Hugo Chavez: Your thoughts & opinions on the man.

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Nov 10, 2007
Just want to get a general consensus form NT on what you feel about what dude stands for, his tactics, his political, social, world views ect.
I don't want to interject my opinion b/c I want to get an overall feel from you all (at least the politically aware NT'ers).
i like what he stands for and the ideals he advocated BUT i dont like the way he goes about doing it.
He's ****oo bananas. I thinks he gotten a lot of play in this country just because he bashed Bush.
he is 100% beast

he did so many great things for mexico and the states

are we writing u a paper for school?
I'm not much into politics, but I feel that Chavez is an OG to the fullest. Venezuela was in shambles under the right-wing regime until Chavez waselected, democratically might I add. I also share his sentiments on Bush and his imperialist ways. But in the end, Chavez is almost totally dependent onVenezuela's oil industry. I feel like he is just out to line his pockets, which is pretty gangsta.
Hes hurting america badly because of the oil crisis. hes pretty damn cool with fidel castro and the dictator of north korea as well as some other middleeastern country's.
He charges us approx 97$ a barrel for oil and he charges other countries around 30$.
He said if we keep messing with iraq and those other mid-eastern countries that he would raise the prices even higher.
im pretty sures hes a good dude for venazuela but hes hurting americans deeply.
Dont quote me on this but I believe we (Americans) get 30-45% of our oil from Venezuela.
he's a totally @++$@!@. Kicked foreign oil companies out and now Venezuela oil production and decreased significantly. Not a good look for an economyheavily dependent on oil
Imperialist? not really.... one goverement world = a need.... ----> TEAM AMERICA, world police .... F*ck YEA!

He cares about his fellow countryman, but is a snake like most of them = looking for pockets to be fattened....

no one knows what he is trying to achieve? what to be like america? greatest country on earth, but none the less flawed?

He is a lil bit of a nuto but who isnt

he's just another person in my eyes, Like amahenajad (sp)

these guys are tools.... GW is Boss Man
Based on whatI have seen and heard from him, he is very power hungry and wants as much power as possible for as long as possible.

In the process of getting the people (or at least some of the peopl) on his side he has done some good things. The old regime in Venezuela did nothing for thepoor, they provided no services for them in terms of education and healthcare. Chavez has done those things and what ever his motives are for doing so, heshould be applauded for providing for the country's poor people.

His disregard for individual rights, liberties as well as property rights is what will insure that he will never be the savior of Venezuela that he fancieshimself as. The people who will pay the price for that will be the masses in Venezuela. His decision to nationalize industry, institute price controls andforce out the current middle class and foreign capital is what will make his people worse off in the long run. No society has ever gotten rich by nationalizingits economy, throwing the functions of the market out of whack and driving out those who are skilled and discouraging foreign investment. Chavez actuallyacknowledges one party socialism's past failures y qualifying his as "21st century socialism" but his policies are repeat of the same old 20thcentury socialism that has failed through out the World.

Ultimately, I blame the righ twing governments of Latin America for claiming to be "neo-liberals." Ruling your country with an iron fist and thenhanding off your natural wealth to foreign firms has little to do with true classical liberalism or free market economic policy. No Latin American country hasreally tried true free market policies where property rights are strong, new firms can enter, government is neutral in disputes between firms and labor, ruleof law prevails, currency is sound ect. Those myriad factors that make capitalism work as an engine for alieviating poverty are not there in most of LatinAmerica and they were not there in Venezuela so Chavez has taken advantage of people's discontent with "capitalism" as it is known to ordinaryLatin Americans.

Right now he is grabbing head lines with his strindent rhetoric and rapid accumulation of oil dollars. A few decades from now though, he will probably be seenas just another failed, petty tyrant.
Ultimately, I blame the righ twing governments of Latin America for claiming to be "neo-liberals." Ruling your country with an iron fist and then handing off your natural wealth to foreign firms has little to do with true classical liberalism or free market economic policy. No Latin American country has really tried true free market policies where property rights are strong, new firms can enter, government is neutral in disputes between firms and labor, rule of law prevails, currency is sound ect. Those myriad factors that make capitalism work as an engine for alieviating poverty are not there in most of Latin America and they were not there in Venezuela so Chavez has taken advantage of people's discontent with "capitalism" as it is known to ordinary Latin Americans.
I said I wasn't going to interject my opinion, but............... Yea.
How can you blame the people who are disenfranchised in Ven (and there are a lot) for backing Chavez. To extract the national wealth & export it with noreturn decade after decade will leave some with a bad taste in their mouthes.
Hes an idiot. Pure Communist garbage that runs his mouth all the time. Just like all the other communists that lie to the people. They always talk abouthelping the poor , the people of their countries... bull @+!*. They use those things to trick people into voting for him and all that.
Look what happened now he's trying to change the Constitution. He also broke all ties with Columbia because of the Columbian president. He shows no respectfor other presidents. Hes bringing his country down. I hope someone kills him In Venezuela. We dont need trash like him in this world... real talk!
Originally Posted by BAYBALLA707

Hes an idiot. Pure Communist garbage that runs his mouth all the time. Just like all the other communists that lie to the people. They always talk about helping the poor , the people of their countries... bull @+!*. They use those things to trick people into voting for him and all that.
Look what happened now he's trying to change the Constitution. He also broke all ties with Columbia because of the Columbian president. He shows no respect for other presidents. Hes bringing his country down. I hope someone kills him In Venezuela. We dont need trash like him in this world... real talk!


Why do people always bring Communism with Chavez?
This guy is a bit nuts however i respect some of his political ideologies. Communism is actually a good thing (IMHO) however many leaders take advantage of the"ideologies" it holds (Ex. Castro)..Dont misjudge on something you have never lived under man cause you do not know how it is until you lived thatlife (under Communist regime)
He spends too much time bashing America instead of fixing his own country. Says the right things but doesn't do much.
Last time i traveled to Aruba (which is JUST north of venezuela) i heard the booze cruises stopped going near venezuela, cause crazy Hugo had claimed Aruba ashis, and there were kidnappings etc happening.
Why do people always bring Communism with Chavez?
because that's what he is -- a communist. you can try to pass yourself off as a concerned socialist or whatever, but he is straight commie.while it's not the former soviet union brand of communist, venezuela is hardly in the same political space as canada or norway either. look at thepolicies, acts of defiance and overall despotism he displays. venezuela is turning into a latin american zimbabwe because of this pig.

he's a vile, uneducated, piece of crap. he's a flagrant embarrassment to the political process and has no time to hear the voices of those who he doesnot agree with.

his shenanigans are eroding not only his own country's place in the world (a country with lots of economic & social advantages than many of its latinamerican & caribbean neighbors), but influencing the rest of the corrupt govts in south america (bolivia, ecuador to name two) to take on a failed policyof quasi-socialist values full on slogans, but empty of delivery and actual results. this is cyclical ,the kind of thing that has occurred between those withmeans and those without since the foundations of many of these nations. the solution isn't land reform, nor is it social policy instituted to turn backthe hands of time and try to correct the many wrongs that have amassed over that time. it's not going to happen in the hands of people like evo morales orchavez. their brand of populism is built on emotion rather than actual action. nothing but rhetoric, while those who are even more ignorant and uneducated goalong for the ride. he's a prime example of what happens when the blind lead the even more blind.

one shot through the head is all it takes.
Originally Posted by jakecuevas

he is 100% beast

he did so many great things for mexico and the states

are we writing u a paper for school?
You know what is sooooo funny about this comment? He's done soooo many great things for "Mexico" and the "States", correct meif Im wrong, but isnt he the leader of Venezuela?

What "great " things has he done?

There ALOT of Venezuelans in Miami and not once have I heard anything even close to being pleasent about Chavez.
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