How do my fellow baby-faced NTers deal with age discrimination at work?

Feb 22, 2012
I got taken off one of my main clients because of constant complaints about me being too young, inexperienced, etc. even though there's been ZERO errors on my end. My boss told me "I know none of this is your fault. You just look young and might need to get a receding hairline to be taken more seriously" :smh: I got put on different clients so it's not like I'm out of work, but it's complete BS to be called inexperienced when I've been working my @#$ off fixing their thousands of accounting mistakes and constant barrage of requests for the past 3-4 months.

So what do I do in situations like this? When people are like that in my "normal life", my responses come off very @#$ holish :lol: How do I respond without risking losing the client for my company?

Looking 18 at the age of 25 FTL (for now). That's my half Asian genetics at work :lol:
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Put peanut butter on your face and in about 3 weeks time have a mean 5 o'clock shadow.
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I can grow facial hair just fine, but I'm supposed to be clean shaven or have a full beard for work. I can't be in that in-between phase
maybe try rocking a baldy...its a bolder, more imposing look...
Ben Popken, NBC News

Friday, 5 Oct 2012 | 2:20 PM ET

Looking for an edge at work? Break out your razor. A new study says that men with shaved heads are perceived as more dominant, more masculine, and more suited for leadership roles.

The lead researcher, Albert Mannes at the Wharton School of Business, decided to go "bare up there" in his mid-thirties when he was starting to lose his hair. And people started treated him differently. He then designed a series of experiments to test what people really thought of guys with shaved heads.

In the first tests, he showed participants pictures of similar-looking men with shaved heads and those with hair. The men without hair rated statistically significantly higher for dominance. They were also rated as being 3 years older, and slightly less attractive.

To isolate the results further, Mannes devised a second experiment. He showed a panel pictures of men with hair. He also showed pictures of the same men with their hair Photoshopped out. The panel rated the men with shaved heads higher for dominance, confidence, masculinity, and leadership potential.

But get this: The panel also said the guys with shaved heads were an inch taller and could bench-press 13 percent more weight than the guys with full hair.

Remember, these are the same guys, just with their hair digitally erased.

The third and final test used no photographs. Just words. Mannes asked subjects to read a two-sentence description of a man and rate him on the same attributes as the second experiment. The paragraph was the same each time, with one difference, whether the man was described as having a "shaved head," "thinning brown hair," or "thick brown hair."

Even when responding to just the text, the guys with the shaved heads ranked higher on those alpha-dog traits.
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33 and get carded for cigarettes on a weekly basis so i feel you.   I've learned that being a history buff and picking **** off the "did you know thread" helps alot with random discussions with those in power.  I'm also tatted up from the neck down.  
33 and get carded for cigarettes on a weekly basis so i feel you.   I've learned that being a history buff and picking **** off the "did you know thread" helps alot with random discussions with those in power.  I'm also tatted up from the neck down.  

Yeah, this definitely seems like a good idea. I need to be able to pretend to care about things that these older people like so they feel like they can relate to me.

I also have a full sleeve. When I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt and my tats are visible, when I take off my glasses (I always wear them at work to look smarter), put my earrings back on, and don't shave for a couple of days I look 20 instead of 18. Still nowhere near 25 though :lol:
Bruh my left temple thinning in my hair and I got a baby face with no hope of a beard. It can be worst bruh.
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If you look young in the face shaving your head will NOT be your best bet, you'll just look weird.

I'd suggest bulking up, changing your attire up, and putting more bass in your voice (no insult).
I'm 27, baby-faced, full head of hair and can't grow a full beard.  When I first started the job I'm at now no one took me seriously.  

While you can't do much to change how old you look, you can definitely present yourself in such a way where people will stop viewing you as some "kid" they don't have to take seriously.  Be articulate, don't be shy when it comes to displaying your intellect, and know when to be assertive.  Don't demand respect.  Command it.

....but even then those things will only take you so far.  I feel like no one takes you seriously until you're about 35 anyways.
If you look young in the face shaving your head will NOT be your best bet, you'll just look weird.

I'd suggest bulking up, changing your attire up, and putting more bass in your voice (no insult).

Already accomplished the first 2, but the 3rd...I still sound like a teenager too :lol:
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im 23 and been told i look 16. no one takes me seriously but when im 40 i will appreciate it
im 23 and been told i look 16. no one takes me seriously but when im 40 i will appreciate it :lol:

This is what I was going to say.
I'm older 36 but people tell me I look 27, and at my age that's a good thing. So to all you baby faces don't sweat it because when your older and look young, you'll have the last :lol:
Have kids, all that stress will get you old QUICK. LOL.

Seriously though, Take it as a compliment.
Smh.. good to know I'm not the only one in the struggle..

my goal is to bag up all the young nurses when I'm old living in a convalescent home..
I used to have a MEAN babyface. I think I still do but people often think I'm 22ish even though I'm 19. I think it's because of my height and build.
31 ppl tell me I look 25-29. No gray hair on the beard yet.

Use sun block on the face daily and don't drink ...
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25. Can pass for a high school student when I shave my mustache. Its the reason I rock a goatee at all times.
I'm 25 and I still get carded for lottery tickets :lol:. I just accept it nothing you can do.

The worst thing is when people say "you'll appreciate it in the long run when you're 40 and look 30" it doesn't offend me but I've heard it 200 times already

:lol: At how many times it's been posted in the thread already
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damn that's crazy. I just turned 20 and if I grow my beard out(which I do usually) nobody would dream of carding me for anything :lol:. I look ten years older than I am, not younger. Must suck you guys.
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