How do you manage relationships/dating in college? Need Advice.

Grrrrr I had a reply typed up then forgot I wasn't logged in. Anyways, thanks for the replies so far. I want to break down this story a little further withdetails to see if that changes anything, because I obv do care about her a lot as she's an awesome person aside from the leading me on thing and a fewother questionable decisions.

We started talking at the end of last school year. With like a month left, I met her and we started talking and continued to talk a few times during the summerwhile I was in Vegas and she was studying abroad in Spain. Near end of summer we talked a lot and when she got back, we started to hang out a lot more near thestart of the school year. We always would text a lot and she would show up at my parties. I found out she lived a few houses away from mine so on weekends shewould mingle down and hang out at nights. Fast forward about a month and I find out she has a boyfriend who has been off and on for two years. I explainI'm upset she didn't tell me and she said she didn't know how to tell me because she didn't want to scare me away. I explained I didn'twant to ruin anything there but she said it was about to end anyways... needless to say after an encounter with him (about a week later) of him finding out shewas hanging out with me, they broke up. We hung out shortly after than still and she told her roommate she didn't really want another relationship and Itold her that was cool and I wasn't going to force one on her, which I didn't.

So from not long after hanging out, doing the dinner thing, etc, she didn't want to hang out a few times I tried and then things got complicated. She saidshe didn't want a relationship and didn't know what she wanted. She couldn't tell me if she saw us long term or not but was just confused overeverything and didn't know what she wanted. This was fine and I respected everything she said and wanted when we did hang out. Not long afterwards (aroundworld series time) she met this guy I know who is 29 and in the Air Force. I knew he would try to get with her just from my gut. She said she was going to hangout with him as a friend and surely enough, they started talking more and more. I asked her why she would hang out with him whenever he wanted but not me ,considering she didn't want a relationship when it was clear he did. She said she explained to him straight up but low and behold, they pretty muchunofficially dated even when she said numerous times she didn't want to and he wanted to and all that drama. She would never be honest with me about themand always said not to worry about it, notihng is going on, etc. I had to find out the hard way, in which we didn't talk then because I asked her and shewasn't truthful about it to my face.

We didn't talk for a month after that because I was mad about it and she lied to my face. I'm best friends with her roommate whom came out with me formy bday and the girl came with her to a bar we went to after dinner. I ended up talking to her for first time in a month there after ignoring her and we gotpretty drunk and I ended up walking home with her that night and hooking up. She said how much she missed me and she realized she loved everything that I wasabout and did and just wished things weren't complicated. In the morning I asked what her deal was with Air Force guy and she said she was stopping hangingout with him and he was leaving for training anyways and wouldn't be around and it would just die down and she didn't want anything there. In betweenthat and when he left, we hung out a few times and hooked up when I ended up there after the bar. We have a really good connection and she came onto me strongwhen we first met and I felt like we built a great foundation.

While he went away, I didn't really talk to her much. I was upset with her about a few things and frustrated with it all. When we did talk, she said samethings like she missed talking to me, is trying to figure everything out, and noted how perfect things are when we hang out. So anyways, he came back rightwhen we started talking about and basically things with them annoyed her as he was immature, pushy, and everything I told her about and warned her about beforehand. I can't comprehend why she sort of "dated" this clown when she had told me she didn't want a relationship when I respected that butthis guy was pushy.

Anyways, we went to the game on Saturday and had amazing talks, great time, and had dinner afterward before returning how that night and going out whenoriginal post picked up. She said she was completely over him and we had good talks and she understood my viewpoint in everything and admits she was wrong alot, I was right and all that fun stuff. I'm super confused because I feel like she knows were probably a great match but not sure as she won't everadmit anything. When we had that great time, I'm sure she realized all this but I can never tell with her actions. Do I stick around (hard not to as she isan amazing person and roommates with one of my best friends) and hope for something long term or just try to drop it all? I want to hope something is there andit's a crucial time now as we only have about a month left of school and she doesn't go out much anyways due to her major in teaching and her studentteaching placement. I know she may want to live up the rest of this senior year of hers but after that, I think things may settle and if there is a thing forus, then would be the time. I'd had to ditch everything right now. It's super hard too because she always is texting me, IMing me, and talking to me,so I can't really just stone cold blow her off. At same time, I don't know if I can be as commutative with her as I am now without catching feelingsfor her and being upset when she does oher things or starts talking to other people. I feel like I'm wasting my time but due to the circumstances, it'shard to walk away and esp when she initially sort of lead me on and I can't figure out why. NikeTalk owns soles and always knows the best advice.
Originally Posted by TrevRob

Grrrrr I had a reply typed up then forgot I wasn't logged in. Anyways, thanks for the replies so far. I want to break down this story a little further with details to see if that changes anything, because I obv do care about her a lot as she's an awesome person aside from the leading me on thing and a few other questionable decisions.

We started talking at the end of last school year. With like a month left, I met her and we started talking and continued to talk a few times during the summer while I was in Vegas and she was studying abroad in Spain. Near end of summer we talked a lot and when she got back, we started to hang out a lot more near the start of the school year. We always would text a lot and she would show up at my parties. I found out she lived a few houses away from mine so on weekends she would mingle down and hang out at nights. Fast forward about a month and I find out she has a boyfriend who has been off and on for two years. I explain I'm upset she didn't tell me and she said she didn't know how to tell me because she didn't want to scare me away. I explained I didn't want to ruin anything there but she said it was about to end anyways... needless to say after an encounter with him (about a week later) of him finding out she was hanging out with me, they broke up. We hung out shortly after than still and she told her roommate she didn't really want another relationship and I told her that was cool and I wasn't going to force one on her, which I didn't.

So from not long after hanging out, doing the dinner thing, etc, she didn't want to hang out a few times I tried and then things got complicated. She said she didn't want a relationship and didn't know what she wanted. She couldn't tell me if she saw us long term or not but was just confused over everything and didn't know what she wanted. This was fine and I respected everything she said and wanted when we did hang out. Not long afterwards (around world series time) she met this guy I know who is 29 and in the Air Force. I knew he would try to get with her just from my gut. She said she was going to hang out with him as a friend and surely enough, they started talking more and more. I asked her why she would hang out with him whenever he wanted but not me , considering she didn't want a relationship when it was clear he did. She said she explained to him straight up but low and behold, they pretty much unofficially dated even when she said numerous times she didn't want to and he wanted to and all that drama. She would never be honest with me about them and always said not to worry about it, notihng is going on, etc. I had to find out the hard way, in which we didn't talk then because I asked her and she wasn't truthful about it to my face.

We didn't talk for a month after that because I was mad about it and she lied to my face. I'm best friends with her roommate whom came out with me for my bday and the girl came with her to a bar we went to after dinner. I ended up talking to her for first time in a month there after ignoring her and we got pretty drunk and I ended up walking home with her that night and hooking up. She said how much she missed me and she realized she loved everything that I was about and did and just wished things weren't complicated. In the morning I asked what her deal was with Air Force guy and she said she was stopping hanging out with him and he was leaving for training anyways and wouldn't be around and it would just die down and she didn't want anything there. In between that and when he left, we hung out a few times and hooked up when I ended up there after the bar. We have a really good connection and she came onto me strong when we first met and I felt like we built a great foundation.

While he went away, I didn't really talk to her much. I was upset with her about a few things and frustrated with it all. When we did talk, she said same things like she missed talking to me, is trying to figure everything out, and noted how perfect things are when we hang out. So anyways, he came back right when we started talking about and basically things with them annoyed her as he was immature, pushy, and everything I told her about and warned her about before hand. I can't comprehend why she sort of "dated" this clown when she had told me she didn't want a relationship when I respected that but this guy was pushy.

Anyways, we went to the game on Saturday and had amazing talks, great time, and had dinner afterward before returning how that night and going out when original post picked up. She said she was completely over him and we had good talks and she understood my viewpoint in everything and admits she was wrong a lot, I was right and all that fun stuff. I'm super confused because I feel like she knows were probably a great match but not sure as she won't ever admit anything. When we had that great time, I'm sure she realized all this but I can never tell with her actions. Do I stick around (hard not to as she is an amazing person and roommates with one of my best friends) and hope for something long term or just try to drop it all? I want to hope something is there and it's a crucial time now as we only have about a month left of school and she doesn't go out much anyways due to her major in teaching and her student teaching placement. I know she may want to live up the rest of this senior year of hers but after that, I think things may settle and if there is a thing for us, then would be the time. I'd had to ditch everything right now. It's super hard too because she always is texting me, IMing me, and talking to me, so I can't really just stone cold blow her off. At same time, I don't know if I can be as commutative with her as I am now without catching feelings for her and being upset when she does oher things or starts talking to other people. I feel like I'm wasting my time but due to the circumstances, it's hard to walk away and esp when she initially sort of lead me on and I can't figure out why. NikeTalk owns soles and always knows the best advice.

Questionable decisions you say????

BTW, no ones reading that essay you just typed...What were some of the questionable decisions??
^ basically....if you can pipe pipe...if not move she wants go to have to let her be..youll just be wasting your time andcontinually getting hurt
your problem homie ? your thinking too much about "what you want the relationship to be"

have you even talked to her about what she wants? about what shes looking for ?

do that ^
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Never catch feelings before them..
You can't control that bruh...

You can control what you do when you get those feelings...How you react. But you can't help who you catch feelings for. You have no control over that.

You can try to talk yourself out of it and lie to your self in an attempt to not catch them. But it ain't happnin' cap'n.

You can control who you're in a relationship with but you can't help who you end up liking.
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

in college you dont manage get around (word to Pac and Shock G) because chances of you ending up with that someone after graduation are not that good IMO. just get in where you fit in and dont get burnt, have babies or get a rape accusation and youre cool.

at this age you should be focusing on your life/ career. relationships are nice and ok to have during college, but school comes first. Once you square away theimportant things in your life and become stable, that's when you begin to focus fully on the relationship.
I agree, I have 0 leverage right now for the most part. Because we have a great friendship too though, it's hard to just "walk away" and focus onothers so to speak. Like right now, we are probably happier than ever. Do I just shut this chick off completely? Should I have a talk with her to hear herthoughts? If I do this, it'll give me some closure of where things stand and an "excuse" to not talk to her daily and such.
Look bro. People are loose nowadays
. If your looking for a relationship, STAY AWAY FROM GIRLS LIKE THAT! Please. Just fall back like others said and keeplooking if thats what your looking for. And what Dirty said was true, you get hurt by her its on you. Leave these free agent chicks be. Oh its cool to keep heras a friend but don't do anything sexual with her.
Originally Posted by TrevRob

I agree, I have 0 leverage right now for the most part. Because we have a great friendship too though, it's hard to just "walk away" and focus on others so to speak. Like right now, we are probably happier than ever. Do I just shut this chick off completely? Should I have a talk with her to hear her thoughts? If I do this, it'll give me some closure of where things stand and an "excuse" to not talk to her daily and such.
Y'all can still be good friends.

You just need to go out and find some other women. Cause right now, there is nothing popping off w/ y'all romantically. And there may never be.She'sriding the express train my dude and she's skipping you're stop.

You messing w/ other chicks shouldn't mess up y'alls relationship as her messing w/ other dudes hasn't done so up to this point. Plus, you'llreally see how she feels about the possibility of y'all having a future once you start messing w/ other women.
I agree with all above now that I think about it. I just need to figure out how to remain good friends without catching feelings more or letting her lead meon...
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