how did you meet your last/current significant other?

Met her at work; she use to work downstairs in the snack bar and I worked upstairs in the dinning room. Didn't think much of her at first because my best friend was in love with her and she rejected him a couple of times. I thought she was a stuck up white chick that paid no attention to minorities but anyways one night at work we were just chilling and talking, got the digits, gave her kisses here and there, and bam by the time I knew it I was actually feeling this chick and saw myself with her. So far it's been a good run with her : - )

Carmello Saxxx gives me a call: "Bro I'm at aunti Lisa's crib bored. Wanna play some cards or something?"
Rilla: "Nah man I'm cool.. I ian't got no gas for all that driving out there anyway.."
Saxxx: "My cousin is here... she's pretty cute bro.."
Rilla: "Well %+*%, here I come then."
my #@+*@... "

Me and shorty hit it off FAST. By the second time I went to see her, she was jumping in my lap and kissing me like we were in a movie or something. And I couldn't get enough of her... man... but that ended badly and I still harbor some regret/animosity/etc. I'm a real #@+*@ so even though I realize she's less than what I'm worth, I still blame myself for being the catalyst to her immature and contriving ways to this day. If I never would have loved her (and subsequently left her), she's never be the way she is now
. That +!!*% is nuts..


Me and Saxxx were juniors in high school (16 years old) when we did a local TV show back in 2005. His family was there (his half sister on his mom's side as well as her) half sister on her father's side -- which is this 12-year old girl). Well, little miss 12 years old had a crush on me from that day forward. She used to myspace me and ask me for homework help or advice on boys
. She stayed in vegas at the time.A couple years later she moved to Cali. But we always kept in touch, more so because she stayed inboxing me on myspace and I'm just a positive type guy so I'd give her as much good advice as I could. I never once thought about anything more than just playing the big brother role until she found me on FB. By that time she was 16, but looking a little older than that. I was 20. We chatted up a storm. Then me and my previous chick broke up in august of 09 and I was on the ropes, bad. Lil mama swooped in for the rescue... so I let her. She's still in Cali, mind you, but now we're texting and talking rather than just FBin. She decides she wants to leave Cali to spend winter break in Indiana with "her sister".
. Aight fine... if you say so. I'll be here..

Now at the time, her sister was with my brother (Small world right?). So the night she came in town, she hitched a ride with her sister over to my crib to see me. Neither chick left that night.

It's been a crazy long journey... when her mother died in November, I lost the only person (other than my friends Saxxx and his sister) that understood that me and shorty weren't some pedobear special. When she flew me out there because she had never been to a funeral and I was the only person she knew could understand, cats she ain't heard from twice since the funeral were the first ones tryna shake me loose from my relationship on account of our ages. (what's 4 years?!). I was stuck with my back against the wall trying to explain to people SHE barely even knew that I too had lost my mom at a very early age and regardless of what THEY thought, I wasn't gonna let MY little lady go through that %+*% alone. Well, among other things, her pops - the pops she's never stayed with; the same pops that's not adjudicated; the very same pops that thinks paying a phone bill is child support -- tried having me arrested. He tried filing motions and %+*%. He even threatened to burn down my crib when the courts threw that *$%!!@#$ out. And when %+*% hit the fan and little mama's god parents put her out for NO reason, and my pops stepped in and said he would file for legal guardianship, her weak $*# pops even tried to get my pops disbarred for "illegally representing himself as her guardian". That too was tossed..... but she turned 18 saturday... and me and her pops damn near came to blows in front of Dave and Busters. He just mad I'm her REAL daddy... And we're JUST fine.

Sorry for the essays...

Carmello Saxxx gives me a call: "Bro I'm at aunti Lisa's crib bored. Wanna play some cards or something?"
Rilla: "Nah man I'm cool.. I ian't got no gas for all that driving out there anyway.."
Saxxx: "My cousin is here... she's pretty cute bro.."
Rilla: "Well %+*%, here I come then."
my #@+*@... "

Me and shorty hit it off FAST. By the second time I went to see her, she was jumping in my lap and kissing me like we were in a movie or something. And I couldn't get enough of her... man... but that ended badly and I still harbor some regret/animosity/etc. I'm a real #@+*@ so even though I realize she's less than what I'm worth, I still blame myself for being the catalyst to her immature and contriving ways to this day. If I never would have loved her (and subsequently left her), she's never be the way she is now
. That +!!*% is nuts..


Me and Saxxx were juniors in high school (16 years old) when we did a local TV show back in 2005. His family was there (his half sister on his mom's side as well as her) half sister on her father's side -- which is this 12-year old girl). Well, little miss 12 years old had a crush on me from that day forward. She used to myspace me and ask me for homework help or advice on boys
. She stayed in vegas at the time.A couple years later she moved to Cali. But we always kept in touch, more so because she stayed inboxing me on myspace and I'm just a positive type guy so I'd give her as much good advice as I could. I never once thought about anything more than just playing the big brother role until she found me on FB. By that time she was 16, but looking a little older than that. I was 20. We chatted up a storm. Then me and my previous chick broke up in august of 09 and I was on the ropes, bad. Lil mama swooped in for the rescue... so I let her. She's still in Cali, mind you, but now we're texting and talking rather than just FBin. She decides she wants to leave Cali to spend winter break in Indiana with "her sister".
. Aight fine... if you say so. I'll be here..

Now at the time, her sister was with my brother (Small world right?). So the night she came in town, she hitched a ride with her sister over to my crib to see me. Neither chick left that night.

It's been a crazy long journey... when her mother died in November, I lost the only person (other than my friends Saxxx and his sister) that understood that me and shorty weren't some pedobear special. When she flew me out there because she had never been to a funeral and I was the only person she knew could understand, cats she ain't heard from twice since the funeral were the first ones tryna shake me loose from my relationship on account of our ages. (what's 4 years?!). I was stuck with my back against the wall trying to explain to people SHE barely even knew that I too had lost my mom at a very early age and regardless of what THEY thought, I wasn't gonna let MY little lady go through that %+*% alone. Well, among other things, her pops - the pops she's never stayed with; the same pops that's not adjudicated; the very same pops that thinks paying a phone bill is child support -- tried having me arrested. He tried filing motions and %+*%. He even threatened to burn down my crib when the courts threw that *$%!!@#$ out. And when %+*% hit the fan and little mama's god parents put her out for NO reason, and my pops stepped in and said he would file for legal guardianship, her weak $*# pops even tried to get my pops disbarred for "illegally representing himself as her guardian". That too was tossed..... but she turned 18 saturday... and me and her pops damn near came to blows in front of Dave and Busters. He just mad I'm her REAL daddy... And we're JUST fine.

Sorry for the essays...
Last one, was through a blind date.
Didn't really expect anything but we really hit it off. Unfortunately, a lot of miscommunication (and bad timing) caused us to fall apart. She has a kid now and a part of me used to regret not having things work out since I really did love her at the time. But everything in life happens for a reason. It's been a while since I was serious with anyone... but we'll see given I've got a couple of prospects lined up.
Last one, was through a blind date.
Didn't really expect anything but we really hit it off. Unfortunately, a lot of miscommunication (and bad timing) caused us to fall apart. She has a kid now and a part of me used to regret not having things work out since I really did love her at the time. But everything in life happens for a reason. It's been a while since I was serious with anyone... but we'll see given I've got a couple of prospects lined up.

Perfect timing..

Just posted my girl with my story on the PYG Thread.

"Kinda funny how we met though.. 

I was with her Cousin for a few years. 

I ain't even mad. "



Perfect timing..

Just posted my girl with my story on the PYG Thread.

"Kinda funny how we met though.. 

I was with her Cousin for a few years. 

I ain't even mad. "


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