How often do you get a physical exam? Vol. Been 3 years ***


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
Just wondering how often yall get a physical exam done. I know a lot of people get it done annually but I stopped after I turned 18.

Im 21 now btw.
been 5 1/2 years since da last one.

aint nobody got da patience to be in a waiting room for 3+ hours with da sick and elderly my g.
You ever thought of booking your apptmts months in advance?


could book 5 years in advance, still getting hit with da waiting room.

schedule a damn 9AM appointment with da dentist a couple years back, damn place didn't even open until 9. Get there at 9 to find out I still had to wait because they booked someone else at 9 before a papi.

f that.
Got one done last year and everything checked out. Before that it wad a few years, cant even remember how long. :lol:
Obviously its ideal to get it done annually but becomes more important as you get older. I say once youre in youre 30's youre gonna wanna start making an effort to go yearly to prevent stuff that may affect you in your 40's, etc.
Never, my bootyhole, dink and my lil kids swimmin workin just fine b just take your daily fish oil n multi you'll be good. 28 by the way
I still go to a pediatrician :pimp:

Brb, coloring in the coloring books with great precision unlike these little kids not staying in the lines
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My insurance encourages it by keeping your deductible low if you meet the requirements they set.
My insurance encourages it by keeping your deductible low if you meet the requirements they set.
mine gives us discounts if our vitals are within certain ranges (bmi, weight, chol, and other stuff)...

if any of those are too high or something seems off, ill head to the clinic...
I got one last year, before that was 8 years i think. We got one when i transferred from juco for baseball.

My job just sent out an email telling us we get $100 tax free when we get a physical and do the wellness reports program they just set up
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Like 3 years. I never go for just the check up. If I'm in there for something else then ok.
Every year. Its required by my health care. I just turned 30 so my wife has been making fun of me saying I'm gonna get probed by doc......nah my g
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would go annually cause of sports and schooling
havent had one in 2 years, might schedule one in feb after our annual open enrollment stuff clears here at work
I went exactly a year ago for my first physical in five years. I was 30 (a year ago), so previously 25. The doc gave me a clean bill of health, and blood tests came back with all vitals in normal range. I asked what I should do going forward, in terms of a checkup, and he said at my age and in my condition I didn't need to come back for two years.

He said 30 is a good "milestone" age to get an exam and just see where you're at.
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