How many real ride or die friends do you have?

Outside of fam, there's only one and that's wifey.

My closest friend of 12 years could possibly be another but I'm not too too sure...

to answer the question, 4 or 5
The whole Money Team is filled with ride or die friends. So, I have too many to count.
Besides fam of course...none. Forget ride or die, I have no friends. Just acquaintances.

Sad state of affairs my NT brethren
2 my girl and my boy i have known for aslong as i can remember
the rest are flakes really
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007


to answer the question, 4 or 5

this. and highschool i probably had like closer to 10.. 
N's would go lookin for a fight..

but we aint about that life anymore..
Without including my mom and sister and girl........NOBODY which is kinda %@!%%# up considering there's people who I know be going through it need advice help with +%*+ and just all kinds of stuff and I'm ALWAYS there. But I don't have any friends that would do the same. They say they would but I know they just bs'n me
damn son some of ya can't read he said friends not family smh....
since when do family members be friends
but to be honest i have 1 and a half
the half i really don't talk to him much but still
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