How to get out of debt? vol. MC Hammer

Dec 12, 2000
So, I'm in a ton of credit card debt.  I've been unemployed for nearly a year, and I have been dead broke.   Today, I got an affidavit to appear in court for one of my credit cards.   Has anybody tried a consolidation plan?   Any idea if those work? Will this debt effect a security clearance?
Ugh, this blows.
I feel for you OP. I wouldn't know how to go about consolidating this but there has to be a wealth of info online. Research my man.

If you have a security clearance, ask a superior what level you need to keep your credit score above to keep it.

If you're having trouble with debt, I suggest taking a Financial Peace University class near you. I've helped coordinate 2 classes so far and the average family pays off over $5K in the first 3 months.

Most consolidation companies don't do anything besides take your payment and withhold it from the collector until they can negotiate a better deal. It's nothing you can't do yourself and you're not paying anyone to do it.
20k+ ugh.

CRC - Thanks, I've heard consolidations are awful. I don't know anybody who has personally used one, but I'd like to avoid that option. I'll take a look at one of those classes.
how the hell do you get by?? you live with parents? nobody helps you?
Was laid off for 1.5 years, got a job for 1.5 years, and got laid off again for another year. It's been really tough getting by on basically nothing, thus acquiring all of my CC debt.

I live on my own, and my credit's basically shot. Being unemployed is the absolute worst.
Damn man.. I couldnt imagine... Do you still buy luxuries like sneakers and such? Internet/cell phone bill?

Either way, good luck. I feel like I'm up to my neck in bills, and I only have about $7,000 that I'm paying off. Best of luck man.
Originally Posted by space jam XI

Was laid off for 1.5 years, got a job for 1.5 years, and got laid off again for another year. It's been really tough getting by on basically nothing, thus acquiring all of my CC debt.

I live on my own, and my credit's basically shot. Being unemployed is the absolute worst.
have you tried contacting temp agencies? If you have specialized skills, you should be able to find something relatively quickly (1-2 months). I've had my current position for a while now and I'm still getting an offer every month from resumes I gave several years ago.
Same situation and at this point IDK if I can even go to school and I'm already taking classes...

this site is great, it shows you how you can become debt free and you can change the values to shorten or extend your monthly payments. You can either pay of the smaller interest loans first or pay off the higher interest ones first. Basically, don't spend anymore money. Want that new shiny electronic? skip it... need new clothes? try a thrift store. Look for government assistance also.
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