How is your relationship with your siblings

Jan 14, 2006
I'm sorry if they aren't with us anymore

Sometimes i can't fathom how some people have not talked to their siblings in so many years.  completely lost contact, and don't even know where each other is.  i guess theres different circumstances for everyone, with different situations.

Its a bit different also, if the age difference between you and your siblings are of great lengths.
its tough, i dont speak to any of my siblings, only the ones that live nearby.
love him to death...

we get along much better now that we're older not that we didnt get along when we were younger but we're more grown about everything i guess.

thats my dude...
I love my brother. Best friend I have. We are only 11 months apart and couldn't imagine life without him.
After my brother and me
together we are real close.
I got an older brother, 6 year age gap.
I'd say we got a great relationship. We agreed that we'd move and bury a body no questions asked for each other.
brother and sister relationships > brother and brother/ sister and sister

(no incest) for you knuckleheads lol
me and my brother are real close. We bump heads from time to time, but that doesnt hold us back from having a great relationship
Originally Posted by Henri2310

I love my brother. Best friend I have. We are only 11 months apart and couldn't imagine life without him.
For obvious reasons, siblings who are closer in age are typically "closer-knit"

I'm 20 and my brother is 10 and the age difference is just too great. Live in the same house and everything but kinda wish we were closer
im the middle child

my younger brother and older sister ALWAYS fight and they both come to me and complain about how much of an idiot the other one is

i love em both to death though. im taking my little brother to europe this summer. id rather go with him than any of my best friends
Honestly, my brother lost my respect a few years ago. Just how he treated our parents. If I saw him now on a street I'd walk past him.
I'm the oldest of five boys, My brother's are my best friends. I'm ten years older then my youngest brother and we get along great. I feel bad for people who have bad relationships with there siblings.
I love my little brother, he's 6 years younger than me.

I haven't spoken to my sister in 10 years, I dont know where she is at and I could care less. Past experiences have really destroyed our relationship
8 year difference and 14 year difference between both of them (im the oldest.)

they're annoying as all hell, but i love them to death, and they continue to be my biggest source of motivation.
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

I don't have any and that is one of my life's biggest regrets

i always feel sorry only children...

me and my brother aren't best friends but the bond we have i wish everyone could have...
We always have our little dumb arguments, but as we got older we grew really close.

I'm 20, big bro = 22, big sis = 23
they both hate me and i hate them most of the time. its not that we dont talk, but i guess i just dont give a f. but they close.
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