How many real ride or die friends do you have?

I would say 3 tentatively
I have one best friend that I talk to about everything and he knows me better than anyone.

Then I have another friend that I've known since kindergarten but we often don't talk for that long. We went to different HS's, but roomed together first year of college. After that we didn't hang out as much and now he's at grad school but I'd still consider him a "close" friend. We've both helped each other through tough things in the past and if it came down to it I know I could count on him.

And then my former roommate who I met in college, only known him since '08 but we still talk pretty often, he knows me well and always had my back.
Im blessed. I actually have 6.

Two I've known since 1st grade and one I've known since 1st day of 6th grade. The rest I've met throughout the years (and two coincidentally went to high school with my cousin years before i even met them. And to make it crazier, it turns out that my mom and her dad went to high school and knew each other back in the day).

Makes me really believe in the six degrees of separation.
0 that I know of. There might be a couple that would hold it down and I think I have a good idea who they are, but I'm not positive.

The people I trust the most are the ones who aren't too close to me...
Originally Posted by sthebest

Im blessed. I actually have 6.

Two I've known since 1st grade and one I've known since 1st day of 6th grade. The rest I've met throughout the years (and two coincidentally went to high school with my cousin years before i even met them. And to make it crazier, it turns out that my mom and her dad went to high school and knew each other back in the day).

Makes me really believe in the six degrees of separation.
I've got two that I feel are like this (known each other since 1st grade) but we've never really been in any "ride or die" situations. There was a larger group of us during HS and a few years after but we were the only three to really hang out/ keep in touch consistently since '94
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by sthebest

Im blessed. I actually have 6.

Two I've known since 1st grade and one I've known since 1st day of 6th grade. The rest I've met throughout the years (and two coincidentally went to high school with my cousin years before i even met them. And to make it crazier, it turns out that my mom and her dad went to high school and knew each other back in the day).

Makes me really believe in the six degrees of separation.
I've got two that I feel are like this (known each other since 1st grade) but we've never really been in any "ride or die" situations. There was a larger group of us during HS and a few years after but we were the only three to really hang out/ keep in touch consistently since '94
Yeah its crazy that Ive known them that long. I literally have so many memories kicking it with them..walking to school while talking about the new episode of Fresh Prince, riding our bikes all over the city, going to the arcade, whooping each other's butts in nearly every system made since the original NES, watching the Bulls during the glory years.
It also works out that one of them is my shoe connect and the inspiration for me to start copping heavy.  In addition, its crazy that my best friend from sixth grade also ended up going to high school and college with me. They're all my brothers.
Originally Posted by LaunchPadMcQuack

Without including my mom and sister and girl........NOBODY which is kinda %@!%%# up considering there's people who I know be going through it need advice help with +%*+ and just all kinds of stuff and I'm ALWAYS there. But I don't have any friends that would do the same. They say they would but I know they just bs'n me
Word ain't that some @**%? i'll be there, listen to anything they have to say no matter how little i care about it or how dumb it is, i know they just wanna talk/vent. But when it comes my turn, one of the most tragic events i've been apart of, i pretty much get brushed aside, i don't even get to the point to tell em about it i was so pissed at the 1 word responses.  The volatile mood i'm in right now i'm ready to say %#+@ them $%@%*$.
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