How I got scammed

Feb 14, 2016
So I just got played badly for Master 12s I was selling and I'm gonna telll my story and I don't care if you guys make fun of me or anything but I'm just doing it so that you guys are aware and careful.

Here is my story:
I listed my Master 12s on eBay at a fixed price, a buyer contacted me and we made a deal through PayPal. He sent me the "payment" to my account using my email address. I check my email and i received an email notification from "PayPal" stating that I received payment for the shoes. What I didn't realize was that it wasn't a real PayPal email address. Just the username of the email account that the person used said "[email protected]" but the actual email address was [email protected].

I shipped the shoes and they just got delivered to the person's destination. Don't be me and get scammed. I should've been more thorough.

Use me as an example and don't get scammed.
So during all of this you never actually logged into PayPal to see the money in your account?

I don't ship anything out until the money is withdrawn and being deposited into my bank.
It's that if I tell you why do didn't check pay pal you're going to think that I'm mentally handicapped
Sorry to hear that OP.
Be careful when dealing with folks online, beloved.
I got an email from "PayPal customer service" saying that they needed to verify my account. The email had a link to it to a paypal log in screen. I knew something was up so I took a closer look at the email addres and it was actually some next ****. Poor phishing attempt. Keep your eyes open
Not as bad as the one I seen in a Facebook group recently. The guy did a face to face trade and never checked his shoes out. Got home opened his box and i was some dress shoes with water bottles in it.
It's a learning experience man. Just taking my L and sharing what happened a few people have already messaged me saying same thing happened to them. So I'm glad I'm not the only one and hopefully this can prevent at least 1 scam.
I definitely deserved it for being irresponsible and not taking ever precaution possible to ensure that I don't get scammed.
scams happen to the best of us, surprisingly myself included...

had some guy ask for me for $5 to cover for a tow truck, he said his car was broke down, i only had a $20 on me and he said if i gave him the $20, he would come back with the change, and i said sure if it helped out, i waited one hour, and missed my bus, he never came back...lessons learned
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