How many people can stay in one Hotel room?

May 25, 2007
Was thinking if I could do reservations for 2 adults and sneak in 5 of my family members. Is this a good idea or has anyone done this?
if there aren't enough beds, you can call the front desk and ask for them to bring folding beds for you guys.
I do this all time, we've done 22 in a suite before it looked like a bomb went off at night.

No one will say anything as long as youre not ordering a ton of those extra fold out beds. We ordered 2 once and they starting asking us how many people werein the room.
nobody cares at all, but technically, if you do get caught, they can charge you

a few years back i was on a vacation w/my fam and my lil bro (4 years old) slept in the same room w/my parents. management found out (dont ask me how) andcharged them 45$/night extra for an additional cot.

besides that tho, ive never had probs but it does happen
I see this all the time and I'm cool with it until they request for a bunch of rollaway beds and towels. There is nothing worst than searching for 5-8 setsof towels for one room
we use to stay having hella people in our rooms. my mom always would pay for her and me and than aunts and what not would come and I would have to sleep on thefloor when they didn't put any bread up.
dude. i don't know where u are from but hotel parties FTW

my prom night we had 12 people in the room with 2 double twin beds. people were sleeping everywhere.
there are guides and rules about fire safety, but as long as the front desk does not know and you dont make a ton of noise, then you are gravy for as manypeople as you want...but I think legally its 2 people per bed or 6 max per room...something like that..
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