How the hell do some of these actors keep getting work ?!

Dec 1, 2002
Ever sit down to watch something you'll think you'll like and then some bum-*** actor/actress shows up on the screen and ruins it for you.

I just rented Miracle At St. Anna and this damn dude shows up....

Such a bad actor. How can you not act the role of a slow, fat dummy, when you're one in real life?

. On the real though, I thought he was alright in 8 mile
. and how the hell does Channing Tatum alway get work? that dude is terrible.He can't even act his way out of a lie let alone take on a leading role in a movie. He is so bland, no emotion whatsoever. Whoever keeps hiring this dudeneeds to be fired, and then shot.
Dude was okay in st. Anna, he seemed pretty dumb to me.

A lot of actor get work because they are considered eye candy. Which yall prolly already know.
Originally Posted by DR813

. On the real though, I thought he was alright in 8 mile
. and how the hell does Channing Tatum alway get work? that dude is terrible. He can't even act his way out of a lie let alone take on a leading role in a movie. He is so bland, no emotion whatsoever. Whoever keeps hiring this dude needs to be fired, and then shot.
i was watching GI Joe thinking the same thing. he was so bland and monotone. his voice didnt have any inflection the whole movie. reminded me ofryan phillipe.
I wouldn't say that fat dood up there is one of the actors that shouldn't be findin' work, he makes me laugh. But I definitely feel you on thesubject OP.
His role in Miracle @ St. Anna was weird. Completely unbelievable soldier. Like was he really acting as if he was shell shocked?

Other "actors" fit this topic better tho like black dude in the first Ironman who played the War Machine dude. His acting is atrocious he manages toruin most scenes he's in. I forget that bum's name at the moment.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Denzel Washington.

I'll go with Seth Rogan he's really not that funny, every single movie he's been in his co-stars stole the show.

Keanu - plays the same character in every movie
Steven Segal - just give it up already
John Cena - I pray to God there's never another WWE produced movie that comes to theaters nationwide
Originally Posted by Master Zik

His role in Miracle @ St. Anna was weird. Completely unbelievable soldier. Like was he really acting as if he was shell shocked?

Other "actors" fit this topic better tho like black dude in the first Ironman who played the War Machine dude. His acting is atrocious he manages to ruin most scenes he's in. I forget that bum's name at the moment.

Terrance Howard
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