How come when i search stuff on google i get redirected?

Jul 25, 2008
im searching for something on google and every time i click a site i get redirected to another on. im using firefox. any help
You got hijacked. The same thing happened to me. Your pretty much done unless you restore your entire hard drive.
You can just use a different browser and it should work normally again. I think there's a way to fix it, but it seemed really complicated, so I justswitched to chrome.
im having the exact same problem.. and not only with google.. but with other search engines as well.. yahoo, bing...
yea, you have a virus. prob from NT too. i had the same thing. try to DL malwarebytes. run that, and it should take it off. worked for me.
same thing happened to me, its a virus. i tried spybot search and destroy, malwarebytes and everything else but the virus would not even let me update them. ifu have windows try WINDOWS LIVE ONE CARE. worked like a charm for me....
smh.gif i guess i wasnt the only one havin this problem!this happened to me last week, but i dL'd the Malwarebytes thingy...and it cleared up everything! it works!...
damn...i was gonna say the gov was after you...this is obviously more serious...

will scan my comp when i get off work.
man i've tried everything...HijackThis, bout to give this Malwarebytes a try....i dont wanna restore my joint either
i just had to reinstall windows xp into my laptop bc of it, when you click on a link from google using firefox look on the bottom left really quick you willsee i thing, i tried to google it and the 4 or 5 sites i checked out it all told me to reinstall windows i first tried cc cleaner but thatonly was a 5 min temp fix literally 5 min it would stop then start over again, my suggestion is until they find something that can find the bug and take careof it, reinstall windows
Trust me, run your laptop/comp in "safe mode" and update/get the latest version of Malwarebytes from there and it'll take care of all yourproblems. It's that simple. I used to always get that before I added Adblock to FF b/c of the stupid NT virus. The virus disables your virus scanners, hence why you have to run it in safe mode.
get the SmitFraud Fix, ComboFix, and CCleaner

the way you bypass that redirect is by copy and pasting the URL.

It is indeed malware though and a lot of the times it will block you from going to antivirus/malware software websites.

edit - when you are able to download the software

run your computer in safemode without networking (after you have downloaded)

If you have scanned your computer, found the malware, and were unable to delete may have to manually go into your registry and delete (it'scomplicated so do this if and only if you know your way around a pc)

Also, in some cases it will delete your restore checkpoints.
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