some black and white dudes in their own clique too, proally like me, getting rejected and trying to pursue them. lolz

been with my girl about 3 years

What race are you?

Korean girls are not hard to get if you have game and are used to being outside your own demographic.

If you are watching soaps you already lost... even korean guys don't watch that $#$@

I stay near wilshire and western

"lolz"... you lost again... you are supposed to act like you are ABOVE the korean woman.... not act like you ARE a korean woman


I think I'm going hard on you for no reason (pause)

You need to stop actin so soft... really...
If you are a regular korean guy... you can act how you are acting and get a "peanut butter and bread" regular ole pumpkin head korean chick... but I don't think that's what you want.
You need to be greater than yourself. You need to expand all the positive and strong aspects of your personality while minimizing the negative aspects.

One of those negative aspects is you are lazy and have low self esteem.
You won't grab a $#$@@ pocket dictionary and learn some phrases.
Nothing is more liberating than YELLING out 'yogioh' when you want to call a waiter over. Rude in American culture, standard in korean. Boss $#@#$ nonetheless. But you don't know about this because you are like a sane version of edward norton in fight club.
You need to change your overall stance on life if you want a "hot" chick period.
You are in competition with every other human with a **** she may come across.

Are you funny?
Is your day to day life interesting?
Are you intimidated by other guys in the club/bar?
Do you have confidence that the girl you are looking at already saw you and is waiting for you to make a move?

I went after my yabo something hard in the beginning.
Studied everything about korean culture, music, food, fashion language etc.
Then I learned the truth.... she's just a WOMAN
If you are not pullin hot chicks of your own race... what makes you think you can break into a more secluded segment of the population and pull from there?

You gotta go back to the basics.

What race are you really tho?
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been with my girl about 3 years
What race are you?
Korean girls are not hard to get if you have game and are used to being outside your own demographic.
If you are watching soaps you already lost... even korean guys don't watch that $#$@
I stay near wilshire and western
"lolz"... you lost again... you are supposed to act like you are ABOVE the korean woman.... not act like you ARE a korean woman
I think I'm going hard on you for no reason (pause)
You need to stop actin so soft... really...
If you are a regular korean guy... you can act how you are acting and get a "peanut butter and bread" regular ole pumpkin head korean chick... but I don't think that's what you want.
You need to be greater than yourself. You need to expand all the positive and strong aspects of your personality while minimizing the negative aspects.
One of those negative aspects is you are lazy and have low self esteem.
You won't grab a $#$@@ pocket dictionary and learn some phrases.
Nothing is more liberating than YELLING out 'yogioh' when you want to call a waiter over. Rude in American culture, standard in korean. Boss $#@#$ nonetheless. But you don't know about this because you are like a sane version of edward norton in fight club.
You need to change your overall stance on life if you want a "hot" chick period.
You are in competition with every other human with a **** she may come across.
Are you funny?
Is your day to day life interesting?
Are you intimidated by other guys in the club/bar?
Do you have confidence that the girl you are looking at already saw you and is waiting for you to make a move?
I went after my yabo something hard in the beginning.
Studied everything about korean culture, music, food, fashion language etc.
Then I learned the truth.... she's just a WOMAN
If you are not pullin hot chicks of your own race... what makes you think you can break into a more secluded segment of the population and pull from there?
You gotta go back to the basics.
What race are you really tho?
I'm Chinese. Dad is mongolian from macau, mom is chinese from hong kong.

I can't lie, I had that same mindset as yours. I was fascinated by them, in college I took courses of korea in history, politics, & culture. It's not that I don't understand them and all, it's just that I'm just a sucker for them. My ex-gf was chinese, but our 4 year relationship ended mutually around my senior year in college. At that time, I was active w/ school clubs, internship and all. Again, I got shut out by Koreans whenever I had an opportunity. I didn't care for other types to be honest, despite what you are suggesting.

I've gone through the whole club/bar thing, but I was never hard core with that. After a while, it got old and silly. Didn't think it was the scene for anything of my type.

In terms of confidence? I think I'm okay, still on the humble side, but I've had the most career success as compared to my peers.. I play basketball at the park against guys. Pretty competitive, but not an alpha male.

I think the failure of success w/ my preference is the most discouraging thing. Help.
Nothing is more liberating than YELLING out 'yogioh' when you want to call a waiter over. Rude in American culture, standard in korean. Boss $#@#$ nonetheless. But you don't know about this because you are like a sane version of edward norton in fight club.

legit LOL. I think non-koreans trip out the first time they are at a korean bar/restaurant because the social norms are so different. At a korean bar/restaurant, the servers are there to SERVE. u need something? they put a damn button at your table to beckon the server. If a place doesnt have a button? its 100% acceptable behavior to randomly shout of YOGIOH! (translation - HEY! OVER HERE!)

i didnt quote all of CreateDestroy's post, but he is 100% ON POINT.

to elaborate a bit on his advice.

STOP ACTING SOFT. BE A BOSS. seriously. im not saying that you need to treat women like poop, but you need to be assertive and confident. the whole male=power, female=submissive is a part of Korean (as well as other asian) culture.

OP - next time youre in LA and you wanna spit game at korean girls, just bring money and go K-clubbing. I'm assuming youre familiar with the concept of K-clubbin and booking?
legit LOL. I think non-koreans trip out the first time they are at a korean bar/restaurant because the social norms are so different. At a korean bar/restaurant, the servers are there to SERVE. u need something? they put a damn button at your table to beckon the server. If a place doesnt have a button? its 100% acceptable behavior to randomly shout of YOGIOH! (translation - HEY! OVER HERE!)
i didnt quote all of CreateDestroy's post, but he is 100% ON POINT.
to elaborate a bit on his advice.
STOP ACTING SOFT. BE A BOSS. seriously. im not saying that you need to treat women like poop, but you need to be assertive and confident. the whole male=power, female=submissive is a part of Korean (as well as other asian) culture.
OP - next time youre in LA and you wanna spit game at korean girls, just bring money and go K-clubbing. I'm assuming youre familiar with the concept of K-clubbin and booking?
Like a Sa-Jang-Neem ?

My korean friends tell me, if you're korean you can 'be like that'. But if you're outsider, like a black/white/ doing that, it's disrespectful and rude. I would assume, that because of cultural differences, too much of a wanna-be is bad.
Like a Sa-Jang-Neem ?
My korean friends tell me, if you're korean you can 'be like that'. But if you're outsider, like a black/white/ doing that, it's disrespectful and rude. I would assume, that because of cultural differences, too much of a wanna-be is bad.

i can see why your friends would say that. that being said, to be truly boss, you have to fully embrace it. they think youre rude or disrespectful? eff em. they are their to SERVE, you are the patron. they can keep their opinions to themselves.
[COLOR=#red]If you are in banking/finance I'd look at Singapore or Hong Kong if I wanted to move to Asia.[/COLOR]
been with my girl about 3 years
What race are you?
Korean girls are not hard to get if you have game and are used to being outside your own demographic.
If you are watching soaps you already lost... even korean guys don't watch that $#$@
I stay near wilshire and western
"lolz"... you lost again... you are supposed to act like you are ABOVE the korean woman.... not act like you ARE a korean woman
I think I'm going hard on you for no reason (pause)
You need to stop actin so soft... really...
If you are a regular korean guy... you can act how you are acting and get a "peanut butter and bread" regular ole pumpkin head korean chick... but I don't think that's what you want.
You need to be greater than yourself. You need to expand all the positive and strong aspects of your personality while minimizing the negative aspects.
One of those negative aspects is you are lazy and have low self esteem.
You won't grab a $#$@@ pocket dictionary and learn some phrases.
Nothing is more liberating than YELLING out 'yogioh' when you want to call a waiter over. Rude in American culture, standard in korean. Boss $#@#$ nonetheless. But you don't know about this because you are like a sane version of edward norton in fight club.
You need to change your overall stance on life if you want a "hot" chick period.
You are in competition with every other human with a **** she may come across.
Are you funny?
Is your day to day life interesting?
Are you intimidated by other guys in the club/bar?
Do you have confidence that the girl you are looking at already saw you and is waiting for you to make a move?
I went after my yabo something hard in the beginning.
Studied everything about korean culture, music, food, fashion language etc.
Then I learned the truth.... she's just a WOMAN
If you are not pullin hot chicks of your own race... what makes you think you can break into a more secluded segment of the population and pull from there?
You gotta go back to the basics.
What race are you really tho?


I honestly don't think you'll survive out here unless you speak korea and you really get with the korean culture. I'm 100% korean but went to international school and lived in England/US most of my life and currently live in LA after going to college in san diego. I speak/read/write korean fluently and consider myself to still be very korean in terms of culture and holding values yet I chose to work in the states and not in korea. My parents live in korea and my dad works for one of the big 4 korean companies and holds a high position at the company yet he tells me all the time how he doesn't want me to work in korea. It's a totally different world and these companies out here are completely different from how it is to work in America. You'll be forced to drink for dinners with work people and if you say no, good luck surviving/staying with that company. It may seem unrealistic but 4-5 bottles of whiskey amongst 3-4 men is nothing surprising. Whoever your boss is, you become their direct slave and you must do as they say.

Girl wise, korean girls love money. If you find those pretty seoul girls that dress amazingly and look gorgeous, prepare to shell out big $$$. Yes i love those girls too and the girls I meet are into that stuff so be prepared to frequent chanel, prada, etc stores. Even in ktown in LA, you go k-clubbing and see these girls flock to you after they see you wearing a certain watch or see you pull up in a certain car. That's why so many guys in ktown work at KBBQ restaurants as servers etc yet will live in a bathroom sized place to drive that benz C-class or 3 series.

From what I've read so far, i think you (the OP) have seen all these kpop videos and have become very interested in korean girls and culture. Realistically, I just don't think you'll be able to find a job out here without speaking korean and the salaries here are a lot lower compared to the states if you are a lower level employee. If you don't make good money here, korea is a very boring place. I'm out here on vacation right now and its only cause im here for 1.5 weeks that I'm going to all these clubs and spending away but to live this kind of lifestyle weekly, you'd go broke so fast. Korea is a place where you can enjoy food and alcohol for either really cheap at ghetto spots but still be good or you go fully balls out and drop 1000 a night drinking whiskey and going to nice places.

If you have more questions, i'll be happy to answer them but I think your best bet is to just meet a korean girl in LA.
Korean women are :pimp:
maybe I'm biased because my girl is Korean (well half) and I absolutely love being with her.
I honestly don't think you'll survive out here unless you speak korea and you really get with the korean culture. I'm 100% korean but went to international school and lived in England/US most of my life and currently live in LA after going to college in san diego. I speak/read/write korean fluently and consider myself to still be very korean in terms of culture and holding values yet I chose to work in the states and not in korea. My parents live in korea and my dad works for one of the big 4 korean companies and holds a high position at the company yet he tells me all the time how he doesn't want me to work in korea. It's a totally different world and these companies out here are completely different from how it is to work in America. You'll be forced to drink for dinners with work people and if you say no, good luck surviving/staying with that company. It may seem unrealistic but 4-5 bottles of whiskey amongst 3-4 men is nothing surprising. Whoever your boss is, you become their direct slave and you must do as they say.

:pimp: this outlook is appreciated famb. I'm black, but I grew up in a predominately-Korean area, and the language came easy to me and I thought the culture was also interesting, so I choose to major in it while doing pre-med, but I'm thinking of getting some business foundations just in case med school falls through and the social business aspects is what I'm scared of... Don't care for alcohol but I know better to not turn any down. And I'm a female too? :smh: it's going to be hard to get anywhere at all. A friend of mine who was Vegeterian had to stop after 8 years because they became alienated in Korea. It's like "breaking bread" and socializing well is such a huge thing.
It's really fascinating to learn the racial dynamics of other cultures.
Yea this is accidentally a nice thread. I am trying to find that "Ask an Asian-American" thread that was on the old NT, but I can't find it. Some good stuff in there too. 8)
Korean Americans don't accept other races, even other Asians in the U.S. I'd imagine it's a lot harder to be accepted in Korea.

I heard and experience this as well. I ran into couple Koreans that think their the apex Asians, looking down on other Asian ethnicity. Some Korean only see themselves marrying a korean/white/ or at stretch, Chinese person. But then again, this is from my small sample of people I ran into, chilled with, are friends with.
I heard and experience this as well. I ran into couple Koreans that think their the apex Asians, looking down on other Asian ethnicity. Some Korean only see themselves marrying a korean/white/ or at stretch, Chinese person. But then again, this is from my small sample of people I ran into, chilled with, are friends with.

I mean it may come off bad and it may be the way some koreans do think but each person is different. To me, it's not that I think koreans are better or anything but I definitely do only date korean girls and plan on marrying a korean girl because it just makes life a lot easier for me. It's more about growing up with the same culture and I just connect with koreans the most because I do like to use english and korean. What is interesting though is I find it hard to get along with some 2nd generation girls that were purely born and raised in the states. My ex was like that and although she was korean, her values and upbringing wasn't so similar to mine as i came from a more traditional korean family whereas her parents had lived in the US for a long time. It was surprising how different we were and I just couldn't get along with her and my parents didn't like the girl as well. She didn't know the proper etiquette etc that korean society expects which is what was a no-no for my parents. Korean parents do have a lot of input in who their children marry and I honestly take them into consideration a lot when i meet girls just because it makes my life easier if my parents get along with the girl.
Yea this is accidentally a nice thread. I am trying to find that "Ask an Asian-American" thread that was on the old NT, but I can't find it. Some good stuff in there too. 8)

this is a good idea....i still believe there are separations among asians in the states. it took caucasians a long time when they came from europe. now they are just "americans". there could be a possibility of one day that we all asian americans are just "americans". we should make a "Ask an Asian-American" or "Ask an Asian" thread to help educate each other the misunderstandings and stereotypes.
Yea this is accidentally a nice thread. I am trying to find that "Ask an Asian-American" thread that was on the old NT, but I can't find it. Some good stuff in there too. 8)

this is a good idea....i still believe there are separations among asians in the states. it took caucasians a long time when they came from europe. now they are just "americans". there could be a possibility of one day that we all asian americans are just "americans". we should make a "Ask an Asian-American" or "Ask an Asian" thread to help educate each other the misunderstandings and stereotypes.

I know I'm late, but I'm down for that thread. I think we should maybe start it for different groups but I have no faith in the immature NT'ers who would just act stupid.
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