How Much Have You Spent On Kicks in 2010?

2 pair copper foams
eggplant foams
freshwater griffeys
2 blk varsity red VI
2 wht varsity red VI
2 University Bl IX
Jordan concord XI
I haven't bought much at all this year, other than the White/Varsity Red XIIs. Got them on discount, so only spent $115 : )
ive boughten like 50 pairs of shoes just this year.... i seriously aint gonna start counting....

just on 8 Nike zk5 ids it comes out to $1560.xx..... wow....

logging off
Lebron VII low       $   90
Lebron VII low       $   90
Airmax Lebron VII  $  160
Airmax Lebron VII  $  160
Airmax Lebron VII  $  160
Airmax Lebron VII  $  160
Airmax Lebron VII  $  160
Lebron PS               $  140
Lebron PS               $  140
Airmax Lebron VII low   $  140

Total        $1400 before taxes

not even close to being finished now to add some kobe to my collection
Originally Posted by shaft

zoom BB1 Nash pe - 100
Zoom BB1 Kidd pe - 100
Jordan 3 spikes - 50

I am assuming you mean sports related shoes...
Just bought some Zoom BB1 TB for 100...and needed some beaters so I bought some TR1.3 for 99...

edit:  Also going to get the KBV Miles Davis and the red/yellow/white "Rockets"...

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