How many of u dont like ur local teams???

I live in Maryland and I don't like the ********, Nationals, Cowboys (yes I meant Cowboys) or Capitals. I just flat out can't root for a team that year after year sucks (********) even though i do root for McNabb, Nationals for obvious reason (I'll wear their fitteds though
), Capitals? I'm not a hockey fan at all. Cowboys? Baffles me beyond understanding how so many of their fans are here in DC 

I do like the Wizards though
, I liked them ever since Chris Webber, Juwan Howard and Rod Strickland were here.
F the warriors, raiders and giants. f them all

and the sacramento queens too even though theyre NOT bay area theyre still northern california if we wanna get technical here
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by grusumm18

if you lived in the bay, ud understand how terrible the general pop is regarding sports...
then u have the fans of both teams, 9er/radier or sfg/oak
truly sad

there are a few diehards and fans with good knowledge base, but more often than not, they're just a poser who read the newest article to say, "brian wilson has more guts than stuff, huh?"
or i got this one after taylor's td in atl last week "thats why we kept mays!!!" #*!
Sounds like that has more to do with the people you associate with than anything.

I've NEVER met a two way Niner/Raider fan. You'll see A's/Niner combos or Giants/Raiders but that just has to do with dudes being loyal to teams not cities.

Saying the general population here is terrible regarding sports is a straight up fallacy. Both the 49er and Raider fan bases are some of the most hardcore anywhere in any sport.

Baseball is ehh but the sport in general carries a far more casual fallowing here than on the east coast.

re: who i associate with
yea i got a few friends who are posers, but i dont watch games with em for that reason.  i was speakin mainly of who you'll run into at sports bars or even at the games.  i can understand sfg games where if you're sitting next to corp fan, he dont know nothin.  if you're in the cheaper seats you can get a riveting discussion.  im talkin about ppl that question every playcall like "why are you doing that?"  or question EVERY strike that isnt swung at (saw this yesterday)...every fn pitch...thats childish and id expect that from little league mom

basically, if you dont know, dont act like you know...thats my main beef about typical bay area fan

the 9er/raider combo is rare, but ive seen it...doesnt even deserve acknowledging, rather just ignore that every happened

yea, there are some hardcore fans, but its nowhere near what it should be considering how many cats there are here...have you lived/visited another metro area with mult sports teams (of course so cal dont count)?  

just visiting ny/phil/chi the sports culture is diff imo

raider fan travels well...sf not so much

i feel for gsw fan..fill that arena up after the playoffs and still have this shtacular product

at least the win king is gone

his bud light post game conferences will be missed...
I hate the San Francisco Giants and don't care for the Raiders. Some of these hypebeast Giants fans are pissing me off, not to mention the slurpfest that goes on on our local sports radio...knbr
. The Warriors are ok in my book....
Well, now that I think about it I hate every team that's in Oakland, A's, Warriors, Raiders, I like the 49ers, Giants, I'm cool with the Sharks.
i hated cal for awhile, but always liked their players. itll be an odd transition going to the big game this year.
So cal and I'm a Laker hater
But most laker fans here like them because its the cool thing to do
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

So cal and I'm a Laker hater
But most laker fans here like them because its the cool thing to do
  it's true though.

most Laker fans annoy me and i've been a fan of the team since elementary school.  

it's so many Laker fans i know who became fans in 2000, had their little Laker flags on their cars but then between 2004-2007 they all of a sudden "don't have a favorite team because they only like individual players." but come 2008 these people became fans again like they forgot they weren't fans between 2004-07
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

So cal and I'm a Laker hater
But most laker fans here like them because its the cool thing to do
  it's true though.

most Laker fans annoy me and i've been a fan of the team since elementary school.  

it's so many Laker fans i know who became fans in 2000, had their little Laker flags on their cars but then between 2004-2007 they all of a sudden "don't have a favorite team because they only like individual players." but come 2008 these people became fans again like they forgot they weren't fans between 2004-07

no the best is those people who went out and bought clippers jerseys that year they made the playoffs then promptly vanished later
im from the bay area so my teams are the 49ers, Warriors, A's and Sharks

got no love for the Giants and especially those raiders, they need to go back to LA where they belong!
I'm from South Florida, hate the Dolphins and Heat, don't like baseball so I could careless about the Marlins
I despise the Giants & Bills (Bills mainly because they always get a time-slot for Sunday, I understand they are a NY team but their games are dull and never exciting, and it seems like they play the same team all year)

I'm indifferent to the Knicks, Jets, Mets.
from miami. I hate the dolphins, and i have no loyalties in baseball or basketball. I just watch and root for the marlins and heat to do well. I'm a 9ers fan and i was a student at the U. I'm only loyal in football.

I've lived in New York, Texas and now Utah.

I never like the local team. Been a Heat/ Lakers fan for awhile. I do like the Texans for football. Neutra/ don't care about MLB.
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