Hurricane Chris, seems like this guy refuses to go away!!

Oct 3, 2007
Just when I think he's finally done I see him again and again. I guess he's focused on not becoming a one-hit wonder.

Should I expect any more singles? I need a heads-up (nh)
he will go away soon enough, I think his album is at 96,000...those are horrible numbers. But son can't rap, he's displayed it many times. Playas Rockhas a hot beat and a good sound until he opens his mouth
Are you guys serious that he can actually rap? I haven't heard enough to know for sure.
Hurricane waaaaaaaay better than soulja boy that's who i wish would sit his butt down somewhere
I thought Ay Bay Bay was one of the worst songs I ever heard of my life ..but I have to admit, he shines on playas rock..
yeah honestly his album wasnt that bad....hes just smart enough to make a super catchy single so people will listen to his music...and if u got a system....hisalbum bangs...whenever i wana show mine off...ill throw some hurricane chris on
Originally Posted by call me walks

yeah honestly his album wasnt that bad....hes just smart enough to make a super catchy single so people will listen to his music...and if u got a system....his album bangs...whenever i wana show mine off...ill throw some hurricane chris on

SMH @ you playing hurricane chris to show off anything

that playas rock song is decent. ill actually listen to the whole song when it comes on instead of turning it off after the beat drops like ay bay bay
yeah he can raps..

when he matures as an artist and gets some better concepts and more intangibles,he could be a "star"

a "star" in todays game is like an gold

his hooks and beat selections are pretty good tho..i like Hand Clap,Playa's Rock and New Fashion off his album..

and why would u wish someone go away anyway?let him have his 15 minutes..
dude got a gangsta grillz and he goes off on the intro (White Girl beat) "...and no im not a woman"lol he got that flow and quoting what DJ DonCannon said on the tape: "This young nig can rap i wouldnt be here if he couldnt"
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