how can I deal with a friend who keeps making excuses?

Mar 10, 2011
Everytime we will set up a date to meetup but the day before, I'll ask to confirm, and he'll say hes busy. He's done this like 20 times now. I don't know why he is acting so strange. The last time we hung out was like a year ago. He gives me these bs responses like "lmao" or "I have things to do". There is no reason for him to hate me. This guy has some of my ps3 games and I need em back. He has seen me a few times after borrowing the game but I forgot about it. so that shouldn't be the reason.
is he anti social in general? does he have a video game addiction? is his voice weak and crackly like it lacks testosterone? is he bad with women? is he unsure of himself? no confidence? he probably jerks off too much.. i used to be like your friend
Everytime we will set up a date to meetup but the day before, I'll ask to confirm, and he'll say hes busy. He's done this like 20 times now. I don't know why he is acting so strange. The last time we hung out was like a year ago. He gives me these bs responses like "lmao" or "I have things to do". There is no reason for him to hate me. This guy has some of my ps3 games and I need em back. He has seen me a few times after borrowing the game but I forgot about it. so that shouldn't be the reason.

it happens. Sometimes friends outgrow each other. Happened to me with 2 of my friends from HS. I would always plan stuff and the last minute they would backout, until I got the hint to just move on
He's either really busy, depressed and doesn't want to go out, or just doesn't want to hang out with you. If you see him going out a lot, then it's probably #3.
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doesn't seem like a friend to me. Coincidentally, The Bronx Tale was on TV a few days ago. Paraphrasing Sonny, think of it as paying some PS3 games to get rid of this guy, he'll never call you or bother you again.
Put on some Ne-Yo, paint your toe nails, indulge in a pint of cookie dough ice cream and watch your favorite life time movie....It will get better my friend, it shall pass.
He's either really busy, depressed and doesn't want to go out, or just doesn't want to hang out with you. If you see him going out a lot, then it's probably #3.

Or he doesn't want to or can't return your PS3 games. :lol:
to answer the question in the thread title, just stop hitting him up and take the hint. Don't need to even waste your time with people like that.
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is he anti social in general? does he have a video game addiction? is his voice weak and crackly like it lacks testosterone? is he bad with women? is he unsure of himself? no confidence? he probably jerks off too much.. i used to be like your friend

Teach me please. I feel like I'm getting to this point.
He's avoiding you 'cause he sold your games at Gamestop.

Nah really though, friends grow apart. One of my good friends from HS just stopped hitting me up all of a sudden years ago - and we would hang out all the time before that. Never did anything to him that would be a plausible reason for him to end contact. I saw him and his mom at Little Caesar's randomly one day and to be polite, I tapped him on his shoulder (he was in line and I was next) and said "Wassup?" - he responds and his mom starts talking to me. Right before he leaves I tell him to "Hit me up". Never did, and I never cared. Still have his Fifa '10 game though - pretty sure he forgot about it though. Recently, I went on his FB profile and noticed he deleted me as a friend, graduated and got married to a fugly (without a job 

I ain't even mad. 
He has a girlfriend. claims his life has been better after moving from my area. He moved around 2008 and the last time we hung was august of last year. I've been looking out for him since we were young and now he just disposes of me like a ps3 game smh. w.e I don't care no more but I want my games back. dont have his # or address, just msn :smh:
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Everytime we will set up a date to meetup but the day before, I'll ask to confirm, and he'll say hes busy. He's done this like 20 times now. I don't know why he is acting so strange. The last time we hung out was like a year ago. He gives me these bs responses like "lmao" or "I have things to do". There is no reason for him to hate me. This guy has some of my ps3 games and I need em back. He has seen me a few times after borrowing the game but I forgot about it. so that shouldn't be the reason.
He has a girlfriend. claims his life has been better after moving from my area. He moved around 2008 and the last time we hung was august of last year. I've been looking out for him since we were young and now he just disposes of me like a ps3 game smh. w.e I don't care no more but I want my games back. dont have his # or address, just msn
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^yes, he constantly jokes about having sold it and will give me $5. Only until I start tripping does he say he has it and will give it back later.

I even ask if he even wants to chill but he just says ok ill come next month. Cycle repeats. :smh: Just wanna go punch him and knock some sense into him
Kinda in this situation. We'll make plans to hit up a bar/club with some other people, and only after I'm done getting ready will he text me saying "Damn man, I'm hella lit. Let's do something tomorrow" or "man, I have a fat @#$ headache." Sometimes I'll get ready to head out and call him a bunch of times, and he responds a day later :x It's like, you dumb @#$, you hit me up in the first place :lol: :smh: I literally have no friends who live in my area. Only friends I have went to college with me but live far away; it isn't too bad cause we all meet up once a month for a weekend vacation, but the remaining 28 days suck @#$% :smh:
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Ok OP, I'l going to keep it funky with you.

Numero Uno - You can forget about those PS3 games. I don't know why you're even bothering to try to get them back after a year and after he has moved, but I'll start this rant off right here and get this out of the way before I go any further.... He traded those games in famb. Get over it. They don't belong to you anymore. They're on the used games section at Gamestop.

I thought that one was pretty obvious.

Number 2 - When dude said his life has been better since moving, he's got a girl, a life, etc. He's trying to say "I'VE MOVED ON MY DUDE, I HOPE ALL IS WELL WITH YOU. NOW LET ME GET BACK TO MY LIFE". Thats pretty obvious as well considering he doesn't say anything besides "I'm busy" and "lmao". Ol' boy obviously doesn't **** with you anymore. He's moved on. You're the childhood friend he had that he's outgrown. All he does now is look back and say "Man, I remember as a kid I had a friend named _____ and we used to chill. **** I think I still had some of his PS3 games after I moved though".

Number 3 - Man up. I've lost some friends. Everyone has lost some friends. Its not like he passed away or anything. The dude moved. Stop using those Gamestop rewards card games as a blanket for whats really good; You're mad cause your boy moved and isn't giving you the time of day. Now you're using those games as a way to try to get in contact with him and to try to meet up. You sound like an ex GF who is in denial about letting go. You haven't seen those games in over a year famb, you don't miss those games. If you did want those games, you would have gotten them before he left. Take the L and just buy some new games, cause ol' boy left you cold like a thief in the night.

Number 4 - Stop trying to make something out of nothing. You look desperate. He's in control over the situation. As bad as it sounds, I feel like I'm giving relationship advice :smh:. The guy obviously doesn't want to see you. why are you so bent on trying to see ol' boy? He's moved on as should you. He can smell the desperation... Thats not cool baby paw.
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You don't deal with him... just keep it moving.

One less person to worry about.

Take the loss on the games... could be worse... he could owe you a lot more.
Ok OP, I'l going to keep it funky with you.
Numero Uno - You can forget about those PS3 games. I don't know why you're even bothering to try to get them back after a year and after he has moved, but I'll start this rant off right here and get this out of the way before I go any further.... He traded those games in famb. Get over it. They don't belong to you anymore. They're on the used games section at Gamestop.
I thought that one was pretty obvious.
Number 2 - When dude said his life has been better since moving, he's got a girl, a life, etc. He's trying to say "I'VE MOVED ON MY DUDE, I HOPE ALL IS WELL WITH YOU. NOW LET ME GET BACK TO MY LIFE". Thats pretty obvious as well considering he doesn't say anything besides "I'm busy" and "lmao". Ol' boy obviously doesn't **** with you anymore. He's moved on. You're the childhood friend he had that he's outgrown. All he does now is look back and say "Man, I remember as a kid I had a friend named _____ and we used to chill. **** I think I still had some of his PS3 games after I moved though".
Number 3 - Man up. I've lost some friends. Everyone has lost some friends. Its not like he passed away or anything. The dude moved. Stop using those Gamestop rewards card games as a blanket for whats really good; You're mad cause your boy moved and isn't giving you the time of day. Now you're using those games as a way to try to get in contact with him and to try to meet up. You sound like an ex GF who is in denial about letting go. You haven't seen those games in over a year famb, you don't miss those games. If you did want those games, you would have gotten them before he left. Take the L and just buy some new games, cause ol' boy left you cold like a thief in the night.
Number 4 - Stop trying to make something out of nothing. You look desperate. He's in control over the situation. As bad as it sounds, I feel like I'm giving relationship advice :smh:. The guy obviously doesn't want to see you. why are you so bent on trying to see ol' boy? He's moved on as should you. He can smell the desperation... Thats not cool baby paw.

some very good points and I have truly moved on and consider him one of my fake friends. However, my mom is asking me where the game is. I tell her that hes busy and can't come because of summer school and that I'm busy too so we can't meet up. She would be mad af if she found out what was going on. She is going to yell at ME and ask what I did to him. She is going to question my personality as to how I could ruin such a long friendship. This has happened before and it took a really long time for her to drop it. I truthtully tell her that i don't know but she accuses me irrationally. Don't want this to happen again
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