How to Better Manage Stress?

One way is to stop procrastinating. That's major for relieving stress. Just knock stuff out and get it off your plate.

If I'm feeling out of it, I'll make sure to not have a drink for a few days, get my workouts in and eat better and after a few days I'm right back.

Or don’t drink at all. People drink thinking it’s all fun and games, and don’t realize the alcohol is causing and/or elevating their pains in life.
What does cutting back on meat have to do with managing stress?

I come in peace

It's mainly red meat and processed meats. There's a correlation between high red and processed meat consumption and chronic disease as well as oxidative stress.

When you eat better you feel better. Body feeling good tends to make the mind feel the same. I try to provide mainly fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, poultry, and fish to my body but I do go to a local halal butcher for red meat and occasionally I will treat myself to it at other places. It's anecdotal but I have noticed benefits from ranging from better sleep to harder erections. Everything just feels better with cleaner food.
One way is to stop procrastinating. That's major for relieving stress. Just knock stuff out and get it off your plate.

If I'm feeling out of it, I'll make sure to not have a drink for a few days, get my workouts in and eat better and after a few days I'm right back.

You also gotta learn when to say **** it too. Try not to let situations you can’t control get the better of you.

Or even in priorities, you gotta do laundry or go to the gym. **** it I’m going to the gym. :lol: and hitting target on the way home to get some fresh Merona instead of laundry.
Excercise and honestly don’t think about it; it is there so think of time will take over it’s place
Try learning a musical instrument. I play guitar and have for 10 years. Focus on using it as an outlet and challenging yourself in a good way. There are days I come home, crack a beer, lock myself in my music room and don’t come out for 2 hours. But when I come out, I’m infinitely better.

Other than that, try to identify when to stress. Stressing can help you focus and tackle things if done at the right time.. the problem is stressing about things that you can’t do anything about at that moment. It’ll eat you alive. Learn to stress when you only absolutely need to and when the stress can lead to progress.

I also do a lot of self-thought. I commute 40 minutes to and from work, so I take that time to sing loudly, jam out, and zone out into deep thought about life and issues.
Get you some time in nature b, spark some tree if you can and reflect. Talk to that person whose advice and input you value. Get you some Yambs too, that definitely helps with the stress :pimp:
Sometimes I just gotta remind myself that we are all gonna die, and everything will fade away into dust.

Helps keep things in perspective and make big issues not so big.
I think I need to start meditating or something. I find myself pissed off more days than not, and that's no good. Really what I need to do is quit my job and kick my BM out, but I know it's not that simple.
I think I need to start meditating or something. I find myself pissed off more days than not, and that's no good. Really what I need to do is quit my job and kick my BM out, but I know it's not that simple.
Try a musical instrument. Reading. Fishing. Just hanging around outside in different environments.

Mainly a hobby that you can use to de stress.
That’s why I don’t like winter, I’m not made to be stuck in the crib. I gotta be outside and I instantly feel better.
I honestly don't have time for none of that. When I am not working I am watching my son like my BM doesn't just go to school 2 days a week. Ultimately, I do think it all does come down to time management, and what you do with what ever little "free" time you have, but if that "free" time is spent watching someone else all the time then it's not really free. I guess I need to start thinking out what I can do involving my son, and those options are about to get better here soon with the weather getting better, even if it means just going outside and playing with him. I dunno man, all I know is that I hate my job and that my BM is mad annoying.
Man.. sometimes my only free time to game and practice guitar is from 9PM-12AM. And I utilize it. Lol

You just gotta find “me” time bro. For your mental.
Im not looking for another job, Im actually looking to start my own business soon, but there is the fearvof leaving my current job which pays pretty well for the area I live in, but honestly not enough for what I bring to the table. The pay honestly isnt even the issue... if I were happy, but being miserable on top of a 20k pay cut is not whats up.
It’s probably your bm then. I mean if she’s gonna stay at your crib and not work she needs to help you out. You can’t just sleep, work and baby.

That’s enough to make anyone snap.
She does help out, shes a great mom... but she just goes to school 2 days a week and acts like she does more than me working a full time job. What pisses me off more than anything is the entitlement she has regarding all the things Ive worked my *** off for the past 18 years of my life. I guess that comes with having a younger BM... but I really think we need some time apart in order to appreciate each other more. I dunno, dont even care anymore at the moment honestly. Im rolling a blunt.
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