How Depressing: Bus Monitor in Upstate NY is bullied by Middle Schoolers (Link inside)

Karma is a what?  

Police say the four boys involved in the incident are receiving death threats along with their families and says it must stop. Captain Chatterton says one teen’s cell phone had more than 1,000 missed phone calls and 1,000 text messages. Now police continually monitor the teens’ homes to make sure they are safe.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Broad needs to grow a pair and stand up for herself. Demand respect, establish authority, if you come off as a charming soft punching bag you will be treated like one.

I swear this type stuff only happens to white people.

...And people are rewarding this type of behavior?

why does it have to be because she's white? those little %$!$@ could do this to your grandma whatever race she may be. she can't hit them and those good for nothing kids know it.. so they take advantage
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Broad needs to grow a pair and stand up for herself. Demand respect, establish authority, if you come off as a charming soft punching bag you will be treated like one.

I swear this type stuff only happens to white people.

...And people are rewarding this type of behavior?

shut tha *+## up.

come at me $#@^
Those kids need serious beatings.. My grandmother worked in my high school and still does, if i ever heard of anyone speaking to her remotely like this they would not be able to say a word for at least a few weeks.
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Broad needs to grow a pair and stand up for herself. Demand respect, establish authority, if you come off as a charming soft punching bag you will be treated like one.

I swear this type stuff only happens to white people.

...And people are rewarding this type of behavior?

shut tha *+## up.

Thank you.
It's no wonder we have the problems we do in society considering how some of you are responding to this situation.  Thinking it's ok and a grandmother should stand up to a bunch of punk kids who probably would have no problems beating her to the ground.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Broad needs to grow a pair and stand up for herself. Demand respect, establish authority, if you come off as a charming soft punching bag you will be treated like one.

I swear this type stuff only happens to white people.

...And people are rewarding this type of behavior?

shut tha *+## up.

come at me $#@^
Yeah she should have stood her ground and beat those minors up if necessary.  That would definitely have been the most mature and legal solution.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Jesus, these kids really need their %%*** beat.  Typical with American kids, though.  Can't even lay a single finger on them without folks causing an uproar and calling for the Child Protective Services.  You'll go to jail just for slapping or even cussing at your kid these days
, that's why a lot of kids these days lack discipline and compassion - you can't do +%%% to them without having your kids taken away.  I know my parents woulda smacked the fillings out my mouf.

Agreed 100%

Why does this have to be "typical" with American kids?  Should I say it's typical of Vancouver residents to riot when they lose championships? 

Agreed with just about everything else you said, but bullying is HARDLY just a problem here in the states. 

Well, uh, how many cases do you know of riots in Vancouver after the city's team lost a championship? One? On the contrary, how many cases do you know of spoiled American kids who get their way cause their parents are afraid to discipline them? One as well? If so, then yes, I guess you could say it's a fair comparison.

It's typical because outside of America and possibly Canada, most parents aren't willing to put up with children's BS. You remember that video a while back posted on NT where a kid was kicked in the face by a group of men in China cause he was a thief? Yeah try that in America. You even raise your hand to slap his mass and you'll be on the first bus to the local penitentiary. How about the Black father who forced his kid to run laps and do pushups as discipline for disrespect in the classroom? He wasn't so well-received. A lot of families in other countries don't give a damn about the "morally correct" way to treat their children. Americans are appalled when a child is left to die or orphan in Asia or Africa. Not saying that's a bad thing, but you know the US has a soft spot for their youth.

The guy above you said he was surprised that there was an Asian kid taking part in this junk, because most Asian parents don't tolerate that kind of behavior. The Asian and Black NTers in this thread are shocked at this type of behavior because it is typically not condoned in their households.

No one said bullying was a problem restricted to the states. Hongcouver said it was "typical for American kids to be undisciplined". If I say "Toyota Corollas are slow", and you argued that "Corollas aren't the only slow car on the road!", okay, great, but we can both recognize that Corollas are slow. Bullying is a worldwide problem. This "let the child dictate the household" crap is made in America.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Demps

shut tha *+## up.

come at me $#@^
Yeah she should have stood her ground and beat those minors up if necessary.  That would definitely have been the most mature and legal solution.
Where did I say she should beat those kids? I said DEMAND RESPECT and ESTABLISH AUTHORITY.

Explain to me how there are thousands of school bus monitors across the country and you never hear about this kind of stuff on the 6 o'clock news? The main responsibility of a bus monitor is to Maintain order on the bus while children are being transported. She obviously has been doing a #^#^ job and should be working at a walmart as a greeter

People should be raising money to put a stop to sex trafficking, or helping veterans who don't have a place to sleep. Not to some broad who got her feelings hurt by a bunch of 6th graders
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by scshift

Agreed 100%

Why does this have to be "typical" with American kids?  Should I say it's typical of Vancouver residents to riot when they lose championships? 

Agreed with just about everything else you said, but bullying is HARDLY just a problem here in the states. 

Well, uh, how many cases do you know of riots in Vancouver after the city's team lost a championship? One? On the contrary, how many cases do you know of spoiled American kids who get their way cause their parents are afraid to discipline them? One as well? If so, then yes, I guess you could say it's a fair comparison.

It's typical because outside of America and possibly Canada, most parents aren't willing to put up with children's BS. You remember that video a while back posted on NT where a kid was kicked in the face by a group of men in China cause he was a thief? Yeah try that in America. You even raise your hand to slap his mass and you'll be on the first bus to the local penitentiary. How about the Black father who forced his kid to run laps and do pushups as discipline for disrespect in the classroom? He wasn't so well-received. A lot of families in other countries don't give a damn about the "morally correct" way to treat their children. Americans are appalled when a child is left to die or orphan in Asia or Africa. Not saying that's a bad thing, but you know the US has a soft spot for their youth.

The guy above you said he was surprised that there was an Asian kid taking part in this junk, because most Asian parents don't tolerate that kind of behavior. The Asian and Black NTers in this thread are shocked at this type of behavior because it is typically not condoned in their households.

No one said bullying was a problem restricted to the states. Hongcouver said it was "typical for American kids to be undisciplined". If I say "Toyota Corollas are slow", and you argued that "Corollas aren't the only slow car on the road!", okay, great, but we can both recognize that Corollas are slow. Bullying is a worldwide problem. This "let the child dictate the household" crap is made in America.
Well, uh, you missed the point about generalizing. 

And there are just as many spoiled kids outside of N.America who have parents who are afraid to discipline them as well.  You are stating your opinion as a FACT.  Stop it. 

1.  I don't remember the video of the Chinese men.

2.  The black father who made his child run laps also shaved off his eyebrows/hair and posted that +%%* on yea, that IS child abuse.  Gee...I wonder why it wasn't so well received? 

Going back to the topic at hand, Fam...just stop.  There aren't many parents who would condone this type of behavior, but there are STILL kids who do it.  Doesn't matter the race.  So PLEASE save the rhetoric about Asian parents not tolerating this type of behavior or the Asian/Black members of this thread being shocked by what they saw.  Seems like the majority of the people in this thread are disgusted by what they saw in the video. 

The video was disturbing on many levels. 

Where did I say she should beat those kids? I said DEMAND RESPECT and ESTABLISH AUTHORITY.

Bro..she's 68 years old with a bunch of disrespectful middle school kids.  She's a BUS MONITOR.  You think anyone on there is going to respect her "authority?"  Get real. 

Let me ask you...put yourself in HER shoes...what exactly would you have done in that situation?  I'll wait...
You didn't even bother arguing Hongcouver's point. All you said was that "sure, it's typical here, but it's also typical everywhere else". Why'd you even take it up with him in the first place if he wasn't wrong?
Originally Posted by scshift

You didn't even bother arguing Hongcouver's point. All you said was that "sure, it's typical here, but it's also typical everywhere else". Why'd you even take it up with him in the first place if he wasn't wrong?

His quote

Typical with American kids, though.

= generalization

my quote about the Vancouver riots

= generalization

it's like if we watched a vid of a Peruvian boy vandalizing some property.  If I said "Typical with Peruvian kids, though," wouldn't you think it's a generalization?  Yup.

Job Requirements 

A bus monitor must be able to:  

Understand and follow written and oral instructions; 

Maintain order on the bus while children are being transported; 

Assist children on and off the bus at proper stops in a safe, orderly manner; 

Establish good working relationships with the children, parents, bus driver and other staff; 

Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; 

Follow basic principles of early childhood development as outlined in training. Hiring/Bus Monitor.pdf
4. Monitors student behavior for the purpose of diffusing situations and/or preventing 

distraction to the driver or injury to themselves or other students/passengers. 

5. Reports observations and incidents (e.g., discipline, accidents, inappropriate social 

behavior, etc.) for the purpose of communicating information to the appropriate 


the kids should be punished,

but she just made $$$ from having a bad day at work 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by scshift

You didn't even bother arguing Hongcouver's point. All you said was that "sure, it's typical here, but it's also typical everywhere else". Why'd you even take it up with him in the first place if he wasn't wrong?

His quote

Typical with American kids, though.

= generalization

my quote about the Vancouver riots

= generalization

it's like if we watched a vid of a Peruvian boy vandalizing some property.  If I said "Typical with Peruvian kids, though," wouldn't you think it's a generalization?  Yup. 

Alright, I understand what you are saying. My fault, I thought you were against his statement and not the generalization.
Originally Posted by buggz05

I would have stomped that kids cell phone and pimp smacked each one of these kids upside the head:
Students Involved:
Luis Recio
Wesley Helm
Brandon Teng
Joshua Slesak

Spoiler [+]
"You have reflexes like an elephant" 

[font=arial, sans-serif]
It's time to Facebook message from FAKE accounts to these kids..find their addresses..whatever we have to do!

Who is with me?!?!?!?!?
 why all that money?

how much money does this lady need, i understand why people wanna help her

but shesh theres kids going hungry in africa right now 
She doesn't seem like a nice lady at all, for what it's worth. She wants the kids to be banned from the bus for a yr and banned from school sports. Southwest is going to fly her and 9 friends to Disney World and pay for it.
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