How is your relationship with your siblings

Originally Posted by illuzionz23

havnt talked to my older brother in 6 years and we're 2 years apart...
all started because of a big fight from NBA Street Vol 2, it was the first time i ever won 1v1, and as i started braggin, fists flew

about 3 days later when i felt like the dust had settled, i walk into his room and he screams "get out and dont ever talk to me again".
he held on to that grudge. im ashamed even thinking about it.

You haven't talked to him in six years cause of a video game dispute?
Life's too short, man.

When my cousin died, his brother flipped out because they had a stupid argument that lasted until his death. It's extreme circumstances, but you don't want a situation like that.
I'm the oldest but my grandparents raised me, I talk to them via facebook and what not and at holidays or whatever but if/when my grams passes away i want to move someplace far from most of my family and never come back. I moved back in with my grandparents when my grandpa was sick to help out with appointments and what not and then when he passed i didnt feel right about moving and leavin my grams all alone. So now she's kinda up and down battling cancer but there's still hope, they said the tumor's gone and it didnt spread anywhere yet.
Me and my only full blooded sibling are real tight. I was just the best man in his wedding. We don't have to talk every day or every week, but we still know each other like no other and when we get together, it's like we haven't missed a beat.

My sister who was raised with my brother and I, don't talk too often. She's almost 10 years younger than me so when she was old enough to hang out, I was already out of the house. We're cool though. She's very open with me and I give her advice on her problems when we do speak.

My other brothers and two sisters didn't grow up with me. One brother was a surprise after many years and the other one, along with the sisters grew up in a different state, so I hardly ever saw them. We speak maybe once a year. After so much time and making efforts to keep lines of communication open with them and them not really reciprocating, I just gave up on it.
Hmm, physically fought a lot when we were younger. He's 6 years we grew up the fights became fewer and far in between but sometimes it can get heated. He's not one of those little bros that really aspire to be like their older brother so I just let him do him, as long as he doesn't cause trouble...
my brother locked up...but when he was out and living at home, we were really close. He got out in the world and it just went downhill after that. I don't even write...tried to visit him last year but the jail was on BS and no visitation for his floor. **sigh**

Stepbrothers, we used to be closer, but ever since I left to go to college and they got older that is not what it used to be.

Half sister...seen her twice in my lifetime, so you can just about guess where that relationship is.
Im the youngest of brother is 6 years older than me

We dont have that great of a relationship but were cool. I didnt really talk to him until i was like 16 because he was always out and I was out, etc.. Then one day I asked him if he had a scale and we became cooler lol. We smoke together a good amount of times and I guess our relationships cool...
i Have an older sister that lives in NC that I don't have much contact and my older half brother is special needs and lives in a group home, my younger sister and me are cool. we fought growing up, but now just respect each others space.
Indifferent mostly. I have a blood brother 10 years older then me. I love him and got his back if he ever needs anything but he does so many things that make me lose respect for him. My mother has two adopted daughters, which I never grew up with because my parents divorced, and then moves back in with my father. If they need something or if my mother needs help with them I do what I can, but the way the situation went down and is currently happening they don't seem like siblings to me.
Indifferent mostly. I have a blood brother 10 years older then me. I love him and got his back if he ever needs anything but he does so many things that make me lose respect for him. My mother has two adopted daughters, which I never grew up with because my parents divorced, and then moves back in with my father. If they need something or if my mother needs help with them I do what I can, but the way the situation went down and is currently happening they don't seem like siblings to me.
I'm 21 and he's 17, we're close...But he's still got a lot of growing up to do.

Love him to death though.
Got one older brother, I'm 20 and he's 23, and we're cool like best friends.
i love my brother although we are not as close as I would like.... we're 10 yrs apart
 ... im 27 and he's 17
I have two older brothers, and we get along decently. idk. One of my brothers has chosen his gf over me and the rest of the fam time and time again, and sometimes, I just don't feel like I can't respect him. I hope one day that he sees the light and realizes his blood is forever. My other brother is much older than me, but we talk occasionally.

I'm in my early twenties, and I still really want a little sister or brother, probably because I am not too close to my bros. I've had to compromise by mentoring teens in my area.
Super tight with my older sister(32) Pretty good with the younger(11) and I have 2 brothers that I never met who supposedly live in the same state that im in now so i'll check into that in the near future. But I have a cousin who's practically my little brother who's 17. Thats my boy.
love my brother.. we used to clash a lot but since my pops passed away we've gotten a lot closer, which is ironic because he's barely been in the country since..
Have an older brother but dude is foul so I dont even claim him anymore. I consider myself an only child. Wish it wasnt like that but it is what it is. SMH
Not close at all. My sis and bro are older and I just let them live their lives while I live mine cause we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things.
I have two sisters. I'm the oldest of the three of us. The relationship between me and the oldest of the two(21) is really cool. We are basically like twins. She is really protective of me even though I am older than her and has offered to whip some of my ex's @#$%@ after we broke up.
I love her to death and will do anything for her. The relationship between me and my other sister (19) is a little different. We are really close but we like things done our way or it wont get done, which usually causes us to bump heads. We usually let that go after an hr and we are right back to snapping on other people.
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