How Long Are Your Showers?

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by dmxgod

7-10 mins..not that difficult to get in and get out..

My girl's brother takes at least a half what the hell he b doin in ayo
Is he going through puberty?
Nah bro..he is a 17 year old kid..

My girls parents b turnin the hott water off on him at times when he takes more than a half how dirty can you b son?
12 minutes. I brush my teeth and wash my hair every morning. Efficiency
15 min avg. sometimes i like to just hang out and relax and wil go 20-25 min.

water is included in my HOA fees so i dont give a damn. ill take a 3 hr shower if i feel like it.
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

6-8 minutes. 30 minute shower? Ya folks better start making you pay that water bill. Bet you'll cut it down then.
I usually take 10 -15 minutes but sometimes it can take 20- 40 minutes when I'm thinking about stuff. Some of my greatest ideas have from taking a long shower
BTW ...... I pay the water bill .... Long showers, short showers it has stayed the same month in, month out
So wait, another dude asking other dudes how long their showers are now? What are you OP? The Health Inspector?

10-15 min. Get wet, soap up, rise, brush teeth, get out. Done. 
Originally Posted by dmxgod

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by dmxgod

7-10 mins..not that difficult to get in and get out..

My girl's brother takes at least a half what the hell he b doin in ayo
Is he going through puberty?
Nah bro..he is a 17 year old kid..

My girls parents b turnin the hott water off on him at times when he takes more than a half how dirty can you b son?

25-30 mins...i like to chill, wash, brush my teeth and apply everything while da hot water is running....
6-10 mins....not to threadjack but related question: anybody ever try cold or cool showers? I only do it in the summer but it feels amazing (no ayo), especially when its 90+ degrees out at 8 am
I always think I be in for awhile but it's usually bout 10mins, enough to fap/pee.
20-30 easy sometime I just let the water hit me for 5mins before I even start washing up

Now +$! baths no more the 5 mins
Im usually 15-20 minutes - no more, no less.
Kind of random, but why do a lot of people say their going to 'hop' or 'jump' in the shower every time 
..."bout to hop in the shower"...I chuckle when I hear that.
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

5 minutes
get wet, turn the water off, soap up, turn water on, wash off

saves water, better for the pocket and the planet

Never that 

8-10 minutes if im in a rush.

10-15 if im relaxing

20+ if im fapping
Typically i probably take like 5-7 minutes...

after a basketball or a run I might add an extra five minutes or so just to cool off and relax.

But anything over 15 is too much IMO.
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