How can You hate Wale?

wale is overrated.... theres nothing special about dude.... he's not trash but nothing to shake a stick at either IMO... but that's just me
Because he's a jerk.

I don't hate him. But I don't like him. And he don't like me.

He's aight to me. Hes a decent enough performer.

I just think he's sensitive. Ya'll do be f---in with him though LOL
Besides the people who have beef with him on a personal basis (
) it seems like NT turned their back on dude

I enjoy his music which should be the only factor But I always hear people (On here namely) speak on his character being abitch, a primadonna etc.

But outside of the posts where Wale comes into posts to defend himself, (where I'll admit he shouldn't even entertain the dudes who try to bait him) Iremember him not only offering free tickets to a couple of his shows but also giving some of us NT producers a chance to get on his album.

Just kind of makes me think if ya'll gonna turn on N_s like Dom, Jewels, Illi, Qualmes etc. when they get at that level.
The difference is between those dudes and Wale is that they post all over NT, even before he blew up Wale rarely showed up in posts that had nothing to do withhis music.

If it doesn't benefit Wale, Wale aint postin.

Thats true, I'll give you that.

Either way, if you're making an album and you give me chance to get on the album, yea he benefits but so would I.

Same could be said if you're throwin me free tickets to your show.

Dude's not tryna HUSTLE N_s...
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