How can you get your eyeballs to be white again?!?

Apr 18, 2004
I've searched Google and I've tried many remedies but none seems to be working.Does anybody know how to get your eyeballs to be whiteagain?!?!...Everytime I see a person with the cleanest,brightest,and such white eyeballs I get jealous haha...anybody got some sure fire ways?!?...I shouldhave asked my doctor about this before NT I know I'm gonna get some jokes.Thanks in advance.
Rohto V Eye Drops
Try using the one with the green lid only. The blue ones burn.
just to let you know

if you got a bad liver, your eyes will be yellowish

(make sure it's not an internal health problem)
You either are or have:
-Jaundice (which is caused by):
a. Drug-induced liver damage
b. liver disease (hepatitis)

Read this
I know that drinking was the one that probably that made it that way and probably smoking too.There was a time when I was almost drinking everyday ...likeshots and shots of Jameson and like 5 Irish Car bombs almost'm gonna try those drops..maybe..but is there any "Home"remedies?!? Maybe diet Remedies?!!
Originally Posted by ClaSIK08

I know that drinking was the one that probably that made it that way and probably smoking too.There was a time when I was almost drinking everyday shots and shots of Jameson and like 5 Irish Car bombs almost'm gonna try those drops..maybe..but is there any "Home" remedies?!? Maybe diet Remedies?!!
are you daft? @!!!@ you might have a LIVER problem, take yo !!@ to the doctor.
I don't mean anything by this, but a lot of black people I know have yellowish eyeballs. Friends i've known before they've ever had a drink.
Originally Posted by trancebboy

Rohto V Eye Drops
Try using the one with the green lid only. The blue ones burn.

These feel like you're putting a breathmint in your eyes.
Originally Posted by ClaSIK08

I know that drinking was the one that probably that made it that way and probably smoking too.There was a time when I was almost drinking everyday shots and shots of Jameson and like 5 Irish Car bombs almost'm gonna try those drops..maybe..but is there any "Home" remedies?!? Maybe diet Remedies?!!

A co-worker of mine eyes always turn red after he drinks.

You could have sickle cell. I know someone who has sickle cell and his eyes are yellow.
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