How conveinent. Another foiled "terrorist" attack.

Terrorist is a politically and emotionally charged term.





Many of the "terrorists" locked in Abu Ghraib were completely innocent men. Many of them were beaten and tortured.

Who becomes the terrorist in that situation? Just look at the pictures of these kidnappers above. Are these REAL terrorists in fatigues? These Muslim prisoners don't really get beaten, tortured, and murdered in real life do they?

I support security. I do not support human rights violations and lies.
Terrorist is a politically and emotionally charged term.





Many of the "terrorists" locked in Abu Ghraib were completely innocent men. Many of them were beaten and tortured.

Who becomes the terrorist in that situation? Just look at the pictures of these kidnappers above. Are these REAL terrorists in fatigues? These Muslim prisoners don't really get beaten, tortured, and murdered in real life do they?

I support security. I do not support human rights violations and lies.
How immature to be laughing at "sending bombs through the mail."  Because after all really who cares if  bombs start popping off in UPS trucks?  Who cares that thousands of UPS, Fed Ex, US Mail, etc. employees today are a bit nervous about the package they are delivering?  Who cares that security is tighter at airports all over the world today?  I mean after all HOW CONVENIENT that there is another foiled "terrorist" attack! 

Yes you are right there is no proof of AQ and there is no one to fight out there!  I mean just look at this picture of these kidnappers.  Those aren't real TERRORISTS covering their faces and claiming Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb.  Those French hostages don't really die in real life, right?  

I'm not laughing at the possibly people dying, I'm laughing at your naivete. Sending a bomb or bomb materials through the mail is amateurish, and ridiculous associating something like this to Al-Qaeda. This group has been trained CIA, dude. Why the hell would someone need to send bomb materials through the mail anyway? I never said there wasn't Al-Qaeda either, I said there is not proof that Al-Qaeda is responsible for this, I said there is not proof that Anwar Aw-Alaki is directing this whole situation or even the Christmas Day bomber.

As far as people fighting in Afghanistan, how do you know they are part of Al-Qaeda? They could just be a group of people fighting because a country sent in 50,000 troops and is sending in unmanned drones to bomb the hell out an entire country with innocent civilians. Remember what Gen. Patreus said regarding Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan?

In a somewhat heated exchange with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — Petraeus at one point told Graham that he preferred “more nuance
How immature to be laughing at "sending bombs through the mail."  Because after all really who cares if  bombs start popping off in UPS trucks?  Who cares that thousands of UPS, Fed Ex, US Mail, etc. employees today are a bit nervous about the package they are delivering?  Who cares that security is tighter at airports all over the world today?  I mean after all HOW CONVENIENT that there is another foiled "terrorist" attack! 

Yes you are right there is no proof of AQ and there is no one to fight out there!  I mean just look at this picture of these kidnappers.  Those aren't real TERRORISTS covering their faces and claiming Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb.  Those French hostages don't really die in real life, right?  

I'm not laughing at the possibly people dying, I'm laughing at your naivete. Sending a bomb or bomb materials through the mail is amateurish, and ridiculous associating something like this to Al-Qaeda. This group has been trained CIA, dude. Why the hell would someone need to send bomb materials through the mail anyway? I never said there wasn't Al-Qaeda either, I said there is not proof that Al-Qaeda is responsible for this, I said there is not proof that Anwar Aw-Alaki is directing this whole situation or even the Christmas Day bomber.

As far as people fighting in Afghanistan, how do you know they are part of Al-Qaeda? They could just be a group of people fighting because a country sent in 50,000 troops and is sending in unmanned drones to bomb the hell out an entire country with innocent civilians. Remember what Gen. Patreus said regarding Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan?

In a somewhat heated exchange with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — Petraeus at one point told Graham that he preferred “more nuance
Many of the "terrorists" locked in Abu Ghraib were completely innocent men. Many of them were beaten and tortured.
Agreed 100%

Who becomes the terrorist in that situation? Just look at the pictures of these kidnappers above. Are these REAL terrorists in fatigues? These Muslim prisoners don't really get beaten, tortured, and murdered in real life do they?

I support security. I do not support human rights violations and lies.

And who in their right minds support "human rights violations and lies?"  
Many of the "terrorists" locked in Abu Ghraib were completely innocent men. Many of them were beaten and tortured.
Agreed 100%

Who becomes the terrorist in that situation? Just look at the pictures of these kidnappers above. Are these REAL terrorists in fatigues? These Muslim prisoners don't really get beaten, tortured, and murdered in real life do they?

I support security. I do not support human rights violations and lies.

And who in their right minds support "human rights violations and lies?"  
Sending a bomb or bomb materials through the mail is amateurish, and ridiculous associating something like this to Al-Qaeda. This group has been trained CIA, dude. Why the hell would someone need to send bomb materials through the mail anyway?

And you know all this because...
I never said there wasn't Al-Qaeda either, I said there is not proof that Al-Qaeda is responsible for this, I said there is not proof that Anwar Aw-Alaki is directing this whole situation or even the Christmas Day bomber.
Ummm AQAP released a statement claiming responsibility.  
and you called me NAIVE!

# Urgent Statment # By Al-Qaida In the Arabian Peninsula

[Operation by the Mujahid brother Omar Al-Farooq the Nigerian]


Response to the American aggression on Yemen

Praise be to Allah who says:

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshiping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone.

And peace and blessing be upon the seal of the Prophets….. To proceed:

With the grace of Allah alone the heroic martyrdom bomber brother Omar Al-Farooq managed to carry out a special operation on an American Airplane, from the Dutch city Amsterdam to the American city Detroit, and this happened during the Christmas holiday, Friday December 25, 2009. He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints in international airports bravely without fear of death, relying on Allah and defying the great myth of American and international intelligence, and exposing how fragile they are, bringing their nose to the ground, and making them regret all that they spent on security technology.

The unity of faith and the Islamic brotherhood that prompted the young man from Nigeria , the Mujahid brother Omar al-Farooq to respond directly to the American aggression, the oppressor against the Arabian Peninsula, and that with the grace of Allah through direct coordination with the Mujahideen in the Arabian Peninsula after the brutal bombing using cluster bombs and cruise missiles launched from U.S. warships in the occupied Gulf of Aden on the Yemenite tribes in the Abyan province and the last attack on Shibuya, and killing dozens of Muslim women and children and entire families were also killed, and these operations were coordinated from Yemen, America, Saudi Arabia and a number of neighboring countries.

The Mujahideen in the manufacturing department managed with the grace of Allah to make an advanced IED. The IED has been tested and proven effective and passed through the detector ports. The martyrdom bomber managed with the grace of Allah to reach his target, but due to a technical error the IED did not explode completely, and we will continue on our path until we get what we want, and all worship is devoted to Allah alone.

We call on every Muslim who feels any jealousness for their religious beliefs to remove the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula, by killing all of the crusaders working in embassies or otherwise, and to declare war against the crusaders in the land of the Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – on the ground, sea and air.

And we call on every soldier working in the crusader armies and puppet governments to repent to Allah and follow the example of the heroic Mujahid brother Nidal Hassan, to stand up and to kill all the crusaders by all means available to him supporting the religion of Allah and to make the word of Allah most supreme on earth.

Hence, we say to the American people; as you support your leaders and are standing behind them to kill our women and children, rejoice for what is coming to you, we will come to you with slaughter and we have prepared men who love death as you love life, and with the permission of Allah we will come to you with something you have never experienced before, and as you have killed us, so shall you be killed, and that tomorrow for its seeker is close.

Those who are bent on wrong doing will in time come to know how evil a turn their destinies are bound to take!

O Allah make brother the Mujahid Omar al-Farooq steadfast on the truth, and sent down to him inner peace and patience and persistence. O Allah remove his misery and his problems. O Allah remove him soon from his current situation as he never expected to be removed from. O Allah free him and all the Muslims east and west from prison, without leaving the path of the truth, and let them leave prison steadfast on the truth with Your mercy, O Most merciful. O Allah grant victory to the righteous servants, the Mujahideen, everywhere and defeat falsehood and the people of falsehood. All praise be to the Lord of the Worlds.

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

Saturday 9/Muharam/1431 H

Pray for your Mujahideen Brothers

Source: (Al-Fair Media)
Sending a bomb or bomb materials through the mail is amateurish, and ridiculous associating something like this to Al-Qaeda. This group has been trained CIA, dude. Why the hell would someone need to send bomb materials through the mail anyway?

And you know all this because...
I never said there wasn't Al-Qaeda either, I said there is not proof that Al-Qaeda is responsible for this, I said there is not proof that Anwar Aw-Alaki is directing this whole situation or even the Christmas Day bomber.
Ummm AQAP released a statement claiming responsibility.  
and you called me NAIVE!

# Urgent Statment # By Al-Qaida In the Arabian Peninsula

[Operation by the Mujahid brother Omar Al-Farooq the Nigerian]


Response to the American aggression on Yemen

Praise be to Allah who says:

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshiping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone.

And peace and blessing be upon the seal of the Prophets….. To proceed:

With the grace of Allah alone the heroic martyrdom bomber brother Omar Al-Farooq managed to carry out a special operation on an American Airplane, from the Dutch city Amsterdam to the American city Detroit, and this happened during the Christmas holiday, Friday December 25, 2009. He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints in international airports bravely without fear of death, relying on Allah and defying the great myth of American and international intelligence, and exposing how fragile they are, bringing their nose to the ground, and making them regret all that they spent on security technology.

The unity of faith and the Islamic brotherhood that prompted the young man from Nigeria , the Mujahid brother Omar al-Farooq to respond directly to the American aggression, the oppressor against the Arabian Peninsula, and that with the grace of Allah through direct coordination with the Mujahideen in the Arabian Peninsula after the brutal bombing using cluster bombs and cruise missiles launched from U.S. warships in the occupied Gulf of Aden on the Yemenite tribes in the Abyan province and the last attack on Shibuya, and killing dozens of Muslim women and children and entire families were also killed, and these operations were coordinated from Yemen, America, Saudi Arabia and a number of neighboring countries.

The Mujahideen in the manufacturing department managed with the grace of Allah to make an advanced IED. The IED has been tested and proven effective and passed through the detector ports. The martyrdom bomber managed with the grace of Allah to reach his target, but due to a technical error the IED did not explode completely, and we will continue on our path until we get what we want, and all worship is devoted to Allah alone.

We call on every Muslim who feels any jealousness for their religious beliefs to remove the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula, by killing all of the crusaders working in embassies or otherwise, and to declare war against the crusaders in the land of the Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – on the ground, sea and air.

And we call on every soldier working in the crusader armies and puppet governments to repent to Allah and follow the example of the heroic Mujahid brother Nidal Hassan, to stand up and to kill all the crusaders by all means available to him supporting the religion of Allah and to make the word of Allah most supreme on earth.

Hence, we say to the American people; as you support your leaders and are standing behind them to kill our women and children, rejoice for what is coming to you, we will come to you with slaughter and we have prepared men who love death as you love life, and with the permission of Allah we will come to you with something you have never experienced before, and as you have killed us, so shall you be killed, and that tomorrow for its seeker is close.

Those who are bent on wrong doing will in time come to know how evil a turn their destinies are bound to take!

O Allah make brother the Mujahid Omar al-Farooq steadfast on the truth, and sent down to him inner peace and patience and persistence. O Allah remove his misery and his problems. O Allah remove him soon from his current situation as he never expected to be removed from. O Allah free him and all the Muslims east and west from prison, without leaving the path of the truth, and let them leave prison steadfast on the truth with Your mercy, O Most merciful. O Allah grant victory to the righteous servants, the Mujahideen, everywhere and defeat falsehood and the people of falsehood. All praise be to the Lord of the Worlds.

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

Saturday 9/Muharam/1431 H

Pray for your Mujahideen Brothers

Source: (Al-Fair Media)
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Many of the "terrorists" locked in Abu Ghraib were completely innocent men. Many of them were beaten and tortured.
Agreed 100%

Who becomes the terrorist in that situation? Just look at the pictures of these kidnappers above. Are these REAL terrorists in fatigues? These Muslim prisoners don't really get beaten, tortured, and murdered in real life do they?

I support security. I do not support human rights violations and lies.

And who in their right minds support "human rights violations and lies?"  

Seems like these dudes you applaud for doing their job support both of those things. As well as the high ranking members of our armed forces who were literally told to ignore most basic human rights.Just sayin. Nice avy by the way
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Many of the "terrorists" locked in Abu Ghraib were completely innocent men. Many of them were beaten and tortured.
Agreed 100%

Who becomes the terrorist in that situation? Just look at the pictures of these kidnappers above. Are these REAL terrorists in fatigues? These Muslim prisoners don't really get beaten, tortured, and murdered in real life do they?

I support security. I do not support human rights violations and lies.

And who in their right minds support "human rights violations and lies?"  

Seems like these dudes you applaud for doing their job support both of those things. As well as the high ranking members of our armed forces who were literally told to ignore most basic human rights.Just sayin. Nice avy by the way
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 

Can you go into little bit more detail about the survival of America without the cia, or are you stating something else. I just dont understand this one.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 

Can you go into little bit more detail about the survival of America without the cia, or are you stating something else. I just dont understand this one.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 

Can you go into little bit more detail about the survival of America without the cia, or are you stating something else. I just dont understand this one.

The US could certainly survive without the CIA. 
The current form of Corporate America could not. 
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 

Can you go into little bit more detail about the survival of America without the cia, or are you stating something else. I just dont understand this one.

The US could certainly survive without the CIA. 
The current form of Corporate America could not. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 

Can you go into little bit more detail about the survival of America without the cia, or are you stating something else. I just dont understand this one.

The US could certainly survive without the CIA. 
The current form of Corporate America could not. 


Jesus, we're not here to learn how suave you can be. We got what you're trying to say, now give some concrete evidence.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

wawaweewa wrote:   The CIA is an enforcer for Corporate America. That is literally their job. I'm not even trying to exaggerate.  
The CIA has one objective. To ensure the continuity of America by any means possible. No other alliances to any single organization. Corporate America exists because it's allowed to. It benefits America with it's presence but isn't the base or end goal.
So you're implying that America could not exist without the CIA? 
You'd be more correct in specifying that the CIA ensures the continuity of a certain type of America. 

I assure you that America existed long before the OSS / CIA did.

Whether the current embodiment of Corporate America benefits the States is certainly up for debate. 

Can you go into little bit more detail about the survival of America without the cia, or are you stating something else. I just dont understand this one.

The US could certainly survive without the CIA. 
The current form of Corporate America could not. 


Jesus, we're not here to learn how suave you can be. We got what you're trying to say, now give some concrete evidence.
i served in the military fro 02 - 06 , had a secret clearence because i dealt with a few high tech weapon systems and gurded a few top dogs.. but the Al queda we hear about and the Al queda we see on tv is not the same. There is a seperate hidden group of people that steer the world to their desired destination.



this is a report from HLS....

A Department of Homeland Security report warns that rightwing extremism is expected to escalate. Domestic terrorism is cited, at the hands of white supremacists, and returning military veterans. The nine page report has been distributed to law enforcement agencies. See photos and view a video.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

While Homeland Security Janet Napolitano refuses to use the term “terrorism,
i served in the military fro 02 - 06 , had a secret clearence because i dealt with a few high tech weapon systems and gurded a few top dogs.. but the Al queda we hear about and the Al queda we see on tv is not the same. There is a seperate hidden group of people that steer the world to their desired destination.



this is a report from HLS....

A Department of Homeland Security report warns that rightwing extremism is expected to escalate. Domestic terrorism is cited, at the hands of white supremacists, and returning military veterans. The nine page report has been distributed to law enforcement agencies. See photos and view a video.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

While Homeland Security Janet Napolitano refuses to use the term “terrorism,
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

How conveinent. Another foiled "terrorist" attack.
So you would rather have a successful "terrorist" attack? 
I'd rather the CIA stop lying to us... al Qaida/al Qaeda is not technically a real organization.

False flags are not a new concept.

I'm glad that this "terrorist attack" didn't happen though.
Yes I get it... the CIA should have a tell all book that states everything they have done from the Cold War to today.  No better yet, a real world 24 hour live feed from Langley.  Up to the minute information will be available to the general public so we know at any moment when a covert operation is going on.  Got it!

LOL ... your replies crack me up. In a good way though. I work in the intel community and it kills me to sit here and watch these people bash something they have no idea about based solely on speculation.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

How conveinent. Another foiled "terrorist" attack.
So you would rather have a successful "terrorist" attack? 
I'd rather the CIA stop lying to us... al Qaida/al Qaeda is not technically a real organization.

False flags are not a new concept.

I'm glad that this "terrorist attack" didn't happen though.
Yes I get it... the CIA should have a tell all book that states everything they have done from the Cold War to today.  No better yet, a real world 24 hour live feed from Langley.  Up to the minute information will be available to the general public so we know at any moment when a covert operation is going on.  Got it!

LOL ... your replies crack me up. In a good way though. I work in the intel community and it kills me to sit here and watch these people bash something they have no idea about based solely on speculation.
Dynamic X wrote:


Jesus, we're not here to learn how suave you can be. We got what you're trying to say, now give some concrete evidence.

You obviously have a connection to the web. Why do people expect to be spoon fed?  
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