How do you get blood out of a pair of pants??

Apr 23, 2007
So i just bought some new jeans and got into a little scuffle this weekend. somehow some blood got on my pants (no, not from me. honestly dont know whose itwas....fight in the club with about 8 total people) anyways, before i just off the jeans and throw em out i was wondering is there a trick to get blood stainsout??? thanks for any help.
...word to Superbad

"Hold on I got a tampon in here!" warm water and alcohol I think...I usually just toss anything with blood on it though, that's a yuck feeling tome to look and see blood..
when I would get blood on my shirts from a small cut from shaving I would use baby wipes. I kept them in my desk at work and when I noticed the blood I wouldscrub a little and it would come right out. Not sure if this would work with jeans since the fabrics are somewhat different or thinner.
It'll still show up blue when they spray that one chemical.... I suggest you go into hiding before CSI shows up.
soak it in cold water. then take some detergent and SCRUB the area(s) with a toothbrush or something. do so until you can't see anymore. rinse in coldwater. repeat if necessary. do not use hot water
[Seinfeld] Blood-stains? I mean, I, come on, you got a T-shirt with blood-stains all over it, maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem right now[/Seinfeld]
I remember beating the **** out of some dude in japan... had blood all over my home dirk notwitzi jersey(nike authentic)...
Blood on my jeans my jersey and my kicks....

Through that in the washer on hor with some baking soda and tide and it all came out... I was suprised... Dude mustve been mad drunk cuz his blood was thin as ****... lol
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