How many hours of sleep do you need?

Dec 10, 2001
I work 70 hours a week and gotta be at work by 1 pm everday, i get off at 1 am and i usually get 8 hours of sleep. I really thought thats how much i needed butrecently my boy got his own crib and we all hang out till 6 am and im only sleeping 6 hours and so far so good but im waiting to crash lol.
atleast 10.

but i only get 6 because of school.....
ive noticed that when im working non stop and come home exhausted, i only need a good 5-6 hours

but if im doing nothing, i usualy dont wake up after 7 or 8 hours..weird
9-10 b/c i work out 4-5x a week. but b/c of school 6-7 and im sleepy all the time. summer needs to come real quick
5-6 and i'll be operating fine. if i sleep 9+ hours i feel EXTRA washed up. i cant sleep long. that's just me though
I need at least 7 .. doesn't work out like that all the time but less then 7 hours is not the business
5-6 is necessary.
But I can easily sleep 8-10 when I have the opportunity.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

ive noticed that when im working non stop and come home exhausted, i only need a good 5-6 hours

but if im doing nothing, i usualy dont wake up after 7 or 8 hours..weird

What the hell is up with OP's schedule.
I need 6-8. But if I'm not asleep by 11, it doesn't matter how much sleep I get because I'll still be tired.
Yo crazy ebw, I run my rich !!* boys liquor store, his spoiled !!* don't want to run it, so he pays me real good to run it all day, I eat and drink forfree and can have whatever liquor to take home. Only problem is the hours, it sucks away your life, so I make time to go out.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

5-6 and i'll be operating fine. if i sleep 9+ hours i feel EXTRA washed up. i cant sleep long. that's just me though
I'm exactly the same way..I know what you mean.
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