How Dumb Can One Person Be?

Can someone make a gif of the dog's face at 30ish seconds? He does the slow motion turn and stare like Stephen Curry... haha.

Also, why is there a crib in the front yard?

Dallas is a great country.... hahah.
Can someone make a gif of the dog's face at 30ish seconds? He does the slow motion turn and stare like Stephen Curry... haha.

Also, why is there a crib in the front yard?

Dallas is a great country.... hahah.
guy asking the questions making her look extra foolish
Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

I'm pretty sure the show is real. They recently had a guy start shooting at them when they tried to put him on the show. I would be pretty pissed too, having a car repossessed is embarrassing enough, then they wanna make you answer some dumb questions for their dumb show so they can make money. Playing games with peoples lives smh.
i'm pretty sure it wasnt the guy getting repo'd but his neighbor.  the neighbor was pissed that they had parked all of their vans in front of his house and he demanded that the production crew move their vehicles.  when they didnt, he went inside, got his gun, and came out firing.

ive seen half an episode of this show, and i dont think its bad at all (the concept behind it, the show itself is terrible).  these deadbeats are getting repo'd cause they didnt pay their bills.  they deserve everything that is coming to them.  the show gives them an opportunity to keep their vehicle that they didnt pay for.  how is that "playing games with peoples lives"?  They can just as easily say no and let the repo company take the car and drive off.  No one is forcing them to play.  They are given an opportunity (to make fools out of themselves on national TV) and they can decide whether or not to take advantage of that opportunity.

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

I'm pretty sure the show is real. They recently had a guy start shooting at them when they tried to put him on the show. I would be pretty pissed too, having a car repossessed is embarrassing enough, then they wanna make you answer some dumb questions for their dumb show so they can make money. Playing games with peoples lives smh.
i'm pretty sure it wasnt the guy getting repo'd but his neighbor.  the neighbor was pissed that they had parked all of their vans in front of his house and he demanded that the production crew move their vehicles.  when they didnt, he went inside, got his gun, and came out firing.

ive seen half an episode of this show, and i dont think its bad at all (the concept behind it, the show itself is terrible).  these deadbeats are getting repo'd cause they didnt pay their bills.  they deserve everything that is coming to them.  the show gives them an opportunity to keep their vehicle that they didnt pay for.  how is that "playing games with peoples lives"?  They can just as easily say no and let the repo company take the car and drive off.  No one is forcing them to play.  They are given an opportunity (to make fools out of themselves on national TV) and they can decide whether or not to take advantage of that opportunity.

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