How much should it cost to fix the car starter?

Nov 19, 2010
I dont know anything about cars, so need to know how much I should expect to pay and not get ripped off .
My car takes forever to start now, it works fine, but the key doesn't turn until after about 50tries 
. the key hole gets stuck or something...I just need to know how much that part is to get fixed, thanks guys 
I dont know anything about cars, so need to know how much I should expect to pay and not get ripped off .
My car takes forever to start now, it works fine, but the key doesn't turn until after about 50tries 
. the key hole gets stuck or something...I just need to know how much that part is to get fixed, thanks guys 
It is fairly easy to do,you should be able to find an entire how to by just using the google button,most likely two or 3 bolts hold it on and one electrical connector,look up how much a new starter cost for your car on autozone and add no more than 50 bucks labor.
It is fairly easy to do,you should be able to find an entire how to by just using the google button,most likely two or 3 bolts hold it on and one electrical connector,look up how much a new starter cost for your car on autozone and add no more than 50 bucks labor.
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