How severe is the One-child per family policy in China?

Feb 28, 2007
How severe is the One-child per family policy in China?

is it really enforced that strictly? or just one of those things, like doing generous rounding and writeoffs on your taxes.

and what do they do to people who break the rule? i remember reading a book where a family had to hide one of their kids in the cellar, because he was an extrachild who exceeded the quota. does anything like that go on?

and what are some social effects that are coming out of this policy?

thanks to anyone who can provide insight on this discussion
It's true and still happening. One of the main reasons it's occurring is because the gov't knows the impact that overpopulation (as if ithasn't happened already) will have on the economy. Why do you think there are so many Chinese babies up for adoption?
Overpopulation is a huge problem for China, so that is what this law is in effect.
thanks for the responses. but what do they do if you break the law? do people really go through extreme measures to keep the government from finding out?
If I remember correctly, mothers/parents who break the rule are forced to pay "x" amount of money for each child they have after the first birth.
I remember reading that China has been getting lax with enforcement though, because there's been a growing gap in the boys::girls ratio.
Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.

are you serious!?!?!?!
Yes, the one child policy is still in effect, and it is enforced. If a family decides to have more than one child, the government will impose taxes, andbenefits such as schooling, health care, etc (not positive if those are the benefits, but I know benefits are revoked). The Chinese government implemented thispolicy to help lower it's population growth rate, and eventually decrease the population.

The biggest issue with the one child policy is the fact that in the Chinese culture, families favor having a male instead of a female because carrying on thefamily name is very important, so there has been numerous cases of baby girls being abandoned. Also, because everybody favors boys, the guy to girl ratio isbeing screwed up, so eventually, there won't be enough women to go around for the guys.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.

Evidence why China has a horrible track record on human rights.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.

There are probably so many *%!%@# up things that the Chinese gov't does and nobody knows about. They're lax in terms of being commies but they'restill commies nonetheless. The "reported figures" are hardly accurate considering the type of control the gov't has over everything. C'monguys (and ladies), think about it: if they feel the urgency to limit the type of access you have on the internet, do you think they'll stop at anything?

They'll do everything and anything necessary to maintain their pride.
Trust me when I say this, they'll fall back down right quick due to their ignorance.
Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.
1) He posed a question.

2) Already at least 2 NT'ers have taken what he's said as fact.

Can we get some backup to this statement before everybody starts passing judgments?
Niketalk at it's best
i'd have to read an actual article before i go off of "didn't some female reporter..." as a fact.

i did a study on population control in China back in college. The one child policy is failing because a lot of China is still rural and uneducated. These twofactors usually coincide with more kids per family. The thing is, the government doesn't go around saying "we're going to kill your secondchild" or junk like that. The others here are right - they take away benefits and charge a fee to families with more than one child. Many families -again the rural and uneducated - decided the best thing to do would be infanticide. I've read horror stories about rivers clogged with the bodies of deadfemale babies, how the mother's nurse would snuff the baby immediately after birth if it was a female, etc. However, I have not read anything about thesehorrific events in a few years at least.

The government doesn't enforce this law much anymore due to the resistance and well, stupid acts, people were willing to do to get around the law. Officially, it was recently announced that the government was considering removing the law altogether.

My extra 2 cents: The chinese gov't isn't perfect by far, but it takes a lot more flack than it should. They are trying to do the best they can tomanage a largely rural country where people seem to find the stupidest solutions to get around rules. Imagine you had a house with ten kids and barely enoughfood to feed all ten. However, the first few kids always ate twice as much as they should. Let's say these kids can't understand why theyshouldn't eat less. So you say "hey, i'm telling you, from now on, you are only allowed to eat your share, no more. If you do, i'll takeaway part of your food the next day as punishment." So what do the kids do? The kids who ate more kill the kids who didn't. Therefore, there ismore food left to go around fewer kids. But of course, it's all your fault for telling them to eat their share.
the direct problem is that China will be over populated with males, because of the cultural preference of having a male child....
The one child policy was actually first proposed/ forced (depends which way one looks at it) to China by representatives from the World Bank as a preconditionfor loans.

There's a difference between imposing penalties for having "too many" children or providing incentives for having only 1 child.
Up until around a decade ago the Chinese government imposed severe penalties for having more than 1 child. Recently they've become more lenient. It'sbecome more of an incentive program to those who have only 1 child.

the direct problem is that China will be over populated with males, because of the cultural preference of having a male child....
correct. What do nations do when they have an abundance of males?

Originally Posted by gko2408

Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.
1) He posed a question.

2) Already at least 2 NT'ers have taken what he's said as fact.

Can we get some backup to this statement before everybody starts passing judgments?
Niketalk at it's best

He posed a question without a question mark. Is that really a question?
Simple grammar...NT at it's finest.
Originally Posted by mugzbo

Originally Posted by gko2408

Didn't some female reporter go undercover and find out that China has death rooms where they leave babies to eventually starve to death.
1) He posed a question.

2) Already at least 2 NT'ers have taken what he's said as fact.

Can we get some backup to this statement before everybody starts passing judgments?
Niketalk at it's best

He posed a question without a question mark. Is that really a question?
Simple grammar...NT at it's finest.

Is that a shot at me?

If so...

If you read that to yourself and thought of it as a statement, your common sense is zilch....And stop going away from the point of my post.

and if that wasn't a shot at me...

His grammar mistake isn't that bad considering the mess ups I've seen on this board.
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