How conveinent. Another foiled "terrorist" attack.

AJ fanatic wrote

Never said that but you compared me to a janitor working in for Goldman. Hardly comparable. Now you're going to sit here and tell me that a Col does the daily work in any military. Yeah they make decisions but they are based on the assessments and the work of those much further down the chain. And yes I work in the intel community does mean something. I said that sitting here seeing you guys banter back on forth on what you think you know with absolutely no basis is pretty funny. I sitting with a better view than you and the other guy who making baseless comments. So in that aspect my affiliations means something. Am I calling the shots on anything major by myself? No, but neither is a Col.
Yous till don't get it.
It's not about calling shots. At all. 

It's about having a broader view.

You know when someone tells you a story and leave out certain parts?

A Colonel certainly has a broader picture. 

"I'm a signal intel analyst" in the AF. I mean, if you're gone/removed from that position, the intel community will certainly experience a great loss because you are oh so important to the bigger picture. 

AJ fanatic wrote

Never said that but you compared me to a janitor working in for Goldman. Hardly comparable. Now you're going to sit here and tell me that a Col does the daily work in any military. Yeah they make decisions but they are based on the assessments and the work of those much further down the chain. And yes I work in the intel community does mean something. I said that sitting here seeing you guys banter back on forth on what you think you know with absolutely no basis is pretty funny. I sitting with a better view than you and the other guy who making baseless comments. So in that aspect my affiliations means something. Am I calling the shots on anything major by myself? No, but neither is a Col.
Yous till don't get it.
It's not about calling shots. At all. 

It's about having a broader view.

You know when someone tells you a story and leave out certain parts?

A Colonel certainly has a broader picture. 

"I'm a signal intel analyst" in the AF. I mean, if you're gone/removed from that position, the intel community will certainly experience a great loss because you are oh so important to the bigger picture. 

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

The Gov. doesn't tell us of 99% of the things they do. I guarantee their has been HUNDREDS of terrorist attacks our gov. has foiled in the past 9 years.

Everyone doesn't need to know how we operate, where we operate, or what we do. Be happy you get some good news like this.

the worlds smallest violin is standing by for you whiners

And Chair force dude claiming to be in the intel field, don't get up out of that chair to make a case. If you did know something you wouldn't be posting here in the first place.

Dude get out of here with that.

A. You're right I wouldn't be posting ANYTHING in here. Not claiming to have or not have knowledge of anything. I'm sitting here laughing at people claiming to know what is going on.

B. Chair Force ... that phrase still exist?? I guarantee that I've been out in the field as much as or more than anyone who does a similar job as me in any other service. And I can say that about many other airmen who are working side by side with Soldiers and Marines.

Don't come in here making your immature accusations you don't know me or anything about me aside from what is posted on NT.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

The Gov. doesn't tell us of 99% of the things they do. I guarantee their has been HUNDREDS of terrorist attacks our gov. has foiled in the past 9 years.

Everyone doesn't need to know how we operate, where we operate, or what we do. Be happy you get some good news like this.

the worlds smallest violin is standing by for you whiners

And Chair force dude claiming to be in the intel field, don't get up out of that chair to make a case. If you did know something you wouldn't be posting here in the first place.

Dude get out of here with that.

A. You're right I wouldn't be posting ANYTHING in here. Not claiming to have or not have knowledge of anything. I'm sitting here laughing at people claiming to know what is going on.

B. Chair Force ... that phrase still exist?? I guarantee that I've been out in the field as much as or more than anyone who does a similar job as me in any other service. And I can say that about many other airmen who are working side by side with Soldiers and Marines.

Don't come in here making your immature accusations you don't know me or anything about me aside from what is posted on NT.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

.... Why do you then continue to post random %%@# without giving proper evidence? Your opinion has no concrete value, so therefore shut up. It's not a matter of being spoon fed, I already have my opinions figured out, so if you want to convince people who are skeptical of what you bring to the table, you have to show them.

I'm tired of these hypothetical questions and controversial theories just being posted on NT without any proper evidence, introduction, or conclusion. No one has any reason to believe you or care about what you say. I'm in no mood to go searching on the internet for your point of view when I already have mine. You prove your point, not me. I'm trying to hear what you have to say. Obviously you don't know how to be persuasive.

Would I get a cookie for being more persuasive? 
I assume you're from Ohio. In which case you're a lost cause and you're opinions are inherently not worth anything. 

I really wish you wouldn't be this immature. I was hoping you would be more inclined to explain your position more clearly by stating it with examples. Hence, I could have agreed with you had you brought up concrete evidence and supported them.

However, since you're continuing to be condescending and refusing to be more vocal in supporting your ideas, I will refuse in further arguing with you because I don't condone such childish arguments over serious debates.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

.... Why do you then continue to post random %%@# without giving proper evidence? Your opinion has no concrete value, so therefore shut up. It's not a matter of being spoon fed, I already have my opinions figured out, so if you want to convince people who are skeptical of what you bring to the table, you have to show them.

I'm tired of these hypothetical questions and controversial theories just being posted on NT without any proper evidence, introduction, or conclusion. No one has any reason to believe you or care about what you say. I'm in no mood to go searching on the internet for your point of view when I already have mine. You prove your point, not me. I'm trying to hear what you have to say. Obviously you don't know how to be persuasive.

Would I get a cookie for being more persuasive? 
I assume you're from Ohio. In which case you're a lost cause and you're opinions are inherently not worth anything. 

I really wish you wouldn't be this immature. I was hoping you would be more inclined to explain your position more clearly by stating it with examples. Hence, I could have agreed with you had you brought up concrete evidence and supported them.

However, since you're continuing to be condescending and refusing to be more vocal in supporting your ideas, I will refuse in further arguing with you because I don't condone such childish arguments over serious debates.
These along with the political, religious and economical  topics on NT only highlight how a majority of you never know what the !##% you're talking about. All of you are so full of +%#%  and you don't even realize it. You form your opinions based off of  the bs you soak up in media and what you decided to believe. Then you argue with the next moron who believes the opposite from the bs he/she has soaked up in the media. 
These along with the political, religious and economical  topics on NT only highlight how a majority of you never know what the !##% you're talking about. All of you are so full of +%#%  and you don't even realize it. You form your opinions based off of  the bs you soak up in media and what you decided to believe. Then you argue with the next moron who believes the opposite from the bs he/she has soaked up in the media. 
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

The Gov. doesn't tell us of 99% of the things they do. I guarantee their has been HUNDREDS of terrorist attacks our gov. has foiled in the past 9 years.

Everyone doesn't need to know how we operate, where we operate, or what we do. Be happy you get some good news like this.

the worlds smallest violin is standing by for you whiners

And Chair force dude claiming to be in the intel field, don't get up out of that chair to make a case. If you did know something you wouldn't be posting here in the first place.

This argument doesn't make much sense though because all it would take is an individual with a rifle/ pistol ( or multiple weapons) to walk into any Mall/ large Venue in the US and start going ham. No one would even need to be killed because it would take a huge psychological toll on the populace.   
There are a 500 mm+  Muslim men in the world, all it would take is .0000001 of them to try this and we'd be having a terrorist attack every day and then some. 

With how easy it is to obtain weapons in the US and how little security there is at large venues it doesn't make sense that there aren't more attacks within the US except for the fact that the threat is wildly exaggerated.  
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

The Gov. doesn't tell us of 99% of the things they do. I guarantee their has been HUNDREDS of terrorist attacks our gov. has foiled in the past 9 years.

Everyone doesn't need to know how we operate, where we operate, or what we do. Be happy you get some good news like this.

the worlds smallest violin is standing by for you whiners

And Chair force dude claiming to be in the intel field, don't get up out of that chair to make a case. If you did know something you wouldn't be posting here in the first place.

This argument doesn't make much sense though because all it would take is an individual with a rifle/ pistol ( or multiple weapons) to walk into any Mall/ large Venue in the US and start going ham. No one would even need to be killed because it would take a huge psychological toll on the populace.   
There are a 500 mm+  Muslim men in the world, all it would take is .0000001 of them to try this and we'd be having a terrorist attack every day and then some. 

With how easy it is to obtain weapons in the US and how little security there is at large venues it doesn't make sense that there aren't more attacks within the US except for the fact that the threat is wildly exaggerated.  
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

AJ fanatic wrote

Never said that but you compared me to a janitor working in for Goldman. Hardly comparable. Now you're going to sit here and tell me that a Col does the daily work in any military. Yeah they make decisions but they are based on the assessments and the work of those much further down the chain. And yes I work in the intel community does mean something. I said that sitting here seeing you guys banter back on forth on what you think you know with absolutely no basis is pretty funny. I sitting with a better view than you and the other guy who making baseless comments. So in that aspect my affiliations means something. Am I calling the shots on anything major by myself? No, but neither is a Col.
Yous till don't get it.
It's not about calling shots. At all. 

It's about having a broader view.

You know when someone tells you a story and leave out certain parts?

A Colonel certainly has a broader picture. 

"I'm a signal intel analyst" in the AF. I mean, if you're gone/removed from that position, the intel community will certainly experience a great loss because you are oh so important to the bigger picture. 


And once again ... go back to your couch and enjoy some college football because you clearly don't have any comprehension of anything you read. A Col is as replaceable as I am. My technical knowledge is just as necessary and just as replaceable. Not many people get the full story of anything ... including a Col. I guess a Col is a big deal nowadays?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

AJ fanatic wrote

Never said that but you compared me to a janitor working in for Goldman. Hardly comparable. Now you're going to sit here and tell me that a Col does the daily work in any military. Yeah they make decisions but they are based on the assessments and the work of those much further down the chain. And yes I work in the intel community does mean something. I said that sitting here seeing you guys banter back on forth on what you think you know with absolutely no basis is pretty funny. I sitting with a better view than you and the other guy who making baseless comments. So in that aspect my affiliations means something. Am I calling the shots on anything major by myself? No, but neither is a Col.
Yous till don't get it.
It's not about calling shots. At all. 

It's about having a broader view.

You know when someone tells you a story and leave out certain parts?

A Colonel certainly has a broader picture. 

"I'm a signal intel analyst" in the AF. I mean, if you're gone/removed from that position, the intel community will certainly experience a great loss because you are oh so important to the bigger picture. 


And once again ... go back to your couch and enjoy some college football because you clearly don't have any comprehension of anything you read. A Col is as replaceable as I am. My technical knowledge is just as necessary and just as replaceable. Not many people get the full story of anything ... including a Col. I guess a Col is a big deal nowadays?
AJ fanatic wrote:

And once again ... go back to your couch and enjoy some college football because you clearly don't have any comprehension of anything you read. A Col is as replaceable as I am. My technical knowledge is just as necessary and just as replaceable. Not many people get the full story of anything ... including a Col. I guess a Col is a big deal nowadays?

Ok. Forget Col, since you don;t seem to like 'em. 
Forget even a  1 star. A 2 star good enough for you?
We can go 3 or 4. I don't care much. The Col part isn't important to the argument. 
AJ fanatic wrote:

And once again ... go back to your couch and enjoy some college football because you clearly don't have any comprehension of anything you read. A Col is as replaceable as I am. My technical knowledge is just as necessary and just as replaceable. Not many people get the full story of anything ... including a Col. I guess a Col is a big deal nowadays?

Ok. Forget Col, since you don;t seem to like 'em. 
Forget even a  1 star. A 2 star good enough for you?
We can go 3 or 4. I don't care much. The Col part isn't important to the argument. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

AJ fanatic wrote:

And once again ... go back to your couch and enjoy some college football because you clearly don't have any comprehension of anything you read. A Col is as replaceable as I am. My technical knowledge is just as necessary and just as replaceable. Not many people get the full story of anything ... including a Col. I guess a Col is a big deal nowadays?

Ok. Forget Col, since you don;t seem to like 'em. 
Forget even a  1 star. A 2 star good enough for you?
We can go 3 or 4. I don't care much. The Col part isn't important to the argument. 

What I'm saying is rank is irrelevant. Yeah obviously the guys who get paid the most and are up top are going to be more "in the know" than the lower ranking guys who are doing the mission. But what did I claim here? I said that I work in the intel community. You compared my job to being a janitor who works at Goldman, did you not? All I'm saying is based on my career it is funny to see you guys claim to know what is going on about so many events related to Intel/Nat'l Security in the US. Not saying what I do or do not know or what I can or can't do about it. Now I'm going to go enjoy a nice run on this sunny day. I'll get back to this argument later. Hopefully it doesn't exist because you understand what I'm defending here.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

AJ fanatic wrote:

And once again ... go back to your couch and enjoy some college football because you clearly don't have any comprehension of anything you read. A Col is as replaceable as I am. My technical knowledge is just as necessary and just as replaceable. Not many people get the full story of anything ... including a Col. I guess a Col is a big deal nowadays?

Ok. Forget Col, since you don;t seem to like 'em. 
Forget even a  1 star. A 2 star good enough for you?
We can go 3 or 4. I don't care much. The Col part isn't important to the argument. 

What I'm saying is rank is irrelevant. Yeah obviously the guys who get paid the most and are up top are going to be more "in the know" than the lower ranking guys who are doing the mission. But what did I claim here? I said that I work in the intel community. You compared my job to being a janitor who works at Goldman, did you not? All I'm saying is based on my career it is funny to see you guys claim to know what is going on about so many events related to Intel/Nat'l Security in the US. Not saying what I do or do not know or what I can or can't do about it. Now I'm going to go enjoy a nice run on this sunny day. I'll get back to this argument later. Hopefully it doesn't exist because you understand what I'm defending here.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

.... Why do you then continue to post random %%@# without giving proper evidence? Your opinion has no concrete value, so therefore shut up. It's not a matter of being spoon fed, I already have my opinions figured out, so if you want to convince people who are skeptical of what you bring to the table, you have to show them.

I'm tired of these hypothetical questions and controversial theories just being posted on NT without any proper evidence, introduction, or conclusion. No one has any reason to believe you or care about what you say. I'm in no mood to go searching on the internet for your point of view when I already have mine. You prove your point, not me. I'm trying to hear what you have to say. Obviously you don't know how to be persuasive.

Would I get a cookie for being more persuasive? 
I assume you're from Ohio. In which case you're a lost cause and you're opinions are inherently not worth anything. 

Who the hell says that!??


Argue like a man fam. You sound hopeless. Defend yourself using legitimate arguments. Not even people in Ohio do that.

Carry on..
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

.... Why do you then continue to post random %%@# without giving proper evidence? Your opinion has no concrete value, so therefore shut up. It's not a matter of being spoon fed, I already have my opinions figured out, so if you want to convince people who are skeptical of what you bring to the table, you have to show them.

I'm tired of these hypothetical questions and controversial theories just being posted on NT without any proper evidence, introduction, or conclusion. No one has any reason to believe you or care about what you say. I'm in no mood to go searching on the internet for your point of view when I already have mine. You prove your point, not me. I'm trying to hear what you have to say. Obviously you don't know how to be persuasive.

Would I get a cookie for being more persuasive? 
I assume you're from Ohio. In which case you're a lost cause and you're opinions are inherently not worth anything. 

Who the hell says that!??


Argue like a man fam. You sound hopeless. Defend yourself using legitimate arguments. Not even people in Ohio do that.

Carry on..
rashi wrote:

Al-Qaeda, supposedly spent years planning an attack on the Twin Towers, U.S. Embassy, and U.S.S. Cole, and now this organization has been reduced to the point they are sending bombs through the mail?
  With the amount of stuff that goes on through sorting, ect. they are going to risk a plan through the mail?
This organization was *#@$#!% trained by the CIA for years.

The CIA created al Qaeda though. And now al Qaeda is the scapegoat whenever "terrorists" plant a nonworking bomb somewhere, or some explosives are found. Basically whenever a scapegoat is needed.

These dudes can orchestrate a perfect plan to hijack airliners, fly them into buildings at a perfect angle and completely destroy them (and a few of them walked away unscathed somehow 
) but they can't get a bomb through the mail?
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/font]Al-Qaeda in the late 90's early 00's was obviously much more powerful than Al-Qaeda now. You have to take into account that then, they essentially had free reign in Afghanistan with training camps set up and no outside threat to them. That's why they were able to come up with such elaborate plans and carry them out. Also, you need to realize that a few of those attacks may have been attributed to Al-Qaeda only because they were influenced, and not necessarily planned by Al-Qaeda. For example, the propaganda that they put out against America at the time may have fueled a smaller cell to carry out an attack, but they didn't actually help that cell come up with the idea. 
Al-Qaeda now is also very different from Al-Qaeda then. You have Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Iraq, etc. etc. now but the groups are not interconnected. They are small, loose organizations who simply toss ideas out. Al-Qaeda in Yemen is actually one of the strongest branches of the Jihadist movement, however they are not on the level that Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was. 

So to be clear, this organization itself may not have been trained by the CIA for years. 

We are creating the terrorists we are fighting, however not in the conspiracy theory, tin foil hat wearing way so many people think we are.
rashi wrote:

Al-Qaeda, supposedly spent years planning an attack on the Twin Towers, U.S. Embassy, and U.S.S. Cole, and now this organization has been reduced to the point they are sending bombs through the mail?
  With the amount of stuff that goes on through sorting, ect. they are going to risk a plan through the mail?
This organization was *#@$#!% trained by the CIA for years.

The CIA created al Qaeda though. And now al Qaeda is the scapegoat whenever "terrorists" plant a nonworking bomb somewhere, or some explosives are found. Basically whenever a scapegoat is needed.

These dudes can orchestrate a perfect plan to hijack airliners, fly them into buildings at a perfect angle and completely destroy them (and a few of them walked away unscathed somehow 
) but they can't get a bomb through the mail?
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/font]Al-Qaeda in the late 90's early 00's was obviously much more powerful than Al-Qaeda now. You have to take into account that then, they essentially had free reign in Afghanistan with training camps set up and no outside threat to them. That's why they were able to come up with such elaborate plans and carry them out. Also, you need to realize that a few of those attacks may have been attributed to Al-Qaeda only because they were influenced, and not necessarily planned by Al-Qaeda. For example, the propaganda that they put out against America at the time may have fueled a smaller cell to carry out an attack, but they didn't actually help that cell come up with the idea. 
Al-Qaeda now is also very different from Al-Qaeda then. You have Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Iraq, etc. etc. now but the groups are not interconnected. They are small, loose organizations who simply toss ideas out. Al-Qaeda in Yemen is actually one of the strongest branches of the Jihadist movement, however they are not on the level that Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was. 

So to be clear, this organization itself may not have been trained by the CIA for years. 

We are creating the terrorists we are fighting, however not in the conspiracy theory, tin foil hat wearing way so many people think we are.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

These along with the political, religious and economical  topics on NT only highlight how a majority of you never know what the !##% you're talking about. All of you are so full of +%#%  and you don't even realize it. You form your opinions based off of  the bs you soak up in media and what you decided to believe. Then you argue with the next moron who believes the opposite from the bs he/she has soaked up in the media. 

Dead on
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

These along with the political, religious and economical  topics on NT only highlight how a majority of you never know what the !##% you're talking about. All of you are so full of +%#%  and you don't even realize it. You form your opinions based off of  the bs you soak up in media and what you decided to believe. Then you argue with the next moron who believes the opposite from the bs he/she has soaked up in the media. 

Dead on
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

.... Why do you then continue to post random %%@# without giving proper evidence? Your opinion has no concrete value, so therefore shut up. It's not a matter of being spoon fed, I already have my opinions figured out, so if you want to convince people who are skeptical of what you bring to the table, you have to show them.

I'm tired of these hypothetical questions and controversial theories just being posted on NT without any proper evidence, introduction, or conclusion. No one has any reason to believe you or care about what you say. I'm in no mood to go searching on the internet for your point of view when I already have mine. You prove your point, not me. I'm trying to hear what you have to say. Obviously you don't know how to be persuasive.
Would I get a cookie for being more persuasive? 
I assume you're from Ohio. In which case you're a lost cause and you're opinions are inherently not worth anything. 

Who the hell says that!??


Argue like a man fam. You sound hopeless. Defend yourself using legitimate arguments. Not even people in Ohio do that.

Carry on..


I didn't think a joke would be taken so literally.

Are we on NT or ......?

If Ohioans get so made over a joke then there must be something to it. 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

.... Why do you then continue to post random %%@# without giving proper evidence? Your opinion has no concrete value, so therefore shut up. It's not a matter of being spoon fed, I already have my opinions figured out, so if you want to convince people who are skeptical of what you bring to the table, you have to show them.

I'm tired of these hypothetical questions and controversial theories just being posted on NT without any proper evidence, introduction, or conclusion. No one has any reason to believe you or care about what you say. I'm in no mood to go searching on the internet for your point of view when I already have mine. You prove your point, not me. I'm trying to hear what you have to say. Obviously you don't know how to be persuasive.
Would I get a cookie for being more persuasive? 
I assume you're from Ohio. In which case you're a lost cause and you're opinions are inherently not worth anything. 

Who the hell says that!??


Argue like a man fam. You sound hopeless. Defend yourself using legitimate arguments. Not even people in Ohio do that.

Carry on..


I didn't think a joke would be taken so literally.

Are we on NT or ......?

If Ohioans get so made over a joke then there must be something to it. 
not sure what to feel about this. after all it is the US again. the same state that bamboozled us on 9/11. i'm not too sure what to believe but i do know that CIA lend a hand to 'al-queda'. they taught them how to make bombs and provided them with advanced aka weaponry (stringer missile). which brings me to the motto "you can't trick a trick." aka yuo can't fool a fool. so either al-queda is really trying to kill us and the jews. or the cia really did execute smoke screen diversions ? maybe both ? ehh ima go live my life on this beautiful saturday afternoon. i hope you guys do the same because @ times it is quite pointless to heated about these discussions because it is something that is better than us. bigger than NT. bigger than the internet. something we can not control.
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