How come Steroids aren't popular in the Black Community?

Im black my roommate in the marines was black ..... he was 5'6 150 pds of pure muscle and that dude used to curl 100 pds dumbells in the gym... everybodyjoked about him using steroids ... but little did they know that lil _ was taking needles to the cheeks like clockwork... lolololol
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about $$##

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.

3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.

We already run fast...we can jump out the building...... why would we need em?
I don't know where you got that from.

Could be that all of the talk is about baseball and there's a higher percentage of white/hispanic players in MLB so you're naturally gonna hear about ahigher number of non-black baseball players connected to steroids?

Football...a lot more use it than you may think. Of ALL races.
by black community I assume you mean the hood...steriods aint in the streets e lol, thats why. The average dude wouldnt know where to look. If it was, it wouldbe an epidemic.

now if you talkin bout black athletes who already made it as opposed to white athletes who made it, there aint no difference in usage...
1) You have to have access. The black people you are talking about wanting to get out the hood probably dont have easy access to steroids like middle classpeople.
2) Blacks really don't play baseball, and steroids are most prominent in baseball
^nah football too...its just seems down cuz the NFL cracked down early...most inner-city HS football players who serious about it stay up in GNC as it is...Iknow I was f'in creatine and weight gainer's...and I wasnt with it nowhere near as hard as my teammates was....
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about $$##

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.

this guy
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about $$##

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.
aint never lied
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about @@$!

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.

This _ came in here and shut the thread down.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about @@$!

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.

This _ came in here and shut the thread down.
i always tell my boys whenever we go out and we gotta besomewhere at a certian time to be ready at 8:30 white people time so we can get to where we gotta go on time.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about @@$!

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.
shut the thread down with this one.

Killing me
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about $$##

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about $$##

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

because black people be lyin about $$##

TRUST ME. Black people use roids.
3 Biggest lies from the avg black male:
- I aint never ate the {()}.
- I don't do white chicks.
- Imma be there on time.
so true
....n's stay lying...
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